The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/30/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 7/23/2022 7:44:08 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 7/30/2022 8:48:26 AM
That looks like a place to which I want to retire.
Occasional Reader 7/30/2022 8:55:54 AM

So I am currently at swim class with my son. His new swim teacher is named “Lia”.

A female swimmer named Lia.  Hmm…

vxbush 7/30/2022 9:40:53 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: A female swimmer named Lia.  Hmm…

I'd say you should watch him in the restroom, but perhaps you won't actually have that problem. 

Kosh's Shadow 7/30/2022 3:12:58 PM

China Threatens to Shoot Pelosi Out of the Sky if She Approaches Taiwan

Except for the pilots, this could be a win-win - we then have a reason to nuke China.

I actually think most Chinese would be glad to get rid of their current leaders.

Kosh's Shadow 7/30/2022 3:14:56 PM

China: Biden’s White House Is Lying, Joe Never Brought Up Genocide and Forced Labor with Xi

Personally, I think the phone call was taken up with BIden trying to order beef chow mein, spare ribs, pork fried rice and egg rolls and getting disappointed they could not deliver.

Occasional Reader 7/30/2022 3:15:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

yes, I posted this yesterday. It is utterly bizarre that this is getting practically no coverage in “mainstream” media. Or maybe not so bizarre. It is inconvenient to the official narrative, after all.

Kosh's Shadow 7/30/2022 3:43:32 PM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: yes, I posted this yesterday. It is utterly bizarre that this is getting practically no coverage in “mainstream” media. Or maybe not so bizarre. It is inconvenient to the official narrative, after all.

You mean the funded by Chinese media? The media that kowtows to China to get ads for companies that are sucking the CCP's leaders' dicks? Like the NBA - criticize China, grovel or lose your job.

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