The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/11/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 5/7/2022 4:58:29 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 5/11/2022 6:05:18 AM

Good morning.

Russia pushed back in Uke northeast; report from embedded Beeb journos

JCM 5/11/2022 7:13:30 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

How far is Putin willing to go if he thinks he is losing?

What are Putin's people telling him in the bunker?

Occasional Reader 5/11/2022 8:16:48 AM

Reply to JCM in 2:

Apparently (from what I'm reading), Uke advances in this area have the potential for disrupting Russian supply lines for their operations in the east and south; particularly if the Ukes got into a position to be able to strike rail lines... that are inside Russia proper.  This would be perfectly "legal". but... well, that could get interesting.

JCM 5/11/2022 8:19:46 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Russia is rail bound for logistics. That was a brilliant move by Ukraine on day one blowing the rail links coming into Ukraine from Russian.

vxbush 5/11/2022 8:20:19 AM
JCM, I'm gaining weight just looking at that picture. I'll go get a mop to clean up my drool.....
buzzsawmonkey 5/11/2022 9:52:53 AM

Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri has just introduced a bill in the Senate to roll back the copyright term to its pre-1978 length of 28 years renewable for another 28 (56 years total), rather than the current life plus 70 for works owned by individual creators and 95 years for works made for hire held by corporations.

This would be a complete disaster.  Usually, Republicans are better on copyright issues than Democrats---the Republicans, for the most part, understand and support property rights, while the Democrats never saw a piece of property they did not want to take from its owner and give to someone else---but the anger among conservatives at Disney has apparently clouded Hawley's judgment.

lucius septimius 5/11/2022 10:19:42 AM
Had a nice discussion with the realtor about selling my home. That will be the easy part; the hard part will be finding a place to live afterwards. 
doppelganglander 5/11/2022 10:27:02 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

My neighbors just put their house on the market. It's much nicer than mine - similar square footage but a better layout and remodeled kitchen and bath. I'm astonished at the asking price but they'll probably get it, or close to it.

Kosh's Shadow 5/11/2022 10:30:55 AM

Mattel Unveils New Pregnant Ken Doll

At publishing time, Mattel had announced a hurried rollout of the new Abortionist Ken, to satisfy pro-choice groups who complained on Twitter about birthing people being put on a pedestal.

JCM 5/11/2022 10:53:13 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:

Values in my neighborhood are insane.

1800 sq foot town homes, 3 levels bottom being garage, no yard. $750-$850k. Places similar to ours over a million.

vxbush 5/11/2022 10:54:10 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: Apparently (from what I'm reading), Uke advances in this area have the potential for disrupting Russian supply lines for their operations in the east and south; particularly if the Ukes got into a position to be able to strike rail lines... that are inside Russia proper.  This would be perfectly "legal". but... well, that could get interesting.

People noted repeatedly that Russia's convoy waiting outside Ukraine meant they were serious, but then no one ever lobbed any bombs at the convoy despite it sitting there for weeks. Has this changed? 

Kosh's Shadow 5/11/2022 11:04:02 AM

Reply to JCM in 10:

There's a reason we live so far out of Boston - house prices. If I did commute to Boston, a commuter rail and subway pass would run around $400/month, but I save easily twice that in mortgage payments and even more on property taxes. 

JCM 5/11/2022 12:17:42 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

That is one of the big underlying the reason to housing cost in the Seattle are. Strict restrictions on new building in the outlying areas, you can't build enough housing. That limits the supply.

Occasional Reader 5/11/2022 12:23:54 PM

In #11 vxbush said: People noted repeatedly that Russia's convoy waiting outside Ukraine meant they were serious, but then no one ever lobbed any bombs at the convoy despite it sitting there for weeks. Has this changed? 

Well.... yes... the convoy invaded Ukraine.  

Occasional Reader 5/11/2022 1:11:35 PM





JCM 5/11/2022 1:12:08 PM

Reply to JCM in 13:

I really expect a Mukden or Gleiwitz incident prior to invasion.

vxbush 5/11/2022 1:35:08 PM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: Well.... yes... the convoy invaded Ukraine.  

I didn't state my point well. If Ukraine was doing so well, they had plenty of time to attack the convoy, but they didn't. That would have demonstrated to me that they actually were doing a decent job of repelling Russia's attack. 

Occasional Reader 5/11/2022 1:43:41 PM

In #17 vxbush said: If Ukraine was doing so well, they had plenty of time to attack the convoy, but they didn't.

I guess I'm not sure what convoy you're referring to.  You previously spoke of it as "waiting outside Ukraine", I though you meant, the amassing of forces near the border prior to February 24.  In that case, I'd say Ukraine didn't strike at those forces or their supply chain, because they were still hoping Russia wouldn't actually invade, and didn't want to give Putin the pretext by striking "first".  If instead you mean the famous Russian convoy within Ukraine that got bogged down on its way to Kyiv; I believe they did strike at that to some degree, but also saw speculation that the Ukes didn't expend much effort on that, because there wasn't any point; the convoy wasn't going anywhere. 

vxbush 5/11/2022 2:13:33 PM

In #18 Occasional Reader said: If instead you mean the famous Russian convoy within Ukraine that got bogged down on its way to Kyiv; I believe they did strike at that to some degree, but also saw speculation that the Ukes didn't expend much effort on that, because there wasn't any point; the convoy wasn't going anywhere. 

I'm pretty sure the convoy I'm thinking of is this one within Ukraine. The convoy may not have been going anywhere at the time, but why not bomb it first and prevent it from getting anywhere at all? It seems really strange to me to let your opponent position equipment and materials in your country that they are going to use against you. 

JCM 5/11/2022 2:21:17 PM

Reply to vxbush in 19:

Ukraine left some obvious targets alone early on. They very smartly focused on logistics hubs, then on fuel transports. They couldn't go force on force with the initial Russian forces coming in. So they let them come. Then cut them off, then started cutting them apart.

Kosh's Shadow 5/11/2022 4:05:04 PM

Who approved a visa for IRCG-affiliated individuals to enter the US, when the IRCG is on the list or terrorist entities?

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