The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/22/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 5/21/2023 9:59:45 AM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/22/2023 5:55:52 AM

Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: the Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball

I think many who aren't Democrats are saying: yes, please, wreck a lot of it.

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:03:09 AM

Chinese Law REQUIRES All Foreign Companies to Host CCP Cells

This has been in place for 30 years. 

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:04:37 AM
Social Justice™ Now Claims Waking Up Early Is White Supremacy
vxbush 5/22/2023 6:08:15 AM

Seven Simple Things YOU Can Do TODAY to Fight the Bolshie Threat to Our Nation

It doesn't seem like a big enough list, personally, although not doing #7 is probably why we are where we are

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:18:30 AM

NAACP Issues Florida Travel Advisory: ‘Florida Is Openly Hostile to African Americans’

This will be news to one of my friends.....

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:20:54 AM
California: Person of Color™ Torches College Students, Doesn’t Even Get Probation
vxbush 5/22/2023 6:24:35 AM

WHO Blames Enterovirus for Surge in ‘Severe Myocarditis’ in UK Infants, Ignores mRNA Shots

Thought told pregnant mothers to get these shots and claimed they were safe but ignored the statistics from their own study.

Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 6:29:52 AM

In #3 vxbush said: Social Justice™ Now Claims Waking Up Early Is White Supremacy

I'm doing my part to fight white supremacy, in that case. 

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:30:41 AM

WATCH: Biden Administration Education Secretary Can’t Answer What Color His Suit Is

He can only give his boilerplate answers. He can't answer what color his suit is because he is an empty suit.   

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:33:49 AM

Daily Beast: Whistleblowers admit accepting aid after they were silenced

As if accepting help after you've been targeted by the Deep State is somehow evil itself. One of these people became homeless because of the actions against them. 

vxbush 5/22/2023 6:35:17 AM

The first pin drops.....Report: Jeffrey Epstein Threatened to Expose Bill Gates’ Affair

I expect a lot more pins to drop on the hardball tactics of Epstein.

JCM 5/22/2023 7:30:14 AM
Child with measles was recently at Pike Place Market, World Market [Seattle]
Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 8:11:13 AM
So we're all prepared to hear/read in the media in, ohhh, three-to-five weeks from now about the totally baffling, completely inexplicable new surge of monkeypox... oops, sorry, "mpox" cases, right?
JCM 5/22/2023 8:28:26 AM

Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms powered by diesel generators  

Dozens of giant turbines on Scotland’s windfarms have been powered by diesel generators, the Sunday Mail can reveal. Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed on the grid.

vxbush 5/22/2023 8:49:52 AM

In #14 JCM said: Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms powered by diesel generators  

If I didn't know better, I would swear that all these pushes away from nuclear and to wind farms was actually being manipulated by diesel power generator companies. 

Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 8:57:44 AM

In #14 JCM said:

Oscar Wilde/heart of stone/weep with laughter, and all that. 

Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 8:58:15 AM

In #15 vxbush said: If I didn't know better, I would swear that all these pushes away from nuclear and to wind farms was actually being manipulated by diesel power generator companies. 


vxbush 5/22/2023 8:59:29 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: So we're all prepared to hear/read in the media in, ohhh, three-to-five weeks from now about the totally baffling, completely inexplicable new surge of monkeypox... oops, sorry, "mpox" cases, right?

Oh? I thought they had tried to make this a thing, and it fell flat on its face.

Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 9:19:50 AM

In #18 vxbush said: Oh? I thought they had tried to make this a thing, and it fell flat on its face.

Yes!  But... again, I predict there will be a totally inexplicable upsurge in new cases in about a month.  

vxbush 5/22/2023 10:19:18 AM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: Yes!  But... again, I predict there will be a totally inexplicable upsurge in new cases in about a month.  

I'm expecting some new coronavirus to start going around in December to impact the 2024 presidential election cycle. That is, they will do this if Biden hasn't been removed as the leading candidate for the Democrats. 

Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 10:26:33 AM

NAACP issues “travel advisory” for super-racist Florida.

Oh, also; NAACP chairman lives in Tampa.

Occasional Reader 5/22/2023 11:34:31 AM

In #20 vxbush said: I'm expecting some new coronavirus to start going around in December to impact the 2024 presidential election cycle.

Maybe that, too.  But just to be completely clear, what I was referring to was the likelihood that next month's  "Pride", uh... activities, shall we say.... will likely lead to a new round of monkeypox cases; and "public health" officials will pretend they have no explanation for what caused that renewed surge.  

vxbush 5/22/2023 12:04:00 PM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: Maybe that, too.  But just to be completely clear, what I was referring to was the likelihood that next month's  "Pride", uh... activities, shall we say.... will likely lead to a new round of monkeypox cases; and "public health" officials will pretend they have no explanation for what caused that renewed surge.  

Well, they certainly have tried to find every and any medical situation to use as a news hook: HIV, Zika, COVID, Swine flu, MRSA, and those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. 

JCM 5/22/2023 12:41:17 PM

Reply to vxbush in 20:


If bird flu starts to spread among people, existing vaccines may be inadequate, experts say

vxbush 5/22/2023 2:21:47 PM

In #24 JCM said: If bird flu starts to spread among people, existing vaccines may be inadequate, experts say

So, it isn't actually transmissible to humans, but we're going to worry about it way before hand. We've gone down this road before, I know. 

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