The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/24/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 4/22/2023 7:52:29 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 4/24/2023 5:49:58 AM

vxbush 4/24/2023 5:54:37 AM
60 Minutes says Ray Epps is absolutely not a fed
vxbush 4/24/2023 5:57:32 AM

I freely admit—I haven’t read this article yet. But it meets the criteria for clickbait based on the title alone.

Hide your kids: Oregon gives slap on the wrist to a satanist drag mom for sex crimes

vxbush 4/24/2023 5:59:24 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Okay, now I’ve read the first few paragraphs: 

The Post Millennial reports that Boren told detectives “that her need for child sex abuse content was like an ‘uncontrollable itch that she couldn’t stop.’

You know, if a father of one of those children ended up killing her, I wouldn’t convict. 

vxbush 4/24/2023 6:03:26 AM

Analysis: to stay young, always be learning something. 

Study: Older adults may reverse cognitive decline

vxbush 4/24/2023 6:04:56 AM

This shouldn’t be a surprise. 

Afghanistan has become what it was before 9/11: a terrorist haven and staging area

vxbush 4/24/2023 6:06:25 AM

WSJ editorial: Biden is “an octogenarian in obvious decline” and his reelection would be “an historic mistake”

Gee. What was your first hint? This was obvious back in 2000, but Orange Man Bad trumps all rational discourse. 

JCM 4/24/2023 7:30:25 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

I wonder what gave them their first clue!

JCM 4/24/2023 7:39:11 AM

We have an election in King Co. WA. A single tax levy issue on the ballot. More taxes for mental health.

It's real close to fraud. The hold an off, off year, off month election for a single issue. Election cost big money.

They are counting on only those really passionate about passing on voting. So with a miniscule turn out and likely around a 60% yes vote they increase property taxes. Which only went up 25% since last year.

vxbush 4/24/2023 8:33:37 AM

In #9 JCM said: They are counting on only those really passionate about passing on voting. So with a miniscule turn out and likely around a 60% yes vote they increase property taxes. Which only went up 25% since last year.

I think that's why mayoral and governor elections in Illinois are held in non-presidential election years. They want to keep only those most passionate about the job to be voting. 

Occasional Reader 4/24/2023 8:38:30 AM


JCM 4/24/2023 9:07:13 AM
These people want to be taken seriously?
Occasional Reader 4/24/2023 9:34:15 AM
And it appears Tucker, Carlson and Fox have parted ways.
vxbush 4/24/2023 9:37:20 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: And it appears Tucker, Carlson and Fox have parted ways.

As soon as Tucker starts up his own news service, people will flock to it. Fox was stupid. 

JCM 4/24/2023 10:47:08 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

Black Hole Lemon is out at CNN too!

Occasional Reader 4/24/2023 11:21:15 AM

Reply to JCM in 15:


vxbush 4/24/2023 11:38:50 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: And it appears Tucker, Carlson and Fox have parted ways.

From what I'm seeing, it wasn't so "mutual" that they let Tucker have a final show. Online rumors suggest he was setting up for this evening's broadcast and they pulled the rug out from under him. 

Occasional Reader 4/24/2023 2:23:10 PM
And I am back in DC.  On the way, my train sat for about 10 minutes due to a… “bird strike”?’  I have never in my life heard of such a thing happening to a train.

In any event, I’m glad the bird strike was resolved, and I hope the bird union negotiated a fair contract.
JCM 4/24/2023 2:30:16 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

The B in LGTB went on strike?

An Acela moves fast enough to shatter a windshield on the locomotive would be my guess.

Kosh's Shadow 4/24/2023 5:41:09 PM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: And it appears Tucker, Carlson and Fox have parted ways.

Possibly the Deep State got Fox to force Tucker Carlson out (this article does not state that explicitly, however)

Kosh's Shadow 4/24/2023 5:45:33 PM

In #14 vxbush said: As soon as Tucker starts up his own news service, people will flock to it. Fox was stupid. 

Fox News Fires The Only Reason People Watch Fox News

JCM 4/24/2023 5:55:42 PM

Hey OR if you show up.

Slow mo zoomed tracking of Starship.... more impressive BOOM for Little OR.

Kosh's Shadow 4/24/2023 6:24:42 PM

Reply to JCM in 22:

Unrelated video except for mention of BOOM!

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