The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/10/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 5/6/2023 7:04:41 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/10/2023 6:10:59 AM

In #17 vxbush said: Given the militarization of all the other parts of the federal government, why not give postal carriers guns? 
In #27 Kosh's Shadow said: Remember the term "Going postal"?

Oh, yeah. But as we know, the guns do the crime themselves. /

vxbush 5/10/2023 6:12:52 AM
While I'm not completely enamored of Elon Musk--he's made his money with lots and lots of government help--I don't mind seeing Tucker Carlson going to Twitter. That seems designed to bring lots and lots of liberal tears. 
vxbush 5/10/2023 6:17:04 AM
Oh, brother. Newsom Administration Launches a ‘Hate Hotline’ to Police Pronouns
vxbush 5/10/2023 6:22:09 AM
Wow. I didn't think my opinion of Islam could go lower. I was wrong. What’s Behind Reports of a ‘Rampant Rise’ of Necrophilia in Muslim Nations?
vxbush 5/10/2023 6:29:31 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

You'll be happy to know that all the leftists are frothing mad. Entry #1: 

vxbush 5/10/2023 6:35:51 AM

The Disunited States of Dopamine and Entitlement, per this author quoting another article: 

An Antioch High School student who pepper sprayed a teacher is facing discipline from the school and police investigation.

FOX 17 News contacted Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) following a video shared on social media depicting a student pepper spraying a teacher for taking possession of her cell phone.

Recorded by a fellow student, the female can be seen following the teacher to the hallway where she asked for her phone back before spraying the teacher.

MNPS says the incident “represents a serious violation of law and our school policies, and the student involved has received appropriate disciplinary consequences.”

Later in the same article by the cited author:

What was a student doing with pepper spray in school? And for that matter, why did she feel entitled to use it on a teacher who was merely confiscating the phone, not stealing it? Well, if you need me to feed you the answers to those questions at this point, I don’t know what to say. But what really struck me was not only the act itself, which seems to be SOP for America’s public schools, but the reactions of the students. You saw the jeers and hooting and hollering and the look of glee on one girl’s face. In their minds, this was not an assault; it was entertainment. Not only are they unconcerned with the fact that their school has become a place for violence and toddler tantrums thrown by adult-sized people, but they are also unaware of it. Or worse yet, they revel in it. 

vxbush 5/10/2023 6:38:10 AM
As the hellhole sinks further....San Francisco supervisor announces legislation to limit use of guns by security guards
vxbush 5/10/2023 6:46:34 AM

ZuckBucks played a not-minor role in the 2020 election. So it's interesting that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is speaking at Zuckerberg's Center for Election Innovation and Research big meeting called the Summit on American Democracy in Washington, DC. I rather think this won't be an even-handed analysis of the true state of elections.  

Speakers include: 

Sienna Bellows, Maine Secretary of State

Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State

Adrian Fontes, Arizona Secretary of State

Bill Gates--not that one, but the Arizona Supervisor of Maricopa County

Ben Ginsberg, co-chair of the Election Official Legal Defense Network

Jen Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State

SARAH LONGWELL, Publisher of the Bulwark

Maggie Toulouse Oliver

New Mexico secretary of State

Is it my imagination, or are a lot of those places locations where Republicans normally win but Trump did not in 2020? 

vxbush 5/10/2023 6:49:54 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

He's responding to this tweet: 

vxbush 5/10/2023 6:50:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

Not exactly a secret, with a big website, but let's just say I find it very interesting. 

JCM 5/10/2023 7:13:05 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

The fix is in for 2024.

vxbush 5/10/2023 7:26:11 AM

In #11 JCM said: The fix is in for 2024.

It sure is looking like it. Although I did hear news that Trump is wanting to start work on ballot harvesting processes. If the law allows it, it makes sense to do the same. 

JCM 5/10/2023 7:31:29 AM

Reply to vxbush in 12:

Fixing election process is not hard. Just nobody wants to do it. The dems particularly are vested in it being corrupt.

vxbush 5/10/2023 7:43:27 AM

In #13 JCM said: Fixing election process is not hard. Just nobody wants to do it. The dems particularly are vested in it being corrupt.

And have been for decades......

vxbush 5/10/2023 10:50:25 AM
The Big Biden Reveal, courtesy of Ace
Kosh's Shadow 5/10/2023 4:00:44 PM

In #7 vxbush said: As the hellhole sinks further....San Francisco supervisor announces legislation to limit use of guns by security guards

The old song needs an update:

I left my heart in San Francisco

Stuck to a homeless man's knife

Occasional Reader 5/10/2023 4:55:52 PM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

that’s weird, NPR news has absolutely nothing about this story! Isn’t that weird?! Totally weird! 

Occasional Reader 5/10/2023 4:57:28 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

my mistake! There IS a story.  It’s… Republicans Pounce:

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