The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/02/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 6/26/2022 8:00:21 AM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2022 6:26:00 AM
A red, white, and blue breakfast! (Sort of white, anyway)
Alice in Dairyland 7/2/2022 7:39:24 AM
Well, yes, I'll have seconds.  Thank you!
Occasional Reader 7/2/2022 8:50:11 AM
Pancakes are symbols of white supremacy!
Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2022 9:25:46 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: Occasional Reader 7/2/2022 8:50:11 AM 3 Pancakes are symbols of white supremacy!

Even with Aunt Jemima syrup?/

Occasional Reader 7/2/2022 10:09:58 AM

Official Arizona Democratic Party account promotes “Fuck the Fourth” America-hating event:

It’s good when they tell us who they really are.

Hat tip: Insty

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2022 10:15:03 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

And in North Carolina, the Democrats show they are a bunch of Jew-haters

The North Carolina Democratic Party adopted a series of resolutions critical of Israel at its annual statewide convention on June 18, drawing condemnation from Jewish leaders.

The “Resolution in Support of Human Rights in Israel/Palestine,” “Resolution for an Independent Investigation of the Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh” and “Resolution to Commemorate May 15 as Nakba Remembrance Day” were part of the NCDP 2022 State Convention final resolutions report.

The resolutions accused Israel of forcibly displacing Palestinians and restricting Palestinian access to public utilities. They also alleged that Israel’s end goals were “the fracturing and ghettoization of Palestinian land,” claiming that Israel’s settlement of Jews in historically Jewish regions was “expropriation.”

The resolutions also called on the United States government to impose “targeted sanctions,” including travel bans and asset freezes on people and entities that are related to alleged “Israeli violations of human rights.” It also urged the federal government to put conditions on U.S. military and financial assistance to Israel.

lucius septimius 7/2/2022 11:27:52 AM
I finally replaced the turntable I bought back during the first Reagan administration. Enjoying some old vinyl - there is something about the tone that is really wonderful.
lucius septimius 7/2/2022 12:22:00 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

Listening to Junior Wells right now.

Occasional Reader 7/2/2022 3:37:21 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 8:

I really have no idea what happened to my turntable and my vinyl. Sometime in the mid-late 1990s, between moving from New York to Peru to Washington, they went missing. It’s kind of sad.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2022 4:07:16 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

I still have most of my vinyl, and some very old 78's as well. Most are already on youtube so I haven't bothered to upload them.

I have my old turntable, but I'm not sure if it still works; got a cheap one that has USB output.

I'll post both sides of the 78 I've digitized as jukeboxes in the pub

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