The Daily Broadside


Posted on 09/05/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 9/3/2023 4:38:00 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 9/5/2023 6:49:03 AM
Morning, campers. Today's random question: what is the worst customer service experience you have ever had? Given the lack of ability of many of the 20- and 30-somethings these days, I can imagine a lot.....
Occasional Reader 9/5/2023 7:11:07 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Today's random question

My answer: 42.

Occasional Reader 9/5/2023 7:14:29 AM

Report: Kim Jung-Un to visit Russia, to discuss providing military support. 

Heckuva job, Vlad. You're reduced to turning to one of the poorest, most pariah-state countries in the world for support. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2023 7:17:25 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Worst ever?  Couldn't say.  Last week, however, I was trying to get the central Verizon store in Brooklyn to fix the problems I've been having with my phone (including a long-delayed replacement of the still-under-warranty device), and not only got no help, but the person I was talking to flipped me the finger.

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2023 7:51:58 AM

Two things from today's Morning Edition on NPR. 

First, for utter hilarity---and appallingness---listen to this 3-minute interview with the "President and CEO of the US High-Speed Rail Association." I'm assuming he's also the only member of this "association"---but whether or not he is, the fantasy is truly bizarre.

Second, for utter and complete ahistoricity, this interview with the authors of a book on black "girl groups" of the 1960s.  The information on the groups themselves is interesting, but the authors' assertion that these groups were "the first time that women/black women could express their sexuality and emotions" is complete nonsense.  In support of this, they reference "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?" and "And Then He Kissed Me."  Consider, however, by way of example, the following, much-earlier songs---a small and random sampling:

What Did I Do To Be So Black And Blue?

You've Got the Right Key, But the Wrong Keyhole

Body and Soul

You Turned the Tables On Me

Got a Feelin' You're Foolin'

Occasional Reader 9/5/2023 7:52:30 AM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: and not only got no help, but the person I was talking to flipped me the finger.

There has GOT to be more to this story. 

Occasional Reader 9/5/2023 7:53:28 AM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: but the authors' assertion that these groups were "the first time that women/black women could express their sexuality and emotions"

NPR does that sort of historically-illiterate crap all the time; but you knew that. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2023 7:57:07 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: There has GOT to be more to this story. 

I went in to try and get the central store to replace the malfunctioning phone my local outlet had promised me a week and a half earlier.   The guy I drew wouldn't listen to the complaint, wouldn't look at the paperwork I'd brought in, and flipped me the bird as I was walking out.

Occasional Reader 9/5/2023 8:04:35 AM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: and flipped me the bird as I was walking out

Isn't that just a traditional Brooklyn Farewell? 

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2023 8:36:47 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Isn't that just a traditional Brooklyn Farewell? 

Well, I certainly left.

vxbush 9/5/2023 10:04:18 AM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: I went in to try and get the central store to replace the malfunctioning phone my local outlet had promised me a week and a half earlier.   The guy I drew wouldn't listen to the complaint, wouldn't look at the paperwork I'd brought in, and flipped me the bird as I was walking out.

Welcome to the Problem Child club! Your experience has granted you access into an exclusive club of customers who expect customer service but are treated as pariahs! 


I feel your pain. I really do. I'm dealing with a software vendor who is taking my report of a bug and treating me as if I'm a poor kindergartener who lost her ball to a classmate. After reading through the reply I got that simply copied and pasted the documentation I had already read, it has taken all my considerable self control not to flip THEM the bird for treating me like a five year old. 

Occasional Reader 9/5/2023 10:54:14 AM

It said that Cubans living in Russia and "even some in Cuba" had been "incorporated into the military forces taking part in the war in Ukraine".

Two thoughts:

1) I find it very interesting that the Cuban government is announcing this.  Is this evidence of some Havana-Russia fissures?

2) It's not at all clear from the information in the piece that this is "human trafficking", strictly speaking. 

vxbush 9/5/2023 12:41:57 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: Is this evidence of some Havana-Russia fissures?

That does seem particularly odd. I can't say that I recall any sort of push back against Russia at all over the past few decades. 

Kosh's Shadow 9/5/2023 4:47:33 PM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Verizon Wireless. Our DSL crapped out (antique central office) and we needed internet the next day, Got a mobile hotspot at Best By=uy (they were the only place still open) and the idiots there had no idea how to activate it for existing VZW customers.

Used chat with VZW (after phone support hours) with a cheery moron who said the device would be activated in 2 hours. Was not working the next moriing, but at least I could call. Took 2 more attempts to get it working, and they billed me 3 activation charges and 3 lines. I managed to get some credit, but when not all was removed from the bill, I filed a complaint with the FCC, That set a fire under their behinds and I got the credit all worked out.

Note Verizon is the only mobile provider with decent coverage where I live. Probably will improve since the town just approved another cell tower, just behind our house. Should get a great 5G signal!

Kosh's Shadow 9/5/2023 4:51:06 PM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: I went in to try and get the central store to replace the malfunctioning phone my local outlet had promised me a week and a half earlier.   The guy I drew wouldn't listen to the complaint, wouldn't look at the paperwork I'd brought in, and flipped me the bird as I was walking out.

Complain to the FCC, and INCLUDE THAT.. When their executive calls you, tell them that you demand compensation.

Because someone who at least claims to be with the executive suite WILL call after an FCC complaint. And that person will be very nice.

Kosh's Shadow 9/5/2023 4:57:54 PM

On the flip side of TAKING support calls:

I had added a feature to a product, and that version was now in field test. Our support engineer was asked to transfer the call to me, and the person at the other end went on about how the product was a piece of crap (nothing about the feature I added). I stayed professional and didn't say "I agree this is a piece of crap! I was on the team proposing a completely different desgn, but the morons at HQ insisted to use as much proprietary crap as they could stuff into it." Our support person apologized, but I was nice to him. Not his fault.

Another time, the person at the other end was nice, but technologically challenged.  This company sold software used by educational institutions, in this case, the Georgia Virtual High School, and was calling for her son. He would have been better able to handle it. I needed her to send an attachment and she had no idea how to do so. a different support person was familiar with hotmail, so I transferred the call. He later said he asked if she had any windows open, to which she replied "No, I have the AC on". This company was so small even the CEO took support calls.

(BTW, to test the software, I took the Georgia Virtual HS Latin exam and passed, even though it had been 30 years or so since I took Latin. At least the Centurion didn't cut my b**s off./)

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