The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/06/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 2/3/2024 5:08:33 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 2/6/2024 6:13:51 AM

George Stephanopoulos, doing the Democrat work the media needs him to do. Key bit from his interview with J.D. Vance on the power of the president and the deep state: 

Vance continued: 

That's a fundamental component of our government, George, that whoever is in charge, agree or disagree with him, you have to follow the rules. If those people aren't following the rules, then of course you've got to fire them, and of course, the president has to be able to run the government as he thinks he should. That's the way the Constitution works. It has been thwarted too much by the way our bureaucracy has worked over the past 15 years.

Stephanopoulos leaped, asking with obvious irritation, "The Constitution also says the president must abide by legitimate Supreme Court rulings, doesn't it?"

"The Constitution says that the Supreme Court can make rulings," Vance replied, "but if the Supreme Court — and, look, I hope that they would not do this, but if the Supreme Court said the president of the United States can't fire a general, that would be an illegitimate ruling, and the president has to have Article II prerogative under the Constitution to actually run the military as he sees fit."

Vance explained his position further, but Stephanopoulos cut him off with a curt "You didn't say 'military' in your answer, and you've made it very clear you believe the president can defy the Supreme Court," cut off Vance's mic, and "thanked" him for his time.

vxbush 2/6/2024 6:18:01 AM

Boeing's 737 Has Become a Literal Death Flight for the Company

Boeing's issues are getting very serious. ABC News reported, "NEW: A Boeing supplier notified the company Thursday that it had discovered 'non-conformance' with the way some holes were drilled in about 50 undelivered 737 jets, the company said Sunday."

Are jobs at Boeing the ones you had in mind when you were saying we needed illegals to fill jobs, Secretary Mayorkas? 

vxbush 2/6/2024 6:20:08 AM

Death of brain cells, complete. In the UK:  Dead People Should Be Able to Change Their Gender, Lawmaker Says

If a dead person decides to change genders, we've already hit the zombie apocalypse.

vxbush 2/6/2024 6:22:23 AM

There are very few colleges or universities left that actually educate, it seems: Oregon University Eliminates Failing Grades

Oh, the students get no credit for the class if they don't make the (nonexistent) grade, but this idea that you don't have to be held accountable for the work you do or don't do and receive some form of measurement on it is so divorced from reality that they are truly harming these students.

vxbush 2/6/2024 6:24:29 AM
Sounds the Super Bowl is being (slightly) more conservative in what types of commercials they are going to allow this year. That's good news. Of course, that is said without having any clue what the ads are going to be and simply based on this tory.
vxbush 2/6/2024 6:25:50 AM
Good Lord Almighty. They really don't want to let go of power. Border Bill Gives US District Court in DC 'Sole and Original Jurisdiction' Over Challenges to Law
vxbush 2/6/2024 6:28:10 AM

Any new technology is often first used by thieves: Deepfake scammer walks off with $25 million in first-of-its-kind AI heist

On Sunday, a report from the South China Morning Post revealed a significant financial loss suffered by a multinational company's Hong Kong office, amounting to HK$200 million (US$25.6 million), due to a sophisticated scam involving deepfake technology. The scam featured a digitally recreated version of the company's chief financial officer, along with other employees, who appeared in a video conference call instructing an employee to transfer funds.

In Hong Kong, and this is probably going to generate a lot of news and concern over the next few weeks.

JCM 2/6/2024 7:04:04 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

The issue is Marbury v. Madison. The court I believe courtly ruled it an do a Constitutional review legislation or executive action. The error is the court has now assumed to itself the power to correct fix the legislation. The also incorrectly assume the mantle of not Supreme Court but Supreme branch.

The Legislature and Executive branch together should be able to overrule the court. That I believe is implicit but no explicit in the intent of the structure of the 3 branches. I believe we need an Amendment  making it explicit. I also think 3/4 of the States should be able to block any action by the Federal Governmment.

JCM 2/6/2024 7:11:28 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

The problem at Boeing is since the merger acquisition of McDonnell Douglas the McDonnell bean counter culture has dominated.

Boeing is now only an assembler. The fuselages come from Spirit Aerosystem in Wichita, the wings and other systems from other sub-cons.

JCM 2/6/2024 7:12:19 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

They vote! Why not change their gender?

Occasional Reader 2/6/2024 8:00:44 AM

European Union enthusiastically votes for accelerated economic suicide.

A self-imposed, continent-wide Morgenthau Plan. 

Occasional Reader 2/6/2024 8:17:19 AM
Dearborn named America's "Jihad Capital" per MEMRI analysis.  Biden Administration responds by... condemning islamophobia. 
JCM 2/6/2024 8:20:45 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

People didn't willing buy into the socialist utopia so now it will be done by control of energy.

vxbush 2/6/2024 8:44:10 AM

In #10 JCM said: They vote! Why not change their gender?

Heh. That there is funny. 

vxbush 2/6/2024 8:45:13 AM
El gato malo has thoughts about the re-elected president in El Salvador, and it isn't all sunshine and roses. He makes some considered points, but I don't have enough information to know if he has the facts right or not. 
JCM 2/6/2024 8:52:40 AM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

First question is El Salvador better off today with him?

Any election with 90% of the vote seems suspicious, but it was an extraordinary case.

Given crime and corruption, where the measures effective?

It's the next few years that will tell, will the justice system work.

The next election will be the most telling.

Occasional Reader 2/6/2024 8:53:38 AM

In #15 vxbush said: and it isn't all sunshine and roses

Of course it isn't.   Yes, of course Bukele has had to take "extraordinary measures" in order to bring El Salvador's (previous) gang-crime-violence problem under control, and of course that raises many risks in terms of keeping government itself under control.  As I've noted here before, the lesson is; don't let things get so bad that such measures are required in the first place.  And things in El Salvador had gotten really, really bad; along the lines of "highest homicide rate in the world" (depending a bit on how that calculation is done).   He and his team turned that around in record time; credit for that.  Now, yes, they bear watching, closely. 

vxbush 2/6/2024 11:17:30 AM

In #17 Occasional Reader said:  He and his team turned that around in record time; credit for that.  Now, yes, they bear watching, closely. 

In his cleaning out the garbage, did he get rid of anyone would be in a position to watch for his abuse of power? 

vxbush 2/6/2024 11:18:52 AM

In #16 JCM said: First question is El Salvador better off today with him? Any election with 90% of the vote seems suspicious, but it was an extraordinary case. Given crime and corruption, where the measures effective? It's the next few years that will tell, will the justice system work. The next election will be the most telling.

What might be just as telling is whether anyone can stand up to him and hold him accountable without him declaring that person non grata or a threat to democracy. Why yes, Biden, I'm looking at you at the same time.

JCM 2/6/2024 3:52:59 PM

NTSB: Bolts securing door plug on Alaska Airlines flight were missing before panel blowout

Short version, combining this report with others.

The fuselage is manufactured by Spirit AeroSystems, with the door plug installed and shipped to Boeing for assembly.

Unknown of retaining bolts were installed for by Spirit. The bolts, castellated nuts, and safety wires are don't hold the pressure, they keep plug aligned with the tabs that do hold the door in place for pressurization.

Boeing at some point decide the plug need to be opened. They opened the plug but did not remove it from the alignment pin / hinge assembly at the bottom. They rotated it down but not completely removed.

This open but not remove changed the checklists needed for closing and securing the plug back in place. This abbreviated checklist did not include the inspection of the bolts, castellated nuts and safety wires.

After the interior was installed the interior of the plug and it's fixtures are not visible or available for inspection.

Over the aircraft's flights, the plug shifted downward until the tabs on the plug and fuselage where no longer aligned, and the plug departed the aircraft.

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 3:59:33 PM

In #3 vxbush said: Death of brain cells, complete. In the UK:  Dead People Should Be Able to Change Their Gender, Lawmaker Says If a dead person decides to change genders, we've already hit the zombie apocalypse.

There is a horror movie idea in there

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 4:13:35 PM

Reply to JCM in 20:

There have been articles about how Boeing cannot keep up with all the quality control problems in the assemblies they are getting, and rather than delaying shipping unsafe product, they ship to meet revenue goals

The rise of the MBA has been the decline of US industry because all they look at is money. But there are intangible costs - get customers unhappy, they will go elsewhere.

Now, the product I know shipped with a bug that could cause serious problems at least would not have put lives in danger. (The device would not have booted if its configuration had a certain error.)

JCM 2/6/2024 4:28:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22:

The bean counters vs. the engineers.

The bean counters took over at Boeing.

JCM 2/6/2024 5:37:26 PM

House fails to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in major blow to GOP

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 5:40:38 PM

Computer might be failing:

Disk is starting to degrade. New SMART event detected.

 Disk model: PC SN530 NVMe WDC 1024GB                 

 Disk serial: 212757800622      

And I don't think Dell will do anything until their diagnoistics shows an error

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 5:41:21 PM

In #24 JCM said: House fails to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in major blow to GOP

Palooka party. Biden should be impeached, too. 

buzzsawmonkey 2/6/2024 5:51:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26:

Impeached, hell; they should be made to run the gauntlet for the length of the Washington Mall, between two lines of enraged voters bearing cudgels.

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 5:56:00 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 27:

The REAL punishment should be for those who are actually running the country. Biden can go to some low-budget retirement home. I doubt he even decides what to have for breakfast.

At least I know he's not a deepfake - that would be more of a believable president

JCM 2/6/2024 6:00:10 PM

In #28 Kosh's Shadow said: The REAL punishment should be for those who are actually running the country.

Jan. 6 is a shiny squirrel.

The real insurrection is in the White House.

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 6:40:28 PM

In #29 JCM said: The real insurrection is in the White House.

Or wherever the puppeteer behind Bien is. 

BTW, I know a handyman who lost work because he said he voted for Trump. 

I think anyone who votes for Biden needs a brain transplant. I'd rather vote for RFK Jr than Biden.

I cannot vote for a puppet, or Kermit would be president. Or Miss Piggy. I'd like to hear what she would tell the Iranian mullahs when they told her to put on a burkha.

Kosh's Shadow 2/6/2024 7:37:09 PM

In #30 Kosh's Shadow said: Miss Piggy. I'd like to hear what she would tell the Iranian mullahs when they told her to put on a burkha.

And they'd have to deal with a PIG!

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