The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/20/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 12/17/2022 3:17:10 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 12/20/2022 6:28:09 AM

FDA finally starting to do some analysis on blood clots resulting from COVID vaccines. They previously posted concerns with Janssen and one other brand (can't recall which). Now they admit Pfizer has the issue, too. Then there has been at least one instance of a five-year-old boy who had an aneurysm develop after getting his first Pfizer COVID vaccine. 

They are at least two years behind where they should be on this. 

vxbush 12/20/2022 6:33:52 AM
Kosh, I'll help you with gathering the funds for the website. Just give me the details by email on how much and I'll set something up. 
lucius septimius 12/20/2022 6:34:54 AM
Tuesday:  The sequel no one asked for.
Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 6:39:46 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Hey, what are you, some kind of Science Denier?!!!

buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2022 7:43:04 AM
For some reason, the site is now requiring me to re-login with every new thread posted, and sometimes more often.
JCM 12/20/2022 7:46:48 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

She's gonna make Fauci cry......

@PBJ3 12/20/2022 8:35:03 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

The same thing is happening to me.

buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2022 8:37:22 AM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 7:

Just happened to me again.  Second time today, and the day is young.

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 8:48:21 AM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: For some reason, the site is now requiring me to re-login with every new thread posted, and sometimes more often.

That's because we need to keep a close eye on You People... 

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 10:42:47 AM
What in the actual fuck?!
buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2022 11:35:30 AM
Third login today.
buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2022 11:52:01 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

J&B needs to partner with that new line of geriatric cosmetics, "Makeup For Lost Time."

vxbush 12/20/2022 12:03:09 PM

In #6 JCM said: She's gonna make Fauci cry......

I would love to make Fauci cry. I seriously would. The things he has signed off on have been unreal. 

In #11 buzzsawmonkey said: Third login today.

I'm getting hit with multiple login requests as well. Maybe this is the way the hosting company gets your attention that you need to pay your yearly fee. 

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 1:07:37 PM

I want an Anaconda for Christmas

Only an Anaconda will do... 

/just kidding... I want a Python, but that doesn't scan for the song. 

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 1:08:32 PM

In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: J&B needs to partner with that new line of geriatric cosmetics, "Makeup For Lost Time."

But seriously... what the hell is going on?!   Why is this EVERYWHERE?

JCM 12/20/2022 1:27:02 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 14:

Get your Python here....

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 1:29:46 PM
lucius septimius 12/20/2022 2:35:03 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

I was taking sons 2-3 to get haircuts.

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 2:36:29 PM

In #18 lucius septimius said: I was taking sons 2-3 to get haircuts.

I'm not sure why that explains Spanish transgender whiskey commercials, but... OK. 

Occasional Reader 12/20/2022 3:56:44 PM
Oh, Monsieur from Toulon, Parlez-vous?
Oh, Monsieur from Toulon, Parlez-vous?
He got the Palme and the Croix de Guerre,
For shovin' a shell up his derriere,
Hinky-dinky, parlez-vous?
Kosh's Shadow 12/20/2022 4:38:24 PM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Thanks. I will contact you with an account at the hosting company and the amount, if it will give it to me 

Note that you will most likely get an a security warning from your credit card as hosting companies are used by spammers with stolen credit cards. This happens with both of the hosting companies I use.

BTW, Canyon Bakehouse gluten free bagels aren't bad - better than some store brand glutenous bagels.

Kosh's Shadow 12/20/2022 5:20:37 PM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: For some reason, the site is now requiring me to re-login with every new thread posted, and sometimes more often.

The server was updated recently, which means it got some new bugs from Microsoft.

I know it started logging out overnight, but that is all I have seen so far. Of course, the Microsoft code I use for login might be not working right for Mac users. (Blame Bill Gates, not me)

Kosh's Shadow 12/20/2022 6:47:32 PM

Elon Musk says he will step down as Twitter CEO when he finds a replacement

In the interest of having leftists' heads explode, I suggest he hire Trump.

@PBJ3 12/20/2022 7:17:28 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

Someone on Twitter last night was suggesting that he hire Donald jr.

Kosh's Shadow 12/20/2022 7:58:08 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 24:

Almost as good.

So few posts after the time I get here. Thanks

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