The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/01/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 7/30/2023 8:25:16 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 8/1/2023 5:05:47 AM

Forensic Study Into 2020 Detroit, Michigan Election Finds Up to 34,000 Illegal Ballots – And Additional Warnings from Detroit Clerks that THOUSANDS of Absentee Paper Was Different than Normal Ballots

  • A significant number of absentees in different precincts illegally had no signed ballot application. Many absentee ballots had no request whatsoever, in the two primary precincts examined the rates of illegal ballots were 12% and 20%.
  • Absentee ballots often had a lighter tone and shade to the printing. The Detroit clerks even commented to the Specklin team that the type of paper felt different.

Where are the Republican bigwigs to stand against this insanity? Oh, that's right; they're getting along with the Democrats so they can make millions. 

vxbush 8/1/2023 5:13:36 AM

I think we have convincingly proven that pretty much every word out of President Biden is a lie. 

During a closed-door hearing on Monday, Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer reportedly confirmed to the House Oversight Committee that Joe Biden participated in over twenty calls with Hunter Biden and his foreign business partners — contradicting repeated denials from Joe Biden and the White House.

I hear the word "impeachment" being dropped now, but the Oversight committee has absolutely no authority to do anything. Is McCarthy listening? 

vxbush 8/1/2023 5:13:54 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:


vxbush 8/1/2023 5:19:54 AM

Of course, Hunter saw things a bit differently in a text with Devon Archer: 

JCM 8/1/2023 7:03:08 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

*squawk* No evidence fraud! *squawk*

Occasional Reader 8/1/2023 7:14:28 AM

Reply to JCM in 5:

Not even a smidgen of corruption. 

vxbush 8/1/2023 7:50:44 AM

More of that not-corruption: 

Devon Archer Testifies Joe Biden Met with Moscow Mayor’s Wife in Georgetown – Who Wired $3.5 Million to Hunter – And Then Joe Biden Kept Her Off Sanctions List

JCM 8/1/2023 8:27:27 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

That is clearly Russian information. If you do not take down your post we will have to close your account.

*platform executive with FBI agent looking over his shoulder.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2023 8:43:29 AM

In #8 JCM said: That is clearly Russian information. If you do not take down your post we will have to close your account. *platform executive with FBI agent looking over his shoulder.

Also: An FBI SWAT team has been dispatched to your location.   Remain calm, keep your hands in plain view at all times.  And sorry/not sorry in advance, about your dog. 

vxbush 8/1/2023 9:18:28 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Remain calm, keep your hands in plain view at all times.  And sorry/not sorry in advance, about your dog. 

That's not my dog. That is my neighbor's dog, the one who has a whole arsenal of firearms. (Stores them in his doghouse, too.)


JCM 8/1/2023 9:31:29 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

Gotta keep the domestic terrorist in line!

buzzsawmonkey 8/1/2023 9:41:36 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

It's great to be the President's son
I bought the law and it's such fun
I bought the law and it's such fun

---Hunter Biden

Occasional Reader 8/1/2023 10:56:38 AM


JCM 8/1/2023 11:06:54 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

Joe's a MAP.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


doppelganglander 8/1/2023 11:12:45 AM
I'm sorry I missed yesterday's book discussion. My father had a partial set of Harvard Classics, the Encyclopedia Britannica, multiple dictionaries, a self-teaching encyclopedia in 36 volumes, and a complete set of Dickens. All of them except Britannica now live at my house. I collect volumes of the Harvard Classics where I can find them - I recently bought 4 volumes of a 1938 edition in very good condition at a flea market. 
buzzsawmonkey 8/1/2023 11:45:33 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 15:

I will again recommend the Variety Music Cavalcade (3rd edition) to people looking for a fascinating and readily-available at low cost adjuct to their home reference library.  The year-by-year lists of songs are fascinating enough (some things are much earlier, others much later, than one would think), but the historical snippets for each year are also most enlightening. 

The example I generally use when trying to sell people on the book is the brief account of the "General Slocum" disaster in 1904 (the starting-point of the William Powell/Clark Gable film "Manhattan Melodrama," which John Dillinger watched at Chicago's Biograph Theater before being gunned down by FBI agents as he was leaving it).  The "Slocum" was a steamship carrying 1400 people, mostly women and children, on a church excursion, which caught fire and collapsed in the middle of New York's East River; 1,021 lives were lost.  Consider that a mere 8 years later the "Titanic" sank in the Atlantic Ocean, and 1,517 lives were lost.   It is astounding to think that 2/3rds as many lives were lost in a disaster in the middle of the East River as were lost in that mid-Atlantic sinking.

lucius septimius 8/1/2023 11:49:40 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

Current talking points:  Of course everyone knew about all of this.  Old news - can't we move on?  Seas are boiling!!! DeathSanctis says slaves loved being raped!!!!11!!

doppelganglander 8/1/2023 12:22:35 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 16:

I bought it years ago on your recommendation. I thought it might be useful for game show prep, but they've de-emphasized older material in favor of shiny new questions about video games and fat pop stars. Definitely fun to skim on a rainy afternoon.

buzzsawmonkey 8/1/2023 1:09:32 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 18:

Yes, it's a great book to go spelunking in.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2023 1:45:53 PM

In #17 lucius septimius said: DeathSanctis says slaves loved being raped!!!!11!!

I JUST read that, on the internet!  Right here!  QED: CLAIM... VERIFIED!

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2023 4:50:13 PM

Trump charged in US special counsel probe in efforts to overturn 2020 election

So, should the stripes or stars on the US flag be changed to bananas?

buzzsawmonkey 8/1/2023 4:57:43 PM

In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: So, should the stripes or stars on the US flag be changed to bananas?

Among the many other "banana republic" aspects of all this, consider that were Biden to step down or otherwise be removed from office as a result of the Biden bribery scandals, he'd be succeeded by Kamala Harris, a person justly famed for her "Chiquita Chick Eat A Banana" skills.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2023 6:50:58 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:

I want to wake up from this nightmare.

I do not want my son to grow up in this garbage the Progs have created.  So sick of it.  

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2023 7:32:50 PM

In #23 Occasional Reader said: I do not want my son to grow up in this garbage the Progs have created.

To the progs, he belongs to the state, not you.

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