The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/18/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 7/16/2022 3:50:08 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 7/18/2022 5:21:27 AM

Good morning.

More “mush from the wimp”, but with a 1984 spin.

vxbush 7/18/2022 6:10:30 AM

The bad cat shared this over the weekend, and it perfectly encapsulates today's insanity. 

vxbush 7/18/2022 6:23:01 AM
For those who want it, a very small history of some of the people in public health at the time of AIDs. Some familiar names will pop out. 
Occasional Reader 7/18/2022 7:35:39 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

That map does get one thing right; the "Reds" have taken over.  

buzzsawmonkey 7/18/2022 8:27:42 AM

What with all the yelling about "climate change," "global warming," drought and wildfires, and "sea levels rising," it occurs to me---why aren't people rushing to build desalinization plants? 

California has been doing the water-shortage thing for decades now---and it doesn't help them in extinguishing the wildfires that have become so fashionable there.   California has not built any dams or reservoirs in decades to try and alleviate these water-shortages.  Well, OK---perhaps they simply couldn't find good sites for those dams or reservoirs...BUT California does have hundreds of miles of seacoast.  Why is this not bristling with desalinization plants---powered by that "renewable energy" they love so much out there?  They'd be solving their water-shortage problems, proving the value of "renewables," and helping to lower the level of the allegedly-rising ocean---all at the same time!

Occasional Reader 7/18/2022 8:34:19 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Because the issue is never the issue.  The real issue is control.  But you knew that.  

Occasional Reader 7/18/2022 8:50:16 AM


/via Insty

buzzsawmonkey 7/18/2022 8:59:12 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: Because the issue is never the issue.  The real issue is control.  But you knew that.  

I've been trying to think of other things that show what nonsense the "green" agenda is.  Some time back, when it was in the news that methane could be distilled from pig excrement, it made me wonder whether it might be possible to create either a house toilet that could capture and refine human waste for heating or cooking purposes---either for a single house or, possibly, for a one- or several-block neighborhood.

I've mentioned in the past how all-electric trolley buses, on tires rather than rails, were a feature of most cities until some few decades ago, and make much more sense than the "hybrids" which require two propulsion systems.  

I've also mentioned the "green building" of the past, when they had to "build green" because they had no air conditioning---so they made buildings with high ceilings, glass or glass-topped office partitions, skylights which also served as ventilation, cross-ventilating windows and transoms, awnings to keep out the heat of the summer sun, etc., NONE of which are features of the poorly-ventilated glass boxes touted as "green buildings" today.  

JCM 7/18/2022 9:15:43 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Just like the rush to electric cars does not include the generation and distribution capacity.

Either they do not believe their own issue, or they are too stupid to understand the issue.

vxbush 7/18/2022 10:54:06 AM

In #9 JCM said: Just like the rush to electric cars does not include the generation and distribution capacity. Either they do not believe their own issue, or they are too stupid to understand the issue.

I was driving over the lunch hour and heard that Germany is going to take its three nuclear reactors offline this year, despite not having any capacity to cover that in any other method. 

There wasn't enough information in the news story, of course, to understand what is going on. Intentionally so, it seems. 

JCM 7/18/2022 11:42:31 AM

In #10 vxbush said: There wasn't enough information in the news story, of course, to understand what is going on. Intentionally so, it seems. 

Given what I know of of leftist and their agenda.

It can only be intentional.

The energy policy creates shortages. The shortages reveal "inequities" in energy distribution. Inequities as we know "require" Federal intervention because of it violates individuals right to access energy, because energy is a "right" of course.

We seen a Biden Admin float the idea of gas rebate cards already, that the energy industry down to gas station owners are culpable in creating the inequities.

The remedy will require at minimum gov't control of energy industry, socialism, to nationalism of energy, communism.

So IMAO it is absolutely intentional, and fits the goals of the agenda.

Alice in Dairyland 7/18/2022 11:43:57 AM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: What with all the yelling about "climate change," "global warming," drought and wildfires, and "sea levels rising," it occurs to me---why aren't people rushing to build desalinization plants? 

Need you ask why?

California Environmentalists Shut Down Desalination Plant (

JCM 7/18/2022 12:44:25 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 12:

Just back in Moonbeam's first term all the water retentions projects got shut down.

Would have come in handy right about now.

vxbush 7/18/2022 1:28:30 PM

In #13 JCM said: Just back in Moonbeam's first term all the water retentions projects got shut down. Would have come in handy right about now.

Haven't we seen far too many instances of such folks not being able to think more than 5 minutes into the future? 

JCM 7/18/2022 1:37:42 PM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One, Thomas Sowell

Alice in Dairyland 7/18/2022 3:29:03 PM

In #14 vxbush said: Haven't we seen far too many instances of such folks not being able to think more than 5 minutes into the future?

There, fixed that for you.

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