The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/13/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 4/9/2022 11:04:59 AM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 4/13/2022 5:39:47 AM
I won't say what that breakfast looks like
vxbush 4/13/2022 6:30:53 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: I won't say what that breakfast looks like

Bite your tongue. Biscuits and gravy are great!

I got to work 30 minutes late today because I had to stop by and let the vampires get some blood to run some medical tests. In the past, I would be in and out in 5-10 minutes. Today, I got there so I had 30 minutes to get to my job and there were quite literally 15 people waiting for bloodwork. 

Occasional Reader 4/13/2022 6:59:19 AM

Good morning. 

Seattle transit officials are shocked, shocked to discover that if they have fare payment on light rail based on the honor system, in a low-trust society, it doesn't work very well. 

JCM 4/13/2022 7:21:52 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

SOS! Military staple.... shit on a shingle.

lucius septimius 4/13/2022 7:49:04 AM

Andy Ngo had a thread on the delightful peace-loving trying to turn his life around etc. terrorist douchewaffle in NYC.

But "white supremacism" is the real threat.

Occasional Reader 4/13/2022 7:58:52 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 5:

The gun made him do it.

/apparently this is NPR’s take, to no one’s surprise

Kosh's Shadow 4/13/2022 9:11:48 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: The gun made him do it.

And it took the gun 11 years to make him do it.

Occasional Reader 4/13/2022 9:32:04 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:



Kosh's Shadow 4/13/2022 11:11:14 AM

They caught the terrorist

And the Federal Bureau of Incompetence had him on their watch list and knew from a video he was planning something

And he is a Farrakhan follower, too

JCM 4/13/2022 11:36:46 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

The FBI is stretched thin, you investigation Trump / Russia and nooses hanging all about.

Occasional Reader 4/13/2022 11:46:53 AM

Frank James is in the hoosegow.

His brother Jesse is still at large.

JCM 4/13/2022 11:48:55 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: Seattle transit officials are shocked, shocked to discover that if they have fare payment on light rail based on the honor system, in a low-trust society, it doesn't work very well. 

Seattle Light Rail - 55 miles of slow light rail $168 Billion.

Toyko to Osaka maglev - 286 miles of high speed rail was $72 Billion.

Occasional Reader 4/13/2022 11:56:50 AM

In Frank James’ racist rant video that Andy Ngo found, it sounds like he makes a fleeting reference to “all that shit I see it in Vietnam”.

So I guess the real culprit in PTSD.

And he’s allegedly 62, so it’s even worse, he served in ‘Nam as a child soldier!

vxbush 4/13/2022 1:02:20 PM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: So I guess the real culprit in PTSD.

Oh, I'm sure some excuse will be given, if he is even still in the news tomorrow. I think he's going to be quietly thrown over the bus. 

Occasional Reader 4/13/2022 2:43:43 PM

In #14 vxbush said: I think he's going to be quietly thrown over the bus. 

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

JCM 4/13/2022 4:13:02 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

I have 'Nam PTSD from watching Wanker Crankcase "report" on the war.

Kosh's Shadow 4/13/2022 4:16:43 PM

Reply to JCM in 16:

Walter Sickness

(Krankheit is "disease" auf Deutsch)

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