The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/02/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 7/1/2023 8:00:49 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 7/2/2023 10:47:28 AM

Thank heavens decency has returned to the White House, in the form of the first family.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2023 11:51:31 AM

Given the Muslim riots in France, I wonder if Notre Dame will end up getting rebuilt as a mosque.

Or will the French have the (how do you say cojones in French?) to throw the Muslims out.

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2023 11:55:52 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Given the Muslim riots in France, I wonder if Notre Dame will end up getting rebuilt as a mosque.

The Eiffel Tower will become the Paris Municipal Minaret, broadcasting the call to prayer.

Occasional Reader 7/2/2023 12:10:37 PM

So I’ve received an e-mail confirming my reservation (all in French) for tomorrow evening for two people at a gourmet restaurant in Juan-les-Pins, France.

Damn, what a glamorous life alternate me has!


Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2023 12:29:50 PM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: So I’ve received an e-mail confirming my reservation (all in French) for tomorrow evening for two people at a gourmet restaurant in Juan-les-Pins, France.

Your alternate you will have to look out for the raging Muslim mob because the restaurant sells pork

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2023 12:51:15 PM

If an AI spits out the binary number 001010011010, be afraid.

That is 666 in binary.

JCM 7/2/2023 2:10:06 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

So ChatGPT is the anti-christ!

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2023 4:11:14 PM

Article is behind paywall, but the headline is good enough:

Hunter Biden Proves Gun Laws Won’t Keep Criminals From Getting Guns 

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2023 6:42:24 PM
Does anyone else think the appropriate punishment for the person who carved his and his girlfriend's name in the Colliseum would be to bring back the lions and let him fight them?
Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2023 8:26:32 PM

OK, this video of Sympathy for the Devil really has Mick looking trans.

Take from it what you will

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