The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/31/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 12/30/2023 5:34:47 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 12/31/2023 6:16:42 AM
Grrrrrrrr….. ‘Not a Crime’ To Kill an Israeli Soldier, UN Official Says.
JCM 12/31/2023 8:53:07 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

If it was a symmetrical war between two nation states and two uniformed armies with a command and control system and governmental authorization..... then no it would not be a crime.

Hamas is none of those things. They are terrorist organization and their existence is criminal, consequently anything they do is criminal.

If I were President I'd declare the UN a terrorist organization and give all the diplos 24 hours to leave.

JCM 12/31/2023 9:23:49 AM

US Navy sinks 3 Houthi [Iranian] boats attacking merchant ship in Red Sea, US says

The port the 4th boat retreated to should subject to extended bombardment. Sometimes you just need a battleship to set a tone.

vxbush 12/31/2023 11:23:36 AM
I seem to recall this kind of idea being published here a time or fifty:
buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2023 1:51:08 PM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

Only gave the article a quick scan-read, but I look forward to savoring it in detail later.  

May I point out that it echoes what I've posted here many times about the fact that buildings in US cities were "green" up until the middle of the last century, because they had to be?  There were no air conditioners, and even when electric fans became available they were a rarity.

In the US the "green building" took not only the form of thick brick walls, but transoms and double-hung windows for cross-ventilation and for milking the most out of the available light with the least amount of energy/heat expended.  And, of course, there were awnings over windows on the apartment houses and the row houses as well.  

buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2023 2:00:06 PM

Trying to clear out some of the 60+ years of accumulata; currently sorting through the books to find the first stuff to skim.

One of the things I found was a book called "Safe Counsel, or Practical Eugenics," published in 1926.  It's in terrible shape, but it still strikes me as an historical text that would be valued in the proper quarters.   In addition to the actual advice, it also is chock-full of line-drawings that are very "Rake's Progress," all warning about how indulgence in heedless sex, tobacco, and intoxicants will lead to misery, insanity and an early grave. 

Any suggestions as to what I might do with this volume?

Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2023 5:57:31 PM

If anyone is still here, should there be a late New Year's Pub thread?

I've been busy cleaning up old emails - had ones back to 2020 in my inbox, and also had to clean out webmail.

Plus one computer was not working right. Dell Support was able to fix it! The fix was that Windows screwed up the Registry for some reason. Usually I can handle the normal Windows problems with dism and sfc.

buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2023 6:02:39 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

I might possibly look in, but that's not enough to put you through unnecessary work.

On a less-than-joyous-New-Year's topic, I had occasion to inform some people today that jihadi killers hopped up on drugs are an Islamic tradition that goes back about 1500 years, to the "Hashishiyoun" ("hashish-eaters") of the Crusader era, whose name was the source of the English word "assassin."

buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2023 6:03:43 PM
On a brighter note, a happy New Year to everyone here.  Even though I've been absent a lot lately, you do great things for my sanity.
Occasional Reader 12/31/2023 6:24:01 PM

In 2024, Dona Nobis Pacem.

not just that, mind you, but that, as well.

Occasional Reader 12/31/2023 6:25:13 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

yes, please. If it’s not too much trouble.

Occasional Reader 12/31/2023 6:26:31 PM

In #6 buzzsawmonkey said:

 all warning about how indulgence in heedless sex, tobacco, and intoxicants will lead to misery, insanity and an early grave. 

Any suggestions as to what I might do with this volume?”

do the opposite of what it is recommending?


Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2023 6:48:49 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

Pub thread up. 

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