The Daily Broadside


Posted on 09/01/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 8/26/2023 8:19:10 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 9/1/2023 6:02:31 AM

In yesterday's #11 Kosh's Shadow said: My first birthday really sucked. I was all warm and had nothing to do; next minute I'm outside and realizing the world sucks, and I'm crying my brains out. And it was all downhill from there. OK, I don't remember that birthday.

Heh. I have a friend who has a memory that her mother swears was from the age of 6 months. My memories don't go back nearly that far. 

While I go out and search for some news to post, today's non-political topic: what is your earliest memory, and how old were you?

vxbush 9/1/2023 6:19:29 AM

Middle School Teacher Carted Off in Cuffs After Teaching Three Sheets to the Wind

I know for a fact that a teacher that drunk wouldn't be arrested and perp walked out of the school back in the 1970's. 

vxbush 9/1/2023 6:21:37 AM

Just In Time for 9/11 Anniversary, New York City Allows Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers

We've worried about this for a while.....

vxbush 9/1/2023 6:28:35 AM
To no one's surprise, a new book documents Biden's inability to get work done in the White House
Occasional Reader 9/1/2023 7:24:09 AM

Happy Friday.

Quote of the day (at least, so far):  I was chatting at my local Starbucks with a very nice neighbor, who is a Vietnam War veteran.  Having caught part of Full Metal Jacket while idly channel-surfing last night, I was prompted to ask him; what do you consider to be the most realistic Vietnam War movie?

He replied: "Well, I really tend to avoid Vietnam War movies, having been in the original cast."

lucius septimius 9/1/2023 7:59:52 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Very similar to a statement by a former student who had been in Somalia about Blackhawk Down.  He said he lost too many friends in that operation and had no desire to ever think about it again, much less watch it on screen.

Occasional Reader 9/1/2023 8:07:27 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 6:

Was he a former Ranger, or something else?  If you know.

vxbush 9/1/2023 8:08:24 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Reply to lucius septimius in 6:

Oh, I bet. Movies that replicate your past hit too close to home to want to repeat. 

vxbush 9/1/2023 8:10:18 AM

Rant of the day (so far):

Amazon has too many shady sellers that advertise one part and sell a different part. We tried an Amazon reseller to get a replacement power supply and they sent us a similar product from the right vendor but it was NOT the right part and did not work. Grrrr. We'll be sending that back, of course, and I've carefully documented the issue, but it's right annoying between this and the number of fake reviews you now see padding Amazon listings. 

lucius septimius 9/1/2023 8:10:24 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

Ranger.  When Gulf War 2: Revenge of Chimpy McHitlerburton came, he reenlisted.  Came home safe, thank heavens.

lucius septimius 9/1/2023 8:11:09 AM

In #8 vxbush said: Movies that replicate your past hit too close to home to want to repeat. 

Hence my refusal to watch "That 70s Show"

buzzsawmonkey 9/1/2023 8:35:43 AM

In #6 lucius septimius said: Very similar to a statement by a former student who had been in Somalia about Blackhawk Down.  He said he lost too many friends in that operation and had no desire to ever think about it again, much less watch it on screen.

There's a cartoon by Bill Mauldin in "Back Home," his followup to his first book "Up Front," in which his former-dogface character Willie is at the box office of a movie theatre that is showing "The Story of San Pietro---Genuine Action Pictures!"   "The Story of San Pietro" was filmed onsite, IIRC, by John Huston, during that battle in the Italian campaign.  

Anyway, Willie is mopping his brow and saying, "Dern tootin' it's realistic.  Gimme my money back!"

JCM 9/1/2023 8:53:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Every other religion should do it to.... the court case when NYC tries to shut down the Pentecostals would be epic.

buzzsawmonkey 9/1/2023 9:02:46 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3: Reply to JCM in 13:

There's a "Mosque of the Red Death" joke in there somewhere...

JCM 9/1/2023 10:10:30 AM

My LinkedIn mail message are blowing up with messages from recruiters, 3 this morning alone.

I have a hiring banner on my profile, 3 open positions just for my team.

Most of them are contract positions, a couple advertised the pay rate.... less than half of what I make.

Occasional Reader 9/1/2023 10:53:11 AM

In #15 JCM said: My LinkedIn mail message are blowing up with messages from recruiters

You should join up, son!

Service guarantees citizenship!

JCM 9/1/2023 10:59:44 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

And I get to kill bugs!

JCM 9/1/2023 11:00:47 AM

Reply to JCM in 17:

Looking at society currently I can't say Heinlein was wrong.

vxbush 9/1/2023 12:19:38 PM

In #18 JCM said: Looking at society currently I can't say Heinlein was wrong.

I suppose I should read that book at some point. I watched the movie and figured it wasn't going to be accurate to the book. 

JCM 9/1/2023 12:59:50 PM

Reply to vxbush in 19:

The movie was an intentional ridicule of the book, according to Verhoeven.

vxbush 9/1/2023 1:45:26 PM

In #20 JCM said: The movie was an intentional ridicule of the book, according to Verhoeven.

Yeah, that seemed fairly obvious. Intentionally campy, which sometimes work. 

JCM 9/1/2023 2:30:01 PM

Reply to vxbush in 21:

In short the concept from Heinlein was, if you want to be a "citizen", with full rights and responsibilities, you had to contribute something to society, mainly in the book military service.

Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2023 4:20:00 PM

In #1 vxbush said: what is your earliest memory, and how old were you?

The oldest clear one was of my aunt's new car, a 1960 Impala, with the horizontal tail fins. I remember getting in it the first time, which makes me around 5 at the time. Vague things before then.

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