The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/26/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 3/25/2023 7:28:18 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 9:17:07 AM

So is the Bee really a satire site?

When satire becomes reality: Nearly 100 Babylon Bee joke stories have come true

"The problem isn't that our satire is too close to reality," Seth Dillon told Fox News. "It’s that reality is too close to satire, so our jokes keep coming true."

JCM 3/26/2023 9:26:12 AM
So the Bee is more reliable news source the the MSM!
JCM 3/26/2023 9:27:31 AM
No shootings overnight but a armed robbery spree.
Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 9:37:51 AM

In #2 JCM said: So the Bee is more reliable news source the the MSM!

Well, the NYT called them a "fake news" site and was forced to retract that.

Occasional Reader 3/26/2023 11:15:43 AM


I woke up last night with a fever of 101, my temperature is normal today and Covid test is negative. Just feeling tired.

I hope you all are well.

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 1:10:41 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Maybe you have the virus the Chinese spread from the balloon//////

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 3:10:17 PM

Repost from yesterday

Unreal: Emergency Motion Claims FBI Didn't Disclose Informant Inside Proud Boys Defense Team

Informant or instigator?

Federal Bureau of Instigation

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 3:10:34 PM

Need a Wokespeak dictionary.

Opposite to the past definitions.

Some entries

Democracy - when the people vote the way the government wants

Fascism - when the people want the government to get out of their lives

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 4:13:37 PM

If you have pets, go to Chewy, not Petco.

I stopped going to Petco when I had an order to pick up missing an item and was told it would be two days or so to get a refund but they could not give me anything to indicate the item was not there.

Chewy sent out email for a promotion on only some items, but left that info out of the email so the code was rejected. Very short time on hold and they gave me credit plus 10% off.

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 4:16:36 PM

Progressives Across Nation Locked Out Of Accounts After CAPTCHA Asks 'Select All Squares That Contain A Woman'

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 4:26:03 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said:

Federal Bureau of Instigation

Occasional Reader 3/26/2023 5:13:51 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

If you have pets, go to Chewy”

Let the wookie win?

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 5:31:09 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

I believe that is where Han gets Chewie's Wookie food.

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 6:47:01 PM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: I believe that is where Han gets Chewie's Wookie food.

He gets a great deal as a delivery pilot, too.

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 6:55:41 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: He gets a great deal as a delivery pilot, too.

Door Dash became Planet Placement

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2023 7:11:45 PM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: Door Dash became Planet Placement

Millenium Falcon Meals

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