The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/21/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 2/19/2023 2:52:07 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 2/21/2023 5:41:00 AM
That's a nice-looking breakfast, though I might pass on the avocadoes. 
vxbush 2/21/2023 5:54:35 AM
Any Grammarly users here willing to share? I tried it and found it pretty useless for me but I know people who love it--and they are the people who want to have all the woke terms in their work.
vxbush 2/21/2023 6:17:24 AM

And this person wants to be respected for their views about life and the world

Someone needs their blankie and their teddy bear now.

vxbush 2/21/2023 6:20:21 AM
The public schools in Illinois are atrocious. So when Pritzker had a choice about who to put in charge of public ed in the state, did he choose a strong candidate? You decide. 
lucius septimius 2/21/2023 6:52:13 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

I'm old enough to remember when they were pretty good.

JCM 2/21/2023 7:40:17 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

That's a feature of the new regime.

Imagine if they taught kids, *looks around* useful skills and CRITICAL THINKING!

JCM 2/21/2023 8:22:56 AM

Reading through recent headlines and some dots connected, a dime drop however you want to phrase it.

Recent WEF was all about climate change, and full of talk about how to reduce population.

Biden said at the UN climate change is more of a threat than nuclear war.

Putin ramps up threats, Iran is closer to have enough bomb grade fissionable materials.

I would not put past Klaus Schwab, that is one scary dude, his father was a high ranking Nazi, and Klaus proposals are very National Socialist.

Placing tin foil hat firmly on head, with full knowledge what was tin foil hat territory a few years ago is reality now.

Simply put.

A nuclear war would benefit the plans of WEF / Globalist / Climate crowd. Reduction in population, chaos which would "require" a firm hand to control.

vxbush 2/21/2023 9:02:42 AM

In #6 JCM said: Imagine if they taught kids, *looks around* useful skills and CRITICAL THINKING!

They would stand up to the government, which is unacceptable in their eyes. 

vxbush 2/21/2023 9:04:49 AM

In #7 JCM said: Placing tin foil hat firmly on head, with full knowledge what was tin foil hat territory a few years ago is reality now. Simply put. A nuclear war would benefit the plans of WEF / Globalist / Climate crowd. Reduction in population, chaos which would "require" a firm hand to control.

My tinfoil hat is well aligned with yours in this area. Think of it like neutron bombs that kill people but leave infrastructure intact. Those are buildings and resources to reappropriate to those more worthy. 

Occasional Reader 2/21/2023 9:23:22 AM

So apparently now Joe Biden is a war hero, or something (per corporate media).

Did he serve any plastic Chicken Kiev Kyiv while in-theater?   Enquiring minds want to know. 

JCM 2/21/2023 11:01:21 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

I was listening WEF forum and they were bemoaning how the Pandemic didn't gain them the progress they expected form the crisis.

Almost like the pandemic was planned. I don't blame folks for thinking the pandemic was planned listening to crap.

I don't go quite that far, but they certainly did not let the crisis go to waste.

Occasional Reader 2/21/2023 11:38:55 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

I heard talks from the sorts of think-tankers who contribute to WEF, early in the pandemic; they were practically drooling over how the lockdowns, etc. would pave the way for all the REALLY drastic stuff "we" will have to do to.... can you guess?.... did you say "fight climate change"?   How did you guess?! 

Kosh's Shadow 2/21/2023 5:05:30 PM

Hunter Asks Dad To Pick Up His Paycheck As Long As He's In Kyiv

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