The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/24/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 10/22/2022 3:53:20 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 7:12:53 AM

Good morning.  Interesting tidbit via Insty:  Would-be Twitter buyer Elon says that he has no idea who, at/via Twitter, decides what The Current Thing is.

I, on the other hand, know the answer

vxbush 10/24/2022 7:57:20 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: I, on the other hand, know the answer. 

Sure, I'd buy that. They are also making chocolate more expensive, the swine. 

Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 8:05:20 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Back in the day, I lived on the same block as a rather impressive Masonic lodge on 16th street here in DC.  I could drop by there, if you like, and see if they'll increase your chocolate ration. 

Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 8:07:45 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: I lived on the same block as a rather impressive Masonic lodge

Ugh, please forgive my shoddy English... serves me right for trying to post while on a Teams call. 

Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 8:08:37 AM
Inflation is just transitory, you guys
buzzsawmonkey 10/24/2022 8:15:52 AM
I understand that the Traitorria Democratica in DC is known for its voter soppressata.
Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 8:42:02 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

It’s all part of Restaurateur Justice.

buzzsawmonkey 10/24/2022 9:04:13 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:


JCM 10/24/2022 9:12:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Part of the cost increase in turkey's was the bird flu a couple months ago.

It's not all Biden policies.

Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 9:33:12 AM

Reply to JCM in 9:

But this is:

vxbush 10/24/2022 10:35:10 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: I could drop by there, if you like, and see if they'll increase your chocolate ration. 

Hrmmmmm. Let me think on it. With another bar of chocolate, of course. 

Occasional Reader 10/24/2022 10:36:46 AM

I think even the North Korean “press” would find this embarrassing:

JCM 10/24/2022 11:57:40 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

Yup, energy is, and energy costs at every step in the supply chain.

doppelganglander 10/24/2022 2:07:36 PM

I'm afraid I missed the insurance discussion yesterday. I've had Progressive for many years and their service is excellent. When I totaled my car earlier this year, the only reason it took more than 5 days to resolve was that I couldn't find a replacement car right away. My rate went up but that's to be expected. 

As for Kosh's comment about working for an insurance company, my ex is currently doing exactly that as an IT project manager. He says it's the most vicious, backstabbing environment he's ever seen. His manager even warned him about it on his first day. The job is supposed to become permanent in January but he's not planning to stay.

vxbush 10/24/2022 2:20:39 PM

In #14 doppelganglander said: He says it's the most vicious, backstabbing environment he's ever seen.

I wonder if that is true for most insurance companies, or just companies that deal with specific types of insurance. I have friends who work at a big insurance company, but they haven't spoken about the environment being awful--just overworked, which is pretty typical for everyone these days. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/24/2022 4:41:35 PM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: I, on the other hand, know the answer. 

42. We just don't know the question.

Kosh's Shadow 10/24/2022 4:48:37 PM

In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: the question.


Comment error 475 18
Kosh's Shadow 10/24/2022 6:53:17 PM

Remember this blast from the past?

Kosh's Shadow 10/24/2022 7:02:16 PM
If I post a jukebox, and no one listens, does it make a sound?
@PBJ3 10/24/2022 7:17:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

I listened to that one and remember it.  I was glad someone in the comments shared the lyrics as I couldn't understand all of them. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/24/2022 8:11:49 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 21:

Thanks. Dirka dirka, Mohammed jihad - from Team America, World Police

Not sure what we are under Biden

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