The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/18/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 3/17/2024 5:11:40 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 3/18/2024 5:52:52 AM

Good morning, campers. Last week was completely insane, so I wasn't online much. My apologies. Life sometimes get in the way of important things, like hanging out online with friends. 

I see the media is taking Donald Trump out of context again in order to make it sound like he's going to do more than stomp his feet if the election is stolen again. And thanks to the work of one of the RedState guys, he lays out how the misquoting was rolled out via X and then made its way to pundits and the media

Ah, the media. Acting as if it's 1960 again. 

vxbush 3/18/2024 5:56:54 AM
 Apparent Hezbollah Member Caught Crossing Border who is a terrible liar and may have been a child soldier, if he is quoting his age correctly.
vxbush 3/18/2024 6:38:17 AM

I apologize if I'm repeating news that was posted last week--I'm still catching up in pretty much all areas of my life this week. But you have to do more than roll your eyes at the idea that Biden first blames his staff for mishandling classified documents, and then promotes those exact same people

vxbush 3/18/2024 6:42:20 AM

The mainstream media has been working hard to cover up Biden indiscretions, both those of Joe and Hunter. But this article points out something even I didn't know yet: 

That mainstream media bubble keeping you in the dark probably didn't tell you that a strategy memo dredged up by the inquiry showed Hunter Biden was involved in an unsuccessful attempt by CEFC China Energy to buy Westinghouse, an America-based but Japanese-owned (by Toshiba) manufacturer of nuclear reactors.

CEFC, which was in pretty deep with Chinese intelligence and was where Joe became Mr. "10% for the Big Guy," sought to buy Westinghouse through intermediaries such as Hunter associate James Gilliar's European Energy and Infrastructure Group because that's not suspicious at all.


Keep in mind, too, that Hunter was fully willing to take this job even after People's Liberation Army hackers breached Westinghouse, found and indicted in 2014, just over a year and a half before Hunter and co. started working on the deal. 

vxbush 3/18/2024 6:43:51 AM
So what are people's thoughts about Fani Willis being shown to have repeatedly lied to the court but the judge never really allowing that evidence to be presented, and then in his opinion on Friday wrote, "well, nothing happened, but it looked bad, so they both can't work on the case"? 
JCM 3/18/2024 7:24:17 AM

Putin wins a totally free and fair election, so free and fair if wasn't in a hospice Rabbit Bait would certify it.

Putin secures 5th term as Russian president in election with no real opposition, addresses Navalny death

Occasional Reader 3/18/2024 9:09:52 AM
What happened to Spring?  It's 40 degrees out. 
Occasional Reader 3/18/2024 9:10:54 AM

Reply to JCM in 6:

Our Democracy!

vxbush 3/18/2024 9:43:18 AM

In #6 JCM said: ... so free and fair if wasn't in a hospice Rabbit Bait would certify it.

Somehow, I wouldn't think that would stop him from certifying it. 

Kosh's Shadow 3/18/2024 5:49:20 PM

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