The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/02/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 5/28/2022 5:04:31 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 6/2/2022 6:09:02 AM

Morning, campers. The ants are trying to take over Illinois; I've seen more ants in the last two days that I have in the last two or three years, combined. 

I pointed out the FBI/Perkins-Coie relationship yesterday, but I think Sundance has again helped to put everything together so you can see why the Steele Dossier creative writing project and FBI surveillance of Trump took place. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/2/2022 6:23:17 AM

Over the Rainbow
—apologies to the song by Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg

I’m so over the “Rainbow”
Rainbow flag
And the story times that they now show
With men all dressed up in drag

They tell me that the “Rainbow”
Is just meant to include
But when they wave the flag, and you say “no”
You’ve never seen folks more rude

I hope some day the militants
Put on their big-boy or –girl pants
And find out
That their defining their lives all
By how they use their genitals
Defines “pout”

I’m so over the “Rainbow”
So should they be
If you’re content with your “Rainbow”
Why, then, oh why, bug me?

“Pride” in your “Rainbow’s fine with me
But if you have “pride”
Why, then, oh why, bug me?

Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 6:33:06 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:


Sentiment shared.

This year, for the first time, my own employer has put up giant rainbow flags adorning our office building.  Why am I being forced to pay homage to this?  Someone's gay... okay, fabulous (pun intended).  Why is this being insistently presented as any of my business?   And then we also have the Biden regime USMC tweeting out rainbow nonsense for June 1, along with "Space Force".  Because our armed services are all about promoting queerness, that's their obvious mission, right?  The whole thing is absurd.  

vxbush 6/2/2022 6:45:11 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: This year, for the first time, my own employer has put up giant rainbow flags adorning our office building.  Why am I being forced to pay homage to this?  Someone's gay... okay, fabulous (pun intended).  Why is this being insistently presented as any of my business?   And then we also have the Biden regime USMC tweeting out rainbow nonsense for June 1, along with "Space Force".  Because our armed services are all about promoting queerness, that's their obvious mission, right?  The whole thing is absurd.  

Ditto on the nice work by buzz (love the big-boy and big-girl pants line). 

It may be that these people don't just want this kind of affirmation, they NEED this kind of affirmation. For some it is an intentional desire to tear down Western culture, but I really have to wonder about the levels of mental illness behind it. But we can't make any suggestions that there might be a mental health issue behind it; it simply must be because they were born this way.


buzzsawmonkey 6/2/2022 7:01:40 AM

Just read an article about a woman born with an imperfectly-formed ear having a new ear grafted on, which had been 3D-printed from cells taken from her own body. 

Thus far, this technique is not producing functioning organs like kidneys and pancreases, but the techies are working on it. As soon as they do, look for a rush of "trans-men" looking to have 3D-printed penises.

JCM 6/2/2022 7:07:55 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Reply to vxbush in 4:

They REQUIRE the affirmation from others. Bow down to me I am THE GAY!

I've long thought, many of the gay and trans etc... are deeply unhappy people, they lack a purpose, they lack simple I idea that, "Because I am, I am valuable, I have worth." Instead of dealing with those issues themselves, or with appropriate help, they seek self actualization in externalities.

doppelganglander 6/2/2022 7:40:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

I haven't seen any banners at my workplace. The "Chief People Officer" put out an email yesterday with the usual mumbo-jumbo and a rainbow version of the company logo if you want to put it on your social media, but so far that's been it. 

Just my perception, but I seem to be seeing less Pride stuff on LinkedIn this year. This time last year, I was actively job hunting, and I tried to avoid applying to rainbow logos. You may recall my interview at Blackrock that seemed aimed at sussing out my feelings about gays more than my actual skills. It's still out there, but it doesn't seem quite as pervasive. 

Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 8:01:27 AM
Remember when Joe Biden promised that he'd take responsibility for mistakes, and not blame others?  Good times. 
Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 8:03:53 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7:

I'd say the Feds have hardly eased up on the rainbow nonsense (not surprisingly).  Hard to say regarding private sector in general.  

And re: the Feds; that infamous tweet from the US Embassy in Kabul from a year ago has not exactly aged well, has it. 

JCM 6/2/2022 8:26:48 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7:

It's at the corporate level, but our group doesn't have time for nonsense, its background noise.

vxbush 6/2/2022 8:51:48 AM

In #10 JCM said: It's at the corporate level, but our group doesn't have time for nonsense, its background noise.

Alas, that's not the case here. Much active promotion of anything within the spectrum, to the point where they get their own weekly email to tell everyone about their activities. 

Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 8:55:27 AM

In #10 JCM said: It's at the corporate level, but our group doesn't have time for nonsense, its background noise.

... for now. 

JCM 6/2/2022 10:22:30 AM

Reply to vxbush in 11: Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

The advantage, IMAO, for our division is it is really rocket surgery. What doesn't advance the project, by unspoken consensus gets ignored.

Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 11:08:38 AM

Reply to JCM in 13:

In other words you are a bunch of HOMOPHOBES AND TRANSPHOBES!!!11!!!!

JCM 6/2/2022 11:38:21 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 14:

We have lots of TRANSistors, GENDER CHANGE connectors, HOMOgeneous conformal coatings.

vxbush 6/2/2022 12:12:16 PM

In #15 JCM said: We have lots of TRANSistors, GENDER CHANGE connectors, HOMOgeneous conformal coatings.

Ooooo. I like it!

lucius septimius 6/2/2022 12:18:46 PM
Had a very nice lunch with my attorney today.  He's representing one of the J6 insurrectionists.  Mind you, this person wasn't within blocks of the capital and was only picked up for breaking curfew, but that makes him apparently yet another Claus von Stauffenberg, if you think the guys who planned Valkyrie were the bad guys.  I mean, they were "insurrectionists", right?
Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 12:37:34 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 17:

The whole treatment of these guys is just terrifying.  The constant vilification in the MSM, the detention in solitary without bail, the crazy overcharging; it's a dystopian movie, except, it's real.  

At places like Instapundit, I see more and more posters adopting the attitude of, "let's just get to the shooting-civil war already".  I do not share that sentiment, but I understand where it's coming from. 

doppelganglander 6/2/2022 1:20:59 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 17:

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

If it had been a real insurrection, half the Democrats in Washington would be in jail right now, including half the DOJ and most of the FBI. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/2/2022 1:39:53 PM

Let's look at the "rainbow flag," shall we?

The "Rainbow Flag" was adopted by the gay-rights movement as a "symbol of inclusion." But the "Rainbow Flag" is not a true rainbow; it contains six, rather than the requisite seven, bars that comprise a true rainbow.  The true-rainbow is usually described as "Roy G. Biv," which is a mnemonic for "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet."  This is the splitting of "white light"---i.e., "all colors"---into its actual seven components.  But the "Rainbow Flag" is a mere six bars---which means that it tacitly excludes "white," as it does not contain the full white-light components.

This may have been initially intended as an exercise in trademarking, as altering something is what might make it trademarkable---but at the same time, it tacitly excludes and denies the very essence of "inclusiveness" that the rainbow is intended to symbolize.

This tacit exclusiveness becomes even more interesting when one looks at the recent alterations/additions to the "Rainbow Flag"; the recent changes have involved adding both a black and a brown stripe, to "include" supposedly-excluded "persons of color"---inclusion of whom was the precise reason the "rainbow" was originally selected.  This indicates that the Rainbozos themselves do not believe in the "Rainbow Flag's" so-called "inclusivity"---and since the introduction of these additional stripes there have also been a series of color bands introduced (light-blue, pink, and white, which latter is supposedly what a "rainbow" consists of) which are supposed to "include" so-called "transgenders." 

The rainbow has been a pet icon of the Left for many years.  In Ralph Ellison's superb novel "Invisible Man," he mentions a poster put out by "the Brotherhood" (i.e., the Communist Party) which is captioned, "After the Struggle---the Rainbow of America's Future."  Ellison eventually shows the fraudulence of this "rainbow" vision.  More recently, the ever-unrepentant Stalinist Pete Seeger put out a song in the mid-late Sixties called "Rainbow Race," which deals both with ecology/"climate change" and the "rainbow race" of humanity.

It would be well if people looked at the provenance/backstory of the fraudulent "Rainbow Flag."

Kosh's Shadow 6/2/2022 1:39:54 PM

Reminds me a bit of the street sweeper in the Betty Boop cartoon yesterday

Kosh's Shadow 6/2/2022 1:43:38 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 20:

From the Babylon Bee's 10 Best Ways To Celebrate Pride Month

Reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of God's promise to never flood the earth again - Then be really annoying by complimenting all the gay people for embracing the Noahic covenant.

Kosh's Shadow 6/2/2022 1:47:13 PM

All this about "Pride month"  - did you know May was Jewish American Heritage Month? 

(June 1, 2022 / JNS) May is over. Did you know it was Jewish American Heritage Month?

If your answer is “no,” you’re far from alone. It was easy to miss. However, the State Department’s former anti-Semitism envoy is on a mission to change that, state by state.

Jewish American Heritage Month was declared by President George W. Bush in 2006. Prior to that, there was a Jewish American Heritage Week dating back to its creation by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

“We had three states declare their own Jewish American Heritage Month: Nebraska, Florida and Virginia. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/2/2022 2:05:09 PM

In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: We had three states declare their own Jewish American Heritage Month: Nebraska, Florida and Virginia. 

The question is, can you find a decent bagel in any of the three?

Kosh's Shadow 6/2/2022 2:05:36 PM

Surprise, surprise, surprise

The JUDGE in the Sussman case had connections to the Clintons and to Sussman (behind paywall that for some reason does not block me)

In my view, U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper should never have presided over the case.

Judge Cooper has been a judge on the District of Columbia court since March of 2014, when Barack Obama appointed him, after having previously served on the Obama/Biden transition team. Of course, being an Obama appointee alone is a red flag, but that’s actually not the most significant reason Cooper should have recused himself from the case.

For starters, Judge Cooper is married to Amy Jeffress, a lawyer who represented FBI lawyer Lisa Page—who is best known for her anti-Trump text messages with former FBI agent Peter Strzok— in a civil case.

Cooper and Jeffress are very well-connected in the Democratic Party, and when they got married in 1999, Merrick Garland, the current U.S. Attorney General, presided over their wedding.

Ah, but there’s more. In September, Cooper acknowledged that he knew Sussmann in the 1990s when they worked for the Justice Department. Cooper even said he’d consider recusal if either side asked.

“I worked in the ’90s at the deputy attorney general’s office two years following law school. Mr. Sussmann also worked at the building at the same time in the criminal division. We did not work together or socialize, but I think it’s fair to say we were professional acquaintances,” Cooper said. “I don’t believe that this creates a conflict, but my regular practice is to disclose these sorts of relationships with lawyers or with parties on the record. And I would advise you that I would be happy to entertain a motion if either side believes there is a conflict on that basis or any other.”

Kosh's Shadow 6/2/2022 2:07:38 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: The question is, can you find a decent bagel in any of the three?

I think Florida, which has had some decent Jewish restaurants. 

Kosh's Shadow 6/2/2022 2:09:00 PM

In #25 Kosh's Shadow said: The JUDGE in the Sussman case had connections to the Clintons and to Sussman (behind paywall that for some reason does not block me)

Not to the Clintons, necessarily, but to Obama and the anti-Trump crowd

buzzsawmonkey 6/2/2022 2:26:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:

Anyone who actually believed that the Bull Durham investigation was anything other than a show for the rubs need to get a minder to lead them across the street.

Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 2:48:23 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: The question is, can you find a decent bagel in any of the three?

If you can't find a decent bagel in Florida, I would think something is seriously amiss.  

Occasional Reader 6/2/2022 2:49:18 PM

In #28 buzzsawmonkey said: a show for the rubs

So you're saying it was pr0n?  


lucius septimius 6/2/2022 3:19:46 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

And the courts are still using Covid as an excuse for not moving things forward so people just sit in jail. Meanwhile, they have waived any kind of statute of limitations.

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