The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/01/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 10/30/2022 3:21:46 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 11/1/2022 5:52:49 AM
Good morning!  First post on a new computer.  Well, not really new - the one I bought for mom last September that she never used.  But it's much nicer than my old one.
Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 7:44:18 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: But it's much nicer than my old one.

Your old computer was kind of rude? 

lucius septimius 11/1/2022 7:47:57 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: Your old computer was kind of rude? 

More passive aggressive than actively rude, but the effect was the same.

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 7:57:04 AM
Survey:  What was the first James Bond film you saw in a theater? 
buzzsawmonkey 11/1/2022 8:03:35 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Probably "Dr. No."

lucius septimius 11/1/2022 8:05:18 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: What was the first James Bond film you saw in a theater? 

Live and Let Die.

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 8:07:06 AM

For me: The Spy Who Loved Me 

Barbara Bach.  rrrrAAAArrrr. 

lucius septimius 11/1/2022 8:08:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

My sister went to see all of them as they came out, but usually with a boyfriend.  I only got to go if she didn't have a date.

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 8:23:03 AM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: Probably "Dr. No."

Well, you were Present At The Creation, so to speak. 

vxbush 11/1/2022 8:36:33 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: What was the first James Bond film you saw in a theater? 

Egads. I can't tell you, but most of them I've seen on television or DVD. 

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 9:23:29 AM

Something that's been making the rounds:

Atlantic author calls for Covid-panic-authoritarianism amnesty 

Yeah, um, no.   

The Institutional Left went way beyond anything resembling "initially rational-sounding but, in retrospect, somewhat excessive reaction".  They destroyed or damaged people's livelihoods, kids' educations/cognitive formation, and even got people killed, with their apocalyptic lust for power.  

Alice in Dairyland 11/1/2022 9:51:57 AM

Survey:  What was the first James Bond film you saw in a theater? 

Okay, don't laugh.  I have never watched a James Bond movie.  I have never watched a Star Wars movie either.  I guess I go back on the Group W Bench, everybody move down.

doppelganglander 11/1/2022 10:00:43 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Spectre, I think. I never cared enough to see 007 in the theater, though I've seen most of them on cable or streaming.

vxbush 11/1/2022 10:37:54 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: The Institutional Left went way beyond anything resembling "initially rational-sounding but, in retrospect, somewhat excessive reaction".  They destroyed or damaged people's livelihoods, kids' educations/cognitive formation, and even got people killed, with their apocalyptic lust for power.  

Pretty much every reaction to this article that I've seen on the right or even from publishers of middle-of-the-road positions have reacted viscerally against this idea of amnesty. People know that would be ridiculous. 

vxbush 11/1/2022 10:48:53 AM
Now I'm craving cinnamon rolls. JCM, you're not helping me here. 
Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 4:04:18 PM

From last nught's pub:

In #16 Alice in Dairyland said: We're lucky, we have coyotes and wolves.  I haven't seen the wolves myself in town, but there are paw prints just across the river.  We also have many deer and a few bear come through our little town.  Makes going outside after dark just a little scary.

We have bears here, too. Bear footprints in the yard, and our next door heighbors saw pictures of a bear in their driveway. Also where I work has bears. One left a little gift next to my car. I think it was upset I didn't leave it any pic-a-nic baskets.

I make a lot of noise before letting the dogs out when it is dark. They are small - 15 and 25 lbs. Our neighbors' dog is a Leonburger, around 150 lbs. Black bears are likely to avoid him.

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 4:57:05 PM

I believe there is an Oscar Wilde quote that is on point for situations like this.
Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 5:01:00 PM

Joe Biden has once again claimed that his son died in Iraq.

there is no non-trivial explanation for this. It’s either severe dementia, severe cynicism, or both.

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 5:02:08 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

sorry, I meant to say, no trivial explanation.

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 6:39:56 PM

I made a comment on this Babylon Bee video

and got a response

The BabyIon bee

20 hours ago

Thanks for watching I appreciate the feedback 💚🏆 please what'sapp the number above let's talk 😊👆👆👆👆

Not sure if it is the Babylon Bee or fake.

My comment is "And the number one indication your wife is addicted to murder is--- her name is Hillary Clinton"

so I asked: "Is this real or is this Hillary trying to find out where I live?"

I also asked in their contact form. Unfortunately, if they wanted to hire me, I'd have to get approval from where I work, and a political site is not something I'd want to bring up. Until Trump is re-elected.

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 6:41:49 PM

OK, this one is too accurate to be fake news:

DHS Announces They Will Suppress As Much Speech As It Takes To Preserve Democracy

Because we know leftists' definition of democracy is the people agreeing with the ideas the leftists tell us to agree with, not our elected officials doing what the voters want.

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 6:49:08 PM

In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: Because we know leftists' definition of democracy is the people agreeing with the ideas the leftists tell us to agree with, not our elected officials doing what the voters want.

Or, as the Bee puts it:

"As everyone knows, democracy is when Democrats hold unlimited power, and today that sacred foundation of our country is under attack from free speech," said Mayorkas from a massive television screen being played in the town square before an assembly of glassy-eyed citizens in identical grey jumpsuits. "We will not tire of protecting our country from violent threats such as speech, opinions, people saying stuff, and bad inward thoughts that poison the mind against your benevolent overlords. I love democracy!"

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 7:16:36 PM

Everything is going swimmingly:

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 7:32:23 PM

On the good news side, it looks like Netanyahu might have a Knesset majority.

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 7:33:04 PM

7 Ways Drag Shows Are Actually Good For Kids

Since kids are little rebels, they'll end up rebelling against their insane groomer parents and becoming good, conservative traditionalists: Reverse psychology, baby!

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 7:35:01 PM

Who knew it? Turns out, Muslims—not evangelicals, Jews, or rednecks—are the most ‘Islamophobic’ demographic in America.

As it happens, Muslims—they who know Islam more than anyone else—are more Islamophobic than non-Muslims in America; they are more, not less, prone to believing that fellow Muslims are violent, hostile, and uncivilized.

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2022 7:53:49 PM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: Who knew it? Turns out, Muslims—not evangelicals, Jews, or rednecks—are the most ‘Islamophobic’ demographic in America.

I think we might also find Blacks are least likely to support BLM, at least the poor Blacks who have to live in the neighborhoods the thugs are terrorizing.

Occasional Reader 11/1/2022 9:06:33 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:


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