The Daily Broadside


Posted on 09/25/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 9/24/2022 11:25:05 AM

Posted by: JCM

JCM 9/25/2022 9:22:08 AM

I think I found where they hid MiniTru.

Biden Admin Launches Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights

The Biden administration on Saturday launched a new national office dubbed the “Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights” charged with addressing what some officials say are the disproportionate harms inflicted on low-income areas and communities of color by pollution and climate change.

You see, hate speech and racism are caused by climate change....

Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA

Racism, Police Violence, and the Climate Are Not Separate Issues

So The Disinformation Governance Board will be rolled “Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights”.

lucius septimius 9/25/2022 11:06:27 AM
Handed over the keys to the old place today.
Occasional Reader 9/25/2022 11:26:53 AM

Reply to JCM in 1:

Good grief.  

Think of it as low hanging fruit for president DeSantis to ax in January 2025.

Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2022 11:44:32 AM

Reminds me of an old joke headline

"World to end soon. Minorities and women hurt most"

Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2022 11:54:41 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: Think of it as low hanging fruit for president DeSantis to ax in January 2025.

Such statements by DeSantis will be censored by MiniTru. They have to get this in place soon, you see.

(I wish it were sarc)

Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2022 12:55:50 PM
l'SHanah Tovah to Buzz and any other Jews (and everyone else) on this site.
Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2022 12:56:50 PM
Jukebox for Rosh Hashanah
Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2022 3:59:06 PM
I did set up a pub thread - with a video

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