The Daily Broadside

Sunday Brunch

Posted on 06/26/2022 6.36 AM

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 6:37:45 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 9:03:54 AM

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 9:04:23 AM
Well, I just tried to post an interesting photograph, but no luck.
buzzsawmonkey 6/26/2022 9:17:44 AM
I just heard of the tragic loss of one of our former compatriots.  May his soul be elevated, and his family find comfort.
Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 9:21:29 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

Rest easy, RB.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 10:07:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Trying to post it from an iPhone? Does the image show up before you click "Create"? If not, it might not be a supported format, as Apple has their own image format.

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 11:41:55 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

yes, and yes. This has worked in the past, but not now.

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 11:53:36 AM

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 11:53:54 AM
And that one worked…
Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 11:56:03 AM

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 11:59:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

OK, that is basically the same image I was trying to post before, previous attempt was a photo of an actual brochure, that it took with my iPhone; this one is downloaded from the Internet. So I guess that makes the difference. Anyway, this has been an annual event at the Kennedy center for several years. I always assumed the Chinese communist government was sponsoring it. But looking at the subtitle…I guess not! I find this pretty interesting.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 12:03:06 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

Were you on wifi or a cellular data connection? I think sometimes if the connection drops out while the post is being created, the data gets lost, and images (but not links to images) send a lot of data. 

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 12:16:25 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

Wifi, both for the images I was able to post, and the ones I was not able to post. The difference seems to be, the photo I took with my iPhone camera could not pose. Might be a bigger file.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 12:22:20 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

I see flyers for Shen Yun around here, too, for performances in Boston, and I did read to see they were traditional Chinese, before the communists destroyed their traditions - like our communists are trying to do to us.

Not sure why the flyers are in such a small town a distance from Boston. I blame the Chinese laundry next to the post office. (Yes, the one laundry in the town is run by Chinese, and they are clearly capitalists.)

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 12:29:49 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

There is a size limit somewhere, and even if there isn't, the chance of a connection glitch is higher with more data.

I don't set a limit, so I use the hosting company's default, which might be as low as 2 MB.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 1:26:46 PM

I note this program will be coming up tonight at 7 PM EDT

Tonight at 7pm, on WCRB In Concert with the Boston Pops, pianist Lara Downes and actor/singer Brian Stokes Mitchell join for an evening of music dedicated to the musical legacy of Duke Ellington, plus the world premiere of a concerto built on music by Billy Strayhorn, all conducted by Keith Lockhart.

This is a link to the station's main page, and it can be streamed by clicking the Play button near the top left.

Sometimes, these programs are available later on demand. No guarantees.

buzzsawmonkey 6/26/2022 1:43:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

I'm betting the program is scheduled for tonight because Strayhorn was both black and homosexual.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 2:15:29 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 16:

I would not be surprised.

WCRB has been playing a lot of music from Black composers; all of it of similar quality to many white guy composers. I wouldn't have known most of them were black except for the references to Africa and some other names of the works.

One piece that really stands out, though, is Florence Price's Concerto in One Movement. (jukebox)

Occasional Reader 6/26/2022 2:23:59 PM
I can’t believe pride month is almost over, and I haven’t even put up my decorations yet.
Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 2:41:43 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

So, do Pride fascists have as their emblem a bundle of fags?

buzzsawmonkey 6/26/2022 2:48:11 PM

Speaking of Gape Wide Month, etc., the GF and I were coming back to the apartment this afternoon and saw a young girl---I'd be surprised if she were sixteen---on the street, in broad daylight, dressed (very skimpily) in a black-leather (or leather-like) bondage outfit.  She was wearing black mesh stockings and garter-belt with a black-leather bikini (really, it was not much more than that) with silver accents on the "clothing," and silver accessories, including multiple rings, a nose doorknocker, and earrings in the shape of miniature handcuffs.  

I am not a stranger to a reasonable amount of depravity, but seeing someone so young alone on a public street in broad daylight thus garbed was a bit of a shock.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 3:21:39 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 20:

When we were in Boston, I remember seeing some obvious teenage prostitutes but none that undressed.

And unlike the line in this song, I was never so lonesome that I took some comfort there (although the line is about adults)

buzzsawmonkey 6/26/2022 3:29:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:

This was not in the prostitution sections of Manhattan; this was in the mostly-family neighborhood in Brooklyn. 

There are a few "rainbow" flags in windows, and some rainbow decals on the walls of businesses, but such gay bars as there are around here are mostly several avenues and blocks away, and there is no real "saloon strip" nearby.  

The sight would have been disturbing anywhere for the age of the person, the time of day, and the level of undress, but the more so in light of the neighborhood character.

Kosh's Shadow 6/26/2022 3:35:41 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 22:

I agree the sight was disturbing. One teenage prostitute I saw (at least in a decent but worn skirt) was on the Boston College trolley line, near Coolidge Corner, a fairly decent section of Brookline. The other was where you would expect, in the bus station (which was an area with some nice restaurants and other establishments nearby, so not "combat zone"). 

buzzsawmonkey 6/26/2022 3:49:55 PM

Pride Sunday Playlist:

Masculine Women!  Feminine Men!

He's My Secret Passion

Can't Help Lovin' That Man

buzzsawmonkey 6/26/2022 4:36:18 PM

In honor of the Supreme Court's recent ruling on Roe v. Wade, I thought I'd dust off this relic of the SOB years:

A Modern Liberal Democrat

--with apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan


I am the very model of a modern liberal Democrat

I've spread out 'cross the nation from my native campus habitat

I know our shabby history of policies discriminate

And think we should apologize from now until the infinite


I look upon myself as a citizen international

I think restricting entry of illegals is irrational

I take care always to show elevated moral attitude

And speak with unimpeachable political correctitude


And speak with unimpeachable political correctitude

And speak with unimpeachable political correctitude

And speak with unimpeachable political correcti-rectitude


Though not myself religious I will talk of spirituality

I worship at the shrine of income and gender equality

I support racial set-asides, preferences, and bureaucrats

I am the very model of a modern liberal Democrat


He supports racial set-asides, preferences, and bureaucrats

He is the very model of a modern liberal Democrat


I reject the notion that Al-Qaeda wants to form a Caliphate

We'd rapidly end differences if we would just negotiate

I think we should do more to prevent other nations' genocide

But if we use our military I'll support the other side


I second-guess every decision strategic and tactical

I support our troops in every way, as long as it's not practical

Our army should not engage in perilous foreign adventure

So I oppose on principle each new defense expenditure


So I oppose on principle each new defense expenditure

So I oppose on principle each new defense expenditure

So I oppose on principle each new defense expend-expenditure


I think that women should have choices when they're faced with pregnancy

But there is one choice over others I view preferentially

In short, supporting set-asides, preferences, and bureaucrats

I am the very model of a modern liberal Democrat


In short, supporting set-asides, preferences, and bureaucrats

I am the very model of a modern liberal Democrat


In fact, when I have shed my nostalgic dreams of revolution

When I know government's the problem more than the solution

When I realize there's no way that we can fund Social Security

With so much of our population having reached maturity


When I have learnt taxation doesn't create private sector jobs

When I stop using tax grants as a way to buy votes from the mob

In short, when I have shorn some of my more blatant hypocrisies

You might actually see me begin to support democracy


You might actually see me begin to support democracy

You might actually see me begin to support democracy

You might actually see me begin to support democra-mocracy


For the economic knowledge which I've clung to from my early teens

Says, "To each who wants it must come from each person who has got the means"

And so, supporting set-asides, preferences, and bureaucrats

I am the very model of a modern liberal Democrat


And so, supporting set-asides, preferences, and bureaucrats

I am the very model of a modern liberal Democrat


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