The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/10/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 10/7/2023 6:10:10 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 10/10/2023 5:52:16 AM

Happy Tuesday, my friends. Hamas now says it wants a truce, after demonstrating quite convincingly that they wanted anything but a truce on Saturday. I say Israel has every right to turn Gaza into glass. Robert Spencer notes the request, and writes: 

The establishment media and the leftist political elites will receive this with hosannas and take it as the dawning of a new era of peace — if only those dastardly warmongering Israelis will take Hamas’ olive branch. That is, however, not really what it is at all. For Hamas to be asking for a truce on Monday evening Gaza time, it must have had an extremely bad Sunday and Monday. For Islamic law only allows for a truce if Muslims are weak and need to gather strength to fight later more effectively, or if they’re fighting non-Muslims whom they think may accept Islam.

I trust Spencer's take on this more than I do any MSM pundit. I'm pretty sure Hamas knows better than to assume that the Israelis will accept Islam, so they must have already been seriously attacked and are now asking not to suffer more casualties. I must be seriously behind, because I don't recall seeing much in the way of news regarding Israel's attack, although that is as it should be. 

vxbush 10/10/2023 5:53:07 AM
Ah, here's a piece of the puzzle I'm missing, although from AP I'm sure it spins left.
vxbush 10/10/2023 5:56:25 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Same article: 

In response to Israel’s aerial attacks, the spokesman of Hamas’ armed wing, Abu Obeida, said Monday night that the group will kill one Israeli civilian captive any time Israel targets civilians in their homes in Gaza “without prior warning.”

They really know how to be just insanely galling, demanding what they themselves will never give and their known plans to always surround themselves with civilians. 

vxbush 10/10/2023 6:00:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Later in that same article: 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza.

Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council aid group, warned that a siege would spell “utter disaster” for Gazans.“There is no doubt that collective punishment is in violation of international law,” he told The Associated Press. “If and when it would lead to wounded children dying in hospitals because of lack of energy, electricity and supplies, it could amount to war crimes.”

Yeah, I'm guessing Egeland didn't say one word about the war crimes committed by Hamas. 

vxbush 10/10/2023 6:00:45 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Later in that same article: 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza.

Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council aid group, warned that a siege would spell “utter disaster” for Gazans.“There is no doubt that collective punishment is in violation of international law,” he told The Associated Press. “If and when it would lead to wounded children dying in hospitals because of lack of energy, electricity and supplies, it could amount to war crimes.”

Yeah, I'm guessing Egeland didn't say one word about the war crimes committed by Hamas. 

JCM 10/10/2023 7:10:38 AM

Meanwhile lets panic the sheep again....

New scare word?


SEATTLE — As the U.S. sees an uptick in cases of COVID-19, doctors are warning of a possible tripledemic with coronavirus, the flu and RSV.

We have flu and RSV every year never saw the term doubledemic.

COVID is so overhyped as to be laughable.

JCM 10/10/2023 7:14:27 AM

IMAO opinion, Israel has one option.

Impose strict marshal law, and clear every nook and cranny in Gaza of any and all weapons. The remain there for the foreseeable future.

Iran must be dealt a major blow, I'd hit the nuclear research facilities, all oil production, and terminals, destroy their source of cash by which the fund terror.

JCM 10/10/2023 7:30:47 AM

Reply to JCM in 7:

Why does Israel have only one option?

Hamas Slaughters 40 Babies

Hamas terrorists massacred at least 40 babies at the Kfar Aza kibbutz on Saturday, an IDF commander reported. Israeli forces are still evacuating houses. They expect to find more bodies.

Taking into fog of war, hyperbole, and even a touch of propaganda.... even if it only 4 babies..... that is not the action of an enemy.

That is the action of a rabid dog.

I hate to say it, but I think Israel and everyone must assume the hostage are dead, or will be killed as soon as an offensive begins. Hamas has undoubtedly has distributed the hostages so a rescue is highly unlikely.

Occasional Reader 10/10/2023 7:59:47 AM

Israeli government denies Egyptian claims that they (Egypt) warned Israel of an imminent attack


But that the Egyptian government would even claim to have warned Israel of a Hamas attack represents progress, of a sort.  

Occasional Reader 10/10/2023 8:01:29 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

Same story from Times of Israel. 

Occasional Reader 10/10/2023 8:03:14 AM

In #8 JCM said: That is the action of a rabid dog.


And the IDF is in the role of Atticus Finch. 

JCM 10/10/2023 8:05:42 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

Let's give Israel a little benefit of doubt.

Egypt calls up and warns you.

Egypt won't give them sources and means, so Israel will try to verify.

Is the source of the intel a false flag op? Are they trying to goad Israel into a preemptive strike. We all know how that would play on the world stage.

If Israel can't verify the intel what then?

Occasional Reader 10/10/2023 8:17:56 AM

Reply to JCM in 12:

Yes to all of that, but it's weird that the Egyptian head of intel is publicly saying he gave a warning, the Israelis are saying no warning at all was given.   

JCM 10/10/2023 8:22:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

It's the Friggin' Middle East.

It's a Churchill's Matryoshka doll except squared. 

lucius septimius 10/10/2023 8:47:46 AM

In #14 JCM said: It's a Churchill's Matryoshka doll except squared. 

Very true.

lucius septimius 10/10/2023 8:48:29 AM
I've been enjoying watcing idiot Libertarians try to sound all superior to us lowly peons by being all contrarian and pro-peace the last couple of days.  
lucius septimius 10/10/2023 8:49:43 AM
Hamas must be completely destroyed and rendered incapable of causing any harm to anyone.  And the dirty secret is, other than Iran, none of the Arab nations should shed a tear.  And I suspect many Iranians would rather see them martyred than continue having to deal with the scum.
Occasional Reader 10/10/2023 9:04:43 AM

In #16 lucius septimius said: being all contrarian and pro-peace

I mean... sure, I'm "pro-peace", in a general sense.  It's when you get down the granular details of what that means, where I disagree with these people. 

JCM 10/10/2023 11:27:34 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

I'm pro-peace. But you have to be able to protect and defend peace from the unpeaceful.

JCM 10/10/2023 12:04:19 PM

F around and Find Out.

Short and sweet on what should happen.

buzzsawmonkey 10/10/2023 12:10:10 PM

Hooray for Paliwood!
That sloppy Photoshoppy Paliwood!
Where a jihadi-o can make a video
Of someone who’s been knocked flat
Though blood is scattered, it doesn’t matter
He’ll be back up and walking just like that
Hooray for Paliwood!
They work at making genocide look good
It barely takes them even half an instant
To take an infant, or a woman in a hood
Who looks like a ninja, and make ‘em look injured—
Hooray for Paliwood!

Hooray for Paliwood!
Emoting and exploding Paliwood!
Kids go on television to spout their vision
Of blowing up amidst some Jews
It's so commonplace that when they self-erase
It barely rates a mention on the news
Hooray for Paliwood!
They invite doctors who want to do good
Then interview them as they loudly bewail
The way that they fail
To save all the lives they should
It never is revealed they're used as human shields---
Hooray for Paliwood!

Hooray for Paliwood!
That struggling, weapons-smuggling Paliwood!
Where armaments assorted will be transported
In a Red Crescent ambulance
But don't dare object for if you detect it
You'll be killed as soon as they get the chance
Hooray for Paliwood!
They work at making genocide look good
It barely takes them even half an instant
To take an infant
Or a woman in a hood
Who looks like a ninja
And make ‘em look injured—
Hooray for Paliwood!

@PBJ3 10/10/2023 6:51:31 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:


JCM 10/10/2023 7:12:30 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 22:

PBJ! So good to see you!

@PBJ3 10/10/2023 8:27:39 PM

Reply to JCM in 23:

Thanks so much.  I seem to lurk rather than post.  I've been glued to the internet with news about this horrific war.

@PBJ3 10/10/2023 8:30:40 PM
Was Occasional Reader able to find connect with "Writer Mom"?
@PBJ3 10/10/2023 8:38:44 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 25:

Sorry for repeating two similar words.

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