The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/28/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 2/24/2024 5:12:33 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 2/28/2024 10:23:34 AM
Sick, sick, sick. I have drugs after going to the doctor's office, but I'm just not up to posting news. Sorry, gang. 
JCM 2/28/2024 10:52:10 AM

Denver has a solution to funding resources for illegal aliens.

Cut the pay of city employees.

Denver may cut city workers' hours to zero to address migrant influx, report says

vxbush 2/28/2024 11:33:59 AM

In #2 JCM said: Denver has a solution to funding resources for illegal aliens. Cut the pay of city employees.

The stupid, it burns!

JCM 2/28/2024 11:41:10 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

I am hoping some mad MAGA city employee came up with this plan to ensure Trump carries Denver.

vxbush 2/28/2024 12:04:25 PM

Has this been reported here in the last few days? 

NY Times: CIA Built 12 Secret Spy Bases in Ukraine Waging Shadow War Against Russia Since 2014 – John Brennan Caught in the Middle of It

JCM 2/28/2024 1:06:07 PM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

They are going to try and hang it on Trump.

We aren't supposed to remember trump took office in 2017.

buzzsawmonkey 2/28/2024 1:49:09 PM

Reply to vxbush in 5: Reply to JCM in 6:

Brennan Loves the Moors
—apologies to the Clancy
Brothers Tommy Makem and “Brennan on the Moor”

It’s of an Obama nominee this story we will tell
He’s the clueless John Brennan, and in Washington he dwells
He likes to say “Inshallah,” and he talks about “al-Quds”
As Director of the CIA he’d be a major dud

Because Brennan loves the Moors
Brennan loves the Moors
How on earth can he defend us, when Brennan loves the Moors?

When working at the CIA (Clinton was Prez back then)
Brennan helped nix the Agency’s plans to kill bin Laden
So he helped bring 9/11 and helped the Twin Towers fall
While his boss Obama now spikes the bin Laden football

Because Brennan loves the Moors
Brennan loves the Moors
How on earth can he defend us, when Brennan loves the Moors?

When told of the twenty percent recidivism rate
Of released Gitmo detainees, he said, “We’re doing great!
Fifty percent is common for civilian criminals
So turning jihadis loose is an OK judgment call.”

Because Brennan loves the Moors
Brennan loves the Moors
How on earth can he defend us, when Brennan loves the Moors?

He was a driving force behind—or so it has been said—
The push to try in civil court Khalid Sheikh Mohammed;
The self-confessed murderer was a prisoner of war
But Brennan urged his status be summarily ignored

Because Brennan loves the Moors
Brennan loves the Moors
How on earth can he defend us, when Brennan loves the Moors?

Intelligence gathering John Brennan has contrived to thwart;
Despite wanting to try Khalid Mohammed in civilian court,
He has urged that jihadis be killed rather than captured
So interrogators will be unable to take down their words

Because Brennan loves the Moors
Brennan loves the Moors
How on earth can he defend us, when Brennan loves the Moors?

Now Brennan’s nominated to direct the CIA
If it should happen he’s confirmed, then he can give full play
To the policies that he’s endorsed time and then time again
To favor terrorists over guarding Americans

Because Brennan loves the Moors
Brennan loves the Moors
How on earth can he defend us, when Brennan loves the Moors?

Occasional Reader 2/28/2024 2:38:38 PM
Busy work day, gang, sorry for not posting. 

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