The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/20/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 3/17/2024 5:13:49 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 3/20/2024 5:43:24 AM

The EPA Is About to Outlaw Your Car

I hate headlines like these. The truth is, they are limiting the creation of new cars to EVs and more expensive combustion engines that appear to have better scrubbers on them, which are the more expensive part. It doesn't sound like they are going to outlaw your existing car, which is what I'm expecting them to do at some point. 

vxbush 3/20/2024 5:49:19 AM

New York Times Calls Deep State 'Kind of Awesome'

Remember when the idea of the Deep State was ludicrous? Good times, good times. (Well. Not really.)

vxbush 3/20/2024 5:55:48 AM

As Biden Condemns 'Islamophobia,' U.S. Muslim Clerics Make Spine-Chilling Remarks About Jews

Yup. It's bad. CAIR comes back out again and plays a part in this. 

vxbush 3/20/2024 6:01:19 AM

'Never Before Seen Footage' Further Confirms VP Joe Biden Was 'the Brand'

And because Hunter thinks Jared is just like him, we add: 

Actually, Jared Kushner and Hunter Biden Are Nothing Alike. Here Are the Facts.

vxbush 3/20/2024 6:03:44 AM

A Glimpse Into the Average Anti-Gun Mind

A fisking of an anti-gun argument, demonstrating the lack of attention paid in such arguments. 

vxbush 3/20/2024 6:07:37 AM

Nobody Panic, But an Obama-Appointed Federal Judge Just Ruled That Illegals Can Carry Guns

"illegal alien" and "illegal gun carrying" don't seem that far apart. If you're willing to jump the border, you seem like the type of person who is less likely to follow the law in general. But signaling this is a very bad idea. 

JCM 3/20/2024 8:12:52 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

I know exactly what they are planning. The left keeps telling us. But again no one really pays attention, well around here we do.

The push for all electric cars will continue. They will for a time "allow" legacy gas powered. However use of IC cars will become more and more restrictive. Eventually you will be allow a limited number of days or special occasions like a car show to drive your IC car.

The obvious lack of electrical capacity is a feature not a bug. This feature will be used to restrict you freedom of movement with your EV. They will be restricting electrical consumption at some point. At first you will be allowed to allocate within your home how you use the power you buy. But eventually they will control that. CA already tried to get remote control of peoples thermostats so they could "adjust" your home's temperature during times which power supply could not meet demand.

Now add in the gas tax. They are pushing a mileage tax instead of a gas tax for road construction and maintenance, since EVs don't use gas. They are pushing hardest for GPS mileage tracking, instead of simple odometer readings. They claim this won't be used to track anyone. However the pilot program in WA not only tracked you but logged everytime people went over the speed limit, record hard corners and quick lane changes, signs of aggressive driving. They are talking about congestion tolling or mileage tax. So if you commute at 7:30 AM you pay a premium toll.

Next up is the autonomous vehicles those will be push later. They are more efficient and safer. They can reduce congest by running in "trains" all kinds of reasons why autonomous is better.

The last piece is social credit. We've all seen the cooperation between The Swamp and Big Tech. roll that on top of you all electric autonomous vehicle. 

They, the statist, leftist, totalitarians absolutely will push into a vehicle they control, and have knowledge of where and when go. Opps you went to the gun range on Saturday, Church on Sunday and posted that there are 2 genders. Your car gets turned off for 2 weeks, your bus pass is canceled, you get fired because you didn't show up for work.

Welcome to the EV utopia.

JCM 3/20/2024 8:15:00 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Well the NYT sucked Stalin's ....... so you know what they like.

JCM 3/20/2024 8:19:07 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Hoopy needs to be air dropped with the next Gaza supply drop.

Chute optional.

JCM 3/20/2024 8:22:01 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

There are two types of anti-gun people.

The useful idiots who don't know squat about guns, crime, or much of anything and just parrot talking points and vote blindly.

The other type is the ideologue who is about disarming the population so they can't resist the "revolution".

The idiots are far more numerous.

JCM 3/20/2024 8:46:44 AM

Washington State drops bar exam requirement to reduce 'barriers' and inequities

Everything else the left has "creditialitis" what to braid hair? Need credential, want power wash driveways? Credential.

Why reduce requirements for the practice of law.

What my crystal ball tells me, increase the number of appeals and convictions overturned because of attorney "incompetence".

There are a number of local murder cases where a group of attorneys who public opposed the death penalty, lengthy sentences etc... intentional introduce flaws into their cases which immediately where the reason for an appeal.

vxbush 3/20/2024 10:49:14 AM

In #11 JCM said: Why reduce requirements for the practice of law. What my crystal ball tells me, increase the number of appeals and convictions overturned because of attorney "incompetence". There are a number of local murder cases where a group of attorneys who public opposed the death penalty, lengthy sentences etc... intentional introduce flaws into their cases which immediately where the reason for an appeal.

So.... the powers that be want more incompetent lawyers so more money is wasted by sending more cases to appeal, justifying the need for appellate review courts? 

Meaning they want to get rid of laws, but they don't want to deal with the backlash of doing so. 

vxbush 3/20/2024 10:51:27 AM

In #7 JCM said: I know exactly what they are planning. The left keeps telling us. But again no one really pays attention, well around here we do.

Yup. I think you are completely spot on. And we'll be lucky to get to eat the bugs while we're at it. 

JCM 3/20/2024 11:02:58 AM

Reply to vxbush in 13:

I had a long talk at the In Laws last week end about "things".

They are like oh, that is just conspiracy talk..... I say really? Have you read these leftist writers? Do you understand how that was implemented in real life in many places. I bludgeoned them with facts. By the end they while maybe not convinced, and been move off "that's conspiracy" position.

Which is progress.

Occasional Reader 3/20/2024 2:29:20 PM

Alien vs. Predator

Ain't life grand in Joe Biden's America? 

buzzsawmonkey 3/20/2024 3:11:57 PM

Reply to JCM in 11:

When I was in lawschool, the big thing in the ACLU and other "progressive" groups was abolishing the death penalty, on the grounds that it was "cruel and unusual."  Mind you, it was "unusual" only because the Leftist groups were waging lawfare constantly to have the penalty abolished; life in prison was "more than punishment enough"---and, of course, the often-trumped-up or exaggerated tales of innocents being wrongly executed were constantly paraded to underscore the "cruelty."  Never mind that the threat of the death penalty was a valuable tool in securing plea bargains;  the agitation was, ultimately, responsible for getting the death penalty largely abolished in favor of life in prison.

Well, guess what?  Life in prison is now "cruel and unusual," and the same organizations for which that sentence was an absolutely-must-have 40-odd years ago are now calling life in prison "cruel and unusual," and calling left and right for early release of prisoners.

Kosh's Shadow 3/20/2024 5:38:54 PM

In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: abolishing the death penalty, on the grounds that it was "cruel and unusual.

Wasn't so unusual years ago. Groton, MA. has a Gibbet Hill (and a restaurant Gibbet Hill Grill - I wonder if your table isn't ready they ask you to just hang around)

I would guess that the hill is where public hangings were performed back in the day


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