The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/31/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 7/30/2022 5:28:20 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 7/31/2022 6:30:51 AM
The maraschino cherry is a nicely ironic touch.
Kosh's Shadow 7/31/2022 9:13:00 AM

Iran says it will ‘build nuclear warheads’ and turn NY into ‘hellish ruins’

JCM 7/31/2022 9:14:14 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

China threatening, Iran threatening, Russia threatening.

Gee, one might come to the conclusion our adversaries think the President is weak or something.

Kosh's Shadow 7/31/2022 10:06:54 AM

Biden needs to be impeached and various US security agency heads need to be chopped off

Just a bit from that article that makes it clear:

While Biden said he never spoke with his son about his business abroad, a voicemail from another recently released laptop cache shows the president was being less than forthright. He knew about his son’s business with the Chinese energy firm and one of its top officials, Patrick Ho. After The New York Times published a softball article in December 2018 about Hunter’s work with Ho and other businessmen tied to the Chinese Communist Party, Biden left a message for his son saying, “I think you’re clear.”

Of course Hunter was clear: The FBI was watching over him. The bureau knew what he was doing because it had obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in 2017 on Ho, who Hunter called the “spy chief of China.”

With the spy warrant, U.S. domestic intelligence services had access to every electronic communication between Ho and his business partner, Joe Biden’s son. Had the FBI wanted, it would have been able to access Joe Biden’s communications as well. The bureau used a FISA warrant on a 2016 Trump campaign adviser to spy on the campaign, Trump’s transition team, and then the White House. While the Justice Department charged and convicted Ho with bribing African officials and money laundering, Hunter Biden, as his father had told him, was in the clear.

Makes me wonder if Biden's talk with Xi was about getting Hunter paid more. Or Joe taking orders.

Kosh's Shadow 7/31/2022 1:02:59 PM

And now Kosovo and Serbia

Air raid sirens were heard in Mitrovica in northern Kosovo on Sunday afternoon, with reports by local media indicating that a large presence of emergency vehicles was seen throughout the area. The sirens were stopped after three hours, according to local reports.

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti issued a statement on Sunday evening, stating that Serbians began blocking roads and shooting ahead of the planned issuance of temporary documents. Kurti claimed that "aggressive actions" were planned in statements and meetings ahead of time, blaming Vucic and Petar Petković, Serbian director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, for the unrest.

Additionally on Sunday, Serbian politician Vladimir Đukanović wrote on Twitter that "Everything seems to me that Serbia will be forced to begin the denazification of the Balkans. I'd like to be wrong." Russia had claimed that it wanted to "denazify" Ukraine shortly before launching its invasion of the country in February.

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