The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/01/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 11/28/2022 12:58:32 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 12/1/2022 6:06:51 AM
I'm going to share several links from PJMedia today; stories from all over the place. 
vxbush 12/1/2022 6:09:00 AM

Project Veritas Drops Part Two in Its Exposé of HHS Corruption

Yesterday on PJ Media, we ran a story about the first installment of Project Veritas’ exposé of the complicity of the Department of Health and Human Services in the trafficking of migrant children. Today, Part Two dropped.

Among some of the highlights of the latest installment from James O’Keefe and his team:

  • A migrant who was forced to cough up $150 for a forged Social Security card.
  • A minor child who works from 4:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. in a restaurant to pay off a bond debt.
  • People, including children, who have paid immense amounts of money to traffickers to make it into the United States and, in doing so, incurred debts that can never be paid off.

vxbush 12/1/2022 6:10:27 AM
The rail strike issue. hasn't gone away. 
vxbush 12/1/2022 6:12:15 AM

Kari Lake is trying to get Maricopa County to open up the books on the election and is working to file a lawsuit. 

I think her background in news means she understands how much gets covered up. 

vxbush 12/1/2022 6:13:09 AM
WaPo using any excuse to write a hit job on Elon Musk.
vxbush 12/1/2022 6:15:35 AM

And Oakland is taking the idea of government money going to help elections in a new direction: they are going to provide it to taxpayers and noncitizens (although it's really a pretty small amount):

This past election, residents in Oakland overwhelmingly approved Measure W. Everyone over the age of 18, including non-U.S. citizens who have legal permanent residency, will get four vouchers for $25 each every two years. That money is to be used to donate to the candidate of a given resident’s choice for mayor, school board, or city council. 

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 7:45:10 AM

Good morning.  

Once again, given the news, get yourself a Jase Case

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 7:48:24 AM

In #5 vxbush said: WaPo using any excuse to write a hit job on Elon Musk.

If I had to do a hit piece on Musk based on that tweet, I wouldn't do it based on any of the contents of "my bedside table"; I'd do it based on the question, "why do you feel the need to show the world the contents of your bedside table?".  

Then again, this goes to how I just don't get Twitter, and never felt the slightest urge to sign up for it. 

vxbush 12/1/2022 9:18:21 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: I'd do it based on the question, "why do you feel the need to show the world the contents of your bedside table?"

I am right there with you. There's no need to show it unless you are virtue signaling, and I don't find that a useful exercise at all. But I'm sure to LLLiberals who must always check and make sure that they are "in" such virtue signals are a useful tool to maintain their status for the next day afternoon hour minute microsecond. 

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 12:07:41 PM

In #5 vxbush said: WaPo using any excuse to write a hit job on Elon Musk.

Good thing I'm currently drinking a Mountain Dew Zero.

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 12:22:35 PM

In #6 vxbush said: And Oakland is taking the idea of government money going to help elections in a new direction: they are going to provide it to taxpayers and noncitizens (although it's really a pretty small amount):

I first read an article proposing this sort of thing quite a few years ago. It's just a way to filter taxpayer money into the coffers of candidates; and in California, we know which candidates are going to get that free

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 12:23:38 PM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: If I had to do a hit piece on Musk based on that tweet, I wouldn't do it based on any of the contents of "my bedside table"; I'd do it based on the question, "why do you feel the need to show the world the contents of your bedside table?".  

And if any WaPo journalist were to write that story, it would be immediately revealed on Twitchy that said WaPo writer posted pictures of their breakfast every day for over a year.

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 12:32:15 PM

In #12 CyberSimian said: And if any WaPo journalist were to write that story, it would be immediately revealed on Twitchy that said WaPo writer posted pictures of their breakfast every day for over a year.

But xe eats a woke, environmentally-sustainable breakfast, so it's okay. 

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 12:42:50 PM
I want someone to go into the WaPo building and count the Diet Coke vending machines therein.
Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 1:09:20 PM

In #14 CyberSimian said: I want someone to go into the WaPo building and count the Diet Coke vending machines therein.

That would be an act of TERRORISM, and SEDITION, and INSURRECTION, and TREASON!!111!!!

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 1:17:20 PM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: SEDITION

Ah, bugger.

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 1:18:04 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

Oh, wait.  It's fine.  Thought I saw an extra "i" in there. 

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 1:20:01 PM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: Oh, wait.  It's fine.  Thought I saw an extra "i" in there. 

As "I" is a pronoun, you're allowed to claim as many of them as you'd like.

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 1:29:52 PM

In #18 CyberSimian said: As "I" is a pronoun, you're allowed to claim as many of them as you'd like.


But Occasional Reader has decided to go one better; Occasional Reader demands that no pronouns be used in referring to Occasional Reader. Occasional Reader's full name should be used at all times.  Pronouns are just laziness. 

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 2:09:58 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: Pronouns are just laziness. 

My son asked me once what my adverbs are.

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 2:38:22 PM

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 2:47:43 PM
“Moms demand action”

Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more…

Occasional Reader 12/1/2022 2:50:37 PM

Reply to CyberSimian in 22:

She can grab my gun whenever she likes. 

CyberSimian 12/1/2022 2:51:59 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Documents Reveal Senate Democrat Pressured IRS, DOJ to Target Conservative Groups

I find it hard to believe…

…that the IRS and DOJ needed to be pressured to target conservative groups.

Kosh's Shadow 12/1/2022 5:27:56 PM

In #24 CyberSimian said: I find it hard to believe… …that the IRS and DOJ needed to be pressured to target conservative groups.

IAre you shocked? SHOCKED!

Your audit notice, sir.

Kosh's Shadow 12/1/2022 6:49:46 PM

Ads on my phone for "Ray-Ban Stories" - sunglasses with BUILT IN VIDEO CAMERAS!

Sorry, Ray, but those should either have visible blinking lights or some other notice that they are in use, or be banned.

Ray, you are banned.

Kosh's Shadow 12/1/2022 7:16:59 PM

I just stayed through around a 5 minute ad on youtube. Usually I skip them. This was for Snen Yun, China Before Communism.

Probably never will go to see the show, but the bits of performance shown were beautiful.

Preview (look for link for official trailer) at

I'm shocked that google's Chinese commie masters let them show the ad!

@PBJ3 12/1/2022 7:23:49 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:

I'm shocked as well.

Kosh's Shadow 12/1/2022 7:24:52 PM

Another Shen Yun video

F*ck the ChiComs. Free the Chinese!

@PBJ3 12/1/2022 7:43:10 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:


Kosh's Shadow 12/1/2022 7:52:07 PM

I'll post a review in book reviews when I am done with the biography of "Two Gun Cohen"

The only person accepted in both the Nationalist Chinese and ChiCom groups.

As much as Shen Yun wants to make it all look nice, both sides committed war crimes.

But that is the nature of China.

@PBJ3 12/1/2022 7:57:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:I remember signing a petition in favor of Snen Yun years ago at something that was going on at Occidental College.  I was a little bit liberal in those days but I did vote for Nixon in 72, LOL.

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