The Daily Broadside


Posted on 01/05/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 1/1/2023 3:31:26 PM

Posted by: JCM

buzzsawmonkey 1/5/2023 6:06:09 AM

Anyone else getting a "we need to review the security of your connection" page intermittently on Instapundit?  

It started for me last night and keeps timing out.

Occasional Reader 1/5/2023 6:21:32 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

no, or at least not yet.

vxbush 1/5/2023 6:47:56 AM
So, what craziness is going to happen today in the House? Will McCarthy get the votes, or will he concede that after 6 or more votes that maybe they don't really like him? 
lucius septimius 1/5/2023 6:48:18 AM
The sun is shining and the flood waters are receding.  
vxbush 1/5/2023 6:50:35 AM

In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: Anyone else getting a "we need to review the security of your connection" page intermittently on Instapundit?  

I almost always access InstaPundit from an RSS reader, so no. 

buzzsawmonkey 1/5/2023 6:51:05 AM
Seeing as how there are various efforts to send another rocket to the moon, I would love to see one of the vessels named after Alice Kramden.
buzzsawmonkey 1/5/2023 6:55:14 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:   Reply to vxbush in 5:

There've been some comments on the Instapundit site by others, mentioning the timeouts---so at least it's not something unique to me.

lucius septimius 1/5/2023 7:49:09 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

When my nephew was learning to talk we taught him how to make a fist and and say to my sister "to the moon, mom!"

btw did you see my response to your email about a month ago?

buzzsawmonkey 1/5/2023 7:57:27 AM

In #8 lucius septimius said: btw did you see my response to your email about a month ago?

I did---but I'll have to look at it again.  I've been moving the beach with a pair of tweezers regarding my impending move.

Occasional Reader 1/5/2023 8:17:07 AM

In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: the timeouts-

Well, go to your room and think about what you've done, young man. 

lucius septimius 1/5/2023 8:40:43 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: I've been moving the beach with a pair of tweezers regarding my impending move.

You clearly need a little shovel and a plastic pail.

Occasional Reader 1/5/2023 9:01:43 AM

In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: There've been some comments on the Instapundit site by others, mentioning the timeouts---so at least it's not something unique to me.

Well, now I can't get to Insty at all... Cloudflare something something timeout. 

vxbush 1/5/2023 9:13:04 AM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: Well, now I can't get to Insty at all... Cloudflare something something timeout. 

I've had Cloudflare interrupt traffic to perfectly fine websites, and I can't help but wonder if they haven't been captured by the FBI et al. to prevent people from seeing things the government doesn't want people to see. 

Occasional Reader 1/5/2023 10:59:56 AM

In #13 vxbush said: I've had Cloudflare interrupt traffic to perfectly fine websites

I've looked at Cloudflare from both sides now... 

buzzsawmonkey 1/5/2023 11:09:07 AM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: I've looked at Cloudflare from both sides now... 

But everything's secure in the Almighty Cloud!

Occasional Reader 1/5/2023 11:16:58 AM

In #15 buzzsawmonkey said: But everything's secure in the Almighty Cloud!

I'm now getting a "Bad Gateway" message for Insty. 

I think I saw Bad Gateway open for Nine-Inch Nails at the 9:30 Club in 1991. 

vxbush 1/5/2023 12:44:38 PM
Some folks at work finally caught up on the ChatGPT issue and there is a minor meltdown going on. 
Alice in Dairyland 1/5/2023 1:13:12 PM
18 fire at WI dairy

Speaking of meltdowns...  Only in Wisconsin!  I was going to link the "cheese wedge drop on New Year's Eve" story in Plymouth, but I think I did that last year.  This story comes up and I think, good grief, I gotta link this drama.  All I can say is people here really love their dairy products.

Oh yeah, Happy New Year to all, hope it's better than the last one.  

Occasional Reader 1/5/2023 1:27:46 PM

In #17 vxbush said: the ChatGPT issue

That being.... ? 

vxbush 1/5/2023 1:56:12 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said:

ChatGPT is an AI bot that you can interact with and ask it to generate content for you based on criteria you provide. For example, you can give it math problems to solve; ask it write essays based on criteria you feed it; and you can ask it to generate code for you. 

Regarding essays: if you don't know a topic, then asking it to produce an introduction to a topic may provide you with a reasonable topic and include citations. But the citations can often be fake and the resulting essay doesn't really read well; it often comes across more like a book assignment. It's getting better, though, and fast. Universities are starting to freak out about some of the abilities of this and other similar tools. 

Here at work, it would be very easy to ask an applicant to write some code based on a prompt we give them but then they turn around and use ChatGPT to do it for them. 

Alice in Dairyland 1/5/2023 2:00:34 PM

In #20 vxbush said: Universities are starting to freak out about some of the abilities of this and other similar tools. 

I see some schools are starting to ban its use.

Alice in Dairyland 1/5/2023 4:13:30 PM

Imagine, Trump as Speaker of the House

Imagine Trump as Speaker lol

Got this from Getter.  I thought it was too funny to not share.

Comment error 475 23
Kosh's Shadow 1/5/2023 4:40:56 PM

I believe the new GOP slogan is the immortal words of Pogo:

We have met the enemy and he is us.

Kosh's Shadow 1/5/2023 6:22:36 PM
As for the ADT stuff, after responding to a survey (and filing complaints with Mass. state and BBB) the phone app suddenly works - and I got a call that I had to respond to way after business hours.
@PBJ3 1/5/2023 7:41:53 PM
I'm so happy to hear that Buffilo Bills safety, Damar Hamlin is going to make it!  I rarely watch football these days but it came on right after the Rose Bowl Game and I didn't change the channel. I was so upset to see him collapse on the field.  He apparently wrote a note to the doctors asking who won the game, which was posponed for now.  One of the doctors replied "You won the game of life."

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