The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/28/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 3/23/2024 5:21:34 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 3/28/2024 5:40:28 AM

‘Deplorable’: Reps. Say Veterans Homeless as Illegals Get Freebies

This absolutely infuriates me. 

vxbush 3/28/2024 5:41:22 AM

Obama Has 'Grave Concern' Biden Will Lose, Is Ready to Intervene

I'm worried what the assumed "intervention" will be. I'm sure the vote stealers are doing everything they can to get votes from the illegals. 

vxbush 3/28/2024 5:48:08 AM

Who Is Really Behind the Moscow Terror Attack?

While Raymond Ibrahim recognizes that there are any number of people who could have performed the attack, he lays out the rationale for why it probably was a Muslim group affiliated with ISIS. 

vxbush 3/28/2024 5:52:29 AM
Lucky me: Illinois Will Be 'Cicada Central' When the Once-in-200-Years Emergence Will Shatter Our Eardrums
vxbush 3/28/2024 5:56:43 AM

Next Day: The Immediate Practical Implications and Effects of the Baltimore Bridge Disaster

This includes a good map of the port so you can see how it is now completely cut off. 

vxbush 3/28/2024 6:00:58 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

A surprising side effect of the bridge collapse mentioned in this article is that Baltimore ships a big amount of coal to India

vxbush 3/28/2024 6:02:15 AM
I'm sure this will surprise no one: Jon Stewart Nailed for Hypocrisy After Attack on Trump Overvaluing Property, He Doesn't Handle It Well
vxbush 3/28/2024 6:25:24 AM

Dr. Jill Biden: Before WWII, Berlin Was the Center of European LGBTQ Culture

But the goal is to blame conservatives for everything. 

vxbush 3/28/2024 6:25:45 AM
For the Star Trek fans: The Future of ‘Star Trek’.
Occasional Reader 3/28/2024 7:02:05 AM

In #8 vxbush said: Dr. Jill Biden: Before WWII, Berlin Was the Center of European LGBTQ Culture

I don't think "Dr." Jill is thinking through the implications of that very carefully. 

Occasional Reader 3/28/2024 7:03:39 AM
BBC World this morning was in full-on "hate Israel" mode.   On and after October 7, they at least pretended to tut-tut at Hamas from time to time; no longer.  Not a word of criticism directed at Hamas, everything bad is Israel's fault. 
Occasional Reader 3/28/2024 7:17:32 AM

There are six American hostages still being held by Hamas (unless they're already dead, a distinct possibility).

If Trump were President, the MSM would be in a feeding-frenzy 24/7, "where are the American hostages?!! Why isn't Trump DOING SOMETHING?!!!".  instead, we get a media blackout. 

JCM 3/28/2024 7:37:52 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

The port will be open relatively quickly they are moving in heavy lift equipment. Moving the ship is the worst part. It has the bridge sitting on it and I expect the entire underwater bow is tore up by the bridge pier footing. Once the ship is move lifting the remains of the bridge out the the ship channel is pretty straight forward. All that is a few weeks work. Removing the rest of the bridge will take longer but its not blocking the channel.

Building the new bridge, that will take longer. 

JCM 3/28/2024 7:41:19 AM
Who Is In Charge of the Salvage in Baltimore?
vxbush 3/28/2024 8:19:34 AM

In #13 JCM said: The port will be open relatively quickly they are moving in heavy lift equipment. Moving the ship is the worst part. It has the bridge sitting on it and I expect the entire underwater bow is tore up by the bridge pier footing. Once the ship is move lifting the remains of the bridge out the the ship channel is pretty straight forward. All that is a few weeks work. Removing the rest of the bridge will take longer but its not blocking the channel. Building the new bridge, that will take longer. 

Did you read the article that was, I think, linked to an article you posted earlier this week about how originally they were going to build a tunnel to have the traffic get from one side of the channel to the other, only they decided a bridge was a cheaper safer alternative? 

vxbush 3/28/2024 8:30:16 AM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: If Trump were President, the MSM would be in a feeding-frenzy 24/7, "where are the American hostages?!! Why isn't Trump DOING SOMETHING?!!!".  instead, we get a media blackout. 

If you didn't have any other examples of media and journalist malfeasance, that alone would be enough to make it clear. 

JCM 3/28/2024 8:33:47 AM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

You watch. the bridge replacement will turn into a another Boston Big Dig. They try to squeeze in all kinds of "related" crap.

I was surprise how low volume the key bridge is, 31,000 vehicles a day. The main freeway bridge in Seattle is 210,000 a day, the floating bridges 120,000 a day.

What ever the replacement is it should be just that a replacement not become a major infrastructure project. And be set up on a performance bonus contract not a cost plus.

vxbush 3/28/2024 8:44:06 AM

In #17 JCM said: What ever the replacement is it should be just that a replacement not become a major infrastructure project. And be set up on a performance bonus contract not a cost plus.

SHOULD be. Not necessarily will be, as we well know. 

In my local news, a system is being upgraded which makes every device of a particular model obsolete. The replacement for said device costs more than twice what the original device cost. Grumble, grumble. 

JCM 3/28/2024 9:13:46 AM

In #18 vxbush said: In my local news, a system is being upgraded which makes every device of a particular model obsolete. The replacement for said device costs more than twice what the original device cost. Grumble, grumble. 

I hate that. Backward compatibility. How much notice did you have that the upgrade was not compatible. It's a pain but knowing and being able to plan for it is critical. Surprising people with that... is just wrong.

vxbush 3/28/2024 9:54:50 AM

In #19 JCM said: How much notice did you have that the upgrade was not compatible.

None, because I'm not in the group that manages that application. They only told me about this after they had planned the upgrade and were scheduling a date. 

Occasional Reader 3/28/2024 10:29:26 AM

In #13 JCM said: Building the new Freddie Gray Memorial bridge, that will take longer. 


JCM 3/28/2024 10:34:09 AM

Reply to vxbush in 20:

NICE! /s

Ask the other team if the they have the budget to replace the obsolete equipment, or the headcount for the conversion.

buzzsawmonkey 3/28/2024 11:18:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:


JCM 3/28/2024 11:38:33 AM

Jonathan Diller shooting: NYPD sergeants' union tells anti-police Democrats to stay away from funeral

The NYPD's Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) sent a damning letter calling out far-left Democratic leaders in New York City for their anti-police and soft-on-crime policies and telling them to stay away from the funeral of slain Officer Jonathan Diller.

"I’m sure that many elected officials will attend PO Diller’s funeral, shed a few crocodile tears, and prominently seat themselves for a good photo opportunity," SBA President Vincent Vallelong wrote in a letter to union members. "The sad reality is we don’t want them there."

Occasional Reader 3/28/2024 12:41:23 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:

I'm not even sure I'm kidding. 

Occasional Reader 3/28/2024 1:17:22 PM
Poll: 71% of Palestinians back the October 7 barbaric attack.  
JCM 3/28/2024 2:33:24 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 26:

Just a handful.

Got it!

Kosh's Shadow 3/28/2024 4:15:46 PM

In #26 Occasional Reader said: Poll: 71% of Palestinians back the October 7 barbaric attack.  

Not just Fakeistians. Fake Americans, too

Poll Shows U.S. Muslims Support Hamas

However a recent Pew survey on the war showed that half of Muslims in America (49%) believe Hamas has “valid” reasons for attacking Israel,  while the majority (54%) also reject the idea that Israel has the right to defend itself against the Islamic terrorist organization

Unlike the vast majority of Americans from all ages and backgrounds, Muslims are the only group where less than half agree that the Oct 7 murders, rapes and kidnappings were wrong.

1 in 5 Muslims in America (21%) were willing to admit they supported the Oct 7 massacres. Nearly 1 in 3 claimed to be unsure whether burning Jewish families alive in their homes was wrong.

Kosh's Shadow 3/28/2024 4:20:54 PM

Maybe it isn't such a good idea to let anyone set up events on RFK,Jr's campaign site

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