The Daily Broadside


Posted on 01/13/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 1/7/2023 12:23:49 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 1/13/2023 5:44:05 AM

The evidence on pfizer pfunnybusiness continues to mount

It's starting to break through. How quickly will the FDA, CDC, NIAID, etc. turn? 

vxbush 1/13/2023 5:51:07 AM

One of the biggest workers strikes in history could happen this year.

So will Big Boy Biden take care of this the way he did the railroad strike?

vxbush 1/13/2023 6:21:46 AM

It must be nice to be the governor's wife and not have to worry about all those pesky rules.

According to tax records, The Representation Project (TRP) generates most of its funds by collecting charitable contributions and by selling licenses to screen its films. Since 2011, The Representation Project has generated $17,489,680 in revenue.

Yet the nonprofit is currently delinquent with its charitable solicitation registration in California. The annual RRF-1 form necessary to renew the organization’s status as a nonprofit was rejected early in 2022; The Representation Project should have filed a new form and paid a $200 fee in order to regain compliance with state regulations for last year.

According to California law, nonprofits cannot solicit funds while delinquent. Nevertheless, TRP solicited and accepted donations throughout the entirety of 2022.

Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 6:53:27 AM
CNN: VP Joe just didn’t have time to store those documents properly, because he was so super busy doing important things.
Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 6:55:17 AM
vxbush 1/13/2023 7:00:15 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: CNN: VP Joe just didn’t have time to store those documents properly, because he was so super busy doing important things.

Gee, didn't they keep track of his calendar while he was VP? Don't we have the records to check? Of course, the assumption is that he got these files as VP, and haven't considered whether the ones in his car were acquired by other means. 

vxbush 1/13/2023 7:33:06 AM
We know Biden was in his car sometime before the video aired. Check the security logs around this time. 
Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 7:34:32 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

Why are you spreading Russian intelligence disinformation like this?!  TRAITOR! 

vxbush 1/13/2023 7:35:52 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: Why are you spreading Russian intelligence disinformation like this?!  TRAITOR! 

When the enemy enthusiastically embraces you, and the fellow countrymen bitterly reject you, it is hard not to wonder if you are, in fact, a traitor.

Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 7:37:24 AM
Do you know what the "Caribbean" is?  Well, Kamala Harris is here to explain it to you. 
vxbush 1/13/2023 7:43:01 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: Do you know what the "Caribbean" is?  Well, Kamala Harris is here to explain it to you. 

Why don't they have her out there talking to kindergarten classes? She would be better served doing that. Heck, you would think Dr. Jill would make a point of visiting more classrooms, but I haven't seen that touted at all. 

JCM 1/13/2023 8:07:00 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

Hey, don't be so hard on her she remembered something from her briefing!

Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 8:17:19 AM

In #12 JCM said: Hey, don't be so hard on her she remembered something from her briefing!

I suspect that is literally true.  She believed she was showing off. 

vxbush 1/13/2023 8:19:11 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: I suspect that is literally true.  She believed she was showing off. 

She just really needs someone to speak honest truth to her: "Honey, you aren't smart. Just accept it."

vxbush 1/13/2023 9:18:08 AM
Going back to Biden and SCI documents: per Sundance, the Penn-Biden Center didn’t exist until 2018. Where were the classified documents between the time they were taken and the time they were discovered in the office?
JCM 1/13/2023 9:43:51 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

She's the type that fires or makes work a living hell for anyone who speaks honestly to her. Hence her staff turn over. And when she blunders, she blames a staffer for her goofs, that's part of the personality package.

Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 11:14:29 AM
Next up: Joe Biden explains that he actually grew up in Jamaica, and invented reggae.

CyberSimian 1/13/2023 11:40:26 AM

In #11 vxbush said: Why don't they have her out there talking to kindergarten classes?

Because she's not a drag queen.

Occasional Reader 1/13/2023 12:02:25 PM

In #18 CyberSimian said: Because she's not a drag queen.


vxbush 1/13/2023 1:17:32 PM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: Next up: Joe Biden explains that he actually grew up in Jamaica, and invented reggae.

We need DALL-E to make us a picture of Biden in dreadlocks. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/13/2023 5:13:04 PM

Biden wouldn't be caught Dred singing this version of 

this classic Bob Marley song

No woman is guy
No woman is guy
No woman is guy
No woman is guy

'Cause, 'cause, 'cauuse I remember when we used to hear
In the government schools in the US
Oh yeah, hearing all the bullshit
Mingle with the strange people we meet, yeah
Girlfriend we have had, and gilrfrend we lost became a guy, yeah
In this wierd future you can change your past
So be what you are, I say, yeah

No woman is guy
No woman is guy
Real woman can't grow no beard
No woman is guy

Kosh's Shadow 1/13/2023 5:47:20 PM
Need to write a parody of Zappa's song "Joe's Garage" about a different Joe who had secret documents in his.

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