The Liberty Pub

Memorial Day Weekend Sunday Liberty Pub

Posted on 05/29/2022 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2022 2:00:19 PM

Why this bar?

American soldiers killed in WWI remembered forever in NYC ale house

"As people were being drafted, McSorley’s would treat the guys who were regular customers to a turkey dinner" before they departed for Europe, longtime barkeep Steven "Pepe" Zwaryczuk explained to Fox News Digital this week. 

"After the dinner, they would take the wishbone and hang it on this fixture," he said, pointing to a pair of light bulbs above the NYC bar.

These service members would, according to pub legend, remove a wishbone as a token of their safe return — and break it with the bartender.

Not every McSorley’s soldier who left for Europe returned. 

So not every wishbone was claimed in celebration. 

Nearly two dozen wishbones — Fox News Digital counted 22 — still hang on the light fixture above the bar, left by local men who allegedly feasted on turkey at the old ale house before they shipped overseas. 

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2022 6:09:01 PM
Occasional Reader 5/29/2022 6:21:55 PM
Basic design fail: hotel rooms where you have to hunt all over the fucking room to find the light switches that *actually control the lights*.
buzzsawmonkey 5/29/2022 6:38:19 PM
McSorley's used to be a men-only bar.  Back in the early days of the feminist movement, a bunch of militants invaded it to make some kind of equality point.  I remember reading the case back in law school, but remember nothing whatever about it; I offer the preceding merely as a moderately-interesting historical footnote.

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