The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/15/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 4/9/2022 11:07:10 AM

Posted by: JCM

doppelganglander 4/15/2022 7:16:29 AM
Wishing you all a blessed Good Friday and a happy Passover, as appropriate. And to buzz, a belated happy birthday! 
vxbush 4/15/2022 7:22:22 AM

In #1 doppelganglander said: Wishing you all a blessed Good Friday and a happy Passover, as appropriate. And to buzz, a belated happy birthday! 

And to you--and everyone else as well! I wanted to take today off, but couldn't swing it with the workload. Doesn't mean I can't pray and worship in-between. 

lucius septimius 4/15/2022 7:32:18 AM
Twitter employees are suffering nervous breakdowns over Elon's buyout bid.
JCM 4/15/2022 7:38:26 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

It's likely far worse than that.......

vxbush 4/15/2022 7:43:00 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: Twitter employees are suffering nervous breakdowns over Elon's buyout bid.

Which simply shows that the people working at Twitter shouldn't be. Although Twitter made a point of hiring folks who supported this restrictive focus, so I honestly hope Musk does buy it. I don't want it to turn into 4chan or 8chan, but certainly he can see about turning it into a better commons. 

JCM 4/15/2022 9:26:11 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

Twitter, Facebook, Google et. al. are political active. They should be considered at a minimum a PAC and required to report and disclose all their actions in support of political sides.

JCM 4/15/2022 9:28:11 AM

Occasional Reader 4/15/2022 9:29:36 AM

Reply to JCM in 6:

I disagree. They are private enterprises, and are not seeking tax exempt status, so they are free to advocate whatever political positions they want, without registration requirements. Now, should they be immune from libel lawsuits? That’s another question.

Occasional Reader 4/15/2022 9:41:55 AM


vxbush 4/15/2022 10:11:52 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

Meh. He definitely is wondering around, but I could interpret him sticking his hand out as simply him assuming that someone offscreen was about to walk on to the podium and he was preparing to greet the person. I didn't see him move the hand up and down, as if he was actually shaking hands. 

vxbush 4/15/2022 10:14:30 AM
(I need to teach OR how to post a hyperlink from his phone. I'm assuming that is what you're doing, and it's breaking my browser.....)
JCM 4/15/2022 10:53:19 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

I tend to agree with you most cases. But when they are one claim to be a platform, use the laws to protect themselves, but then act as publishers and advocates I think their legal status and protections are up for discussion.

lucius septimius 4/15/2022 11:14:10 AM

I just got a new ship model.

buzzsawmonkey 4/15/2022 1:36:12 PM

Hello, all.  Last-minute Passover prep after yesterday's birthday slacking-off has been keeping me off the magic box.  

I can, however, tell you that the illustrators I've known for decades are freaking out over the Elon Musk/Twitter thing, with a big fat dollop of "Omigod!  Trump! Putin! Right-wing takeover of media/the Internet!" thrown in.

buzzsawmonkey 4/15/2022 1:43:48 PM
Lucius---did you forward me an article?
Occasional Reader 4/15/2022 1:53:40 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:

Please ask them why they've been perfectly okey-dokey for all this time with the Saudi royals being major stakeholders in Twitter; and what they believe said Saudi royals' position on free speech to be.

Then get back to us with the responses... please! 

buzzsawmonkey 4/15/2022 2:50:01 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

Not worth it; there's no talking to them as if they were rational---and the only reason I'm on FB at all is to try and "maintain my brand" with my core client constitutency.  No reason to shoot that to hell when you know in advance that it's not worth the effort.  

buzzsawmonkey 4/15/2022 3:28:30 PM
By the way...belated, but sincere good wishes to everyone observing Good Friday and celebrating Easter.  
lucius septimius 4/15/2022 4:14:33 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

I did.  From the Wall Street Journal

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