Kosh's Shadow
3/30/2024 10:40:04 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 1: And the article also notes religious symbols are banned from Easter eggs at the White House. I think Biden has a lot of egg on his face. His "Catholocism" is not what it's cracked up to be.
3/30/2024 11:03:15 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 1: Does that mean we can expect more visible tranny boobs at the White House?
Kosh's Shadow
3/30/2024 11:31:03 AM
In #3 JCM said: Does that mean we can expect more visible tranny boobs at the White House? Just wait for the "Easter" Pride Parade
Kosh's Shadow
3/30/2024 2:51:36 PM
'Equity-Based Algebra' is As Bad as You Imagine it to Be These are the people who would "educate" children - the best they write is word salad Lessons will foreground “equity” at the expense of teaching math basics like addition and subtraction. “Under the framework, the range of student backgrounds, learning differences, and perspectives, taken collectively, are seen as an instructional asset that can be used to launch and support all students in a deep and shared exploration of the same context and open task,” the CMF continues. It adds that “learning is not just a matter of gaining new knowledge—it is also about growth and identity development.”
When the study pretends the data matches the desired result: More recently, Brian Conrad, a professor of mathematics at Stanford, extensively documented misrepresented citations in the CMF, many of which have now been directly linked to Boaler’s research, thanks to the anonymous complaint published last week. For instance, Conrad points out that the CMF draft co-authored by Boaler cites a study (“Burris et al 2006”) that purportedly shows positive outcomes for students placed in heterogeneous classes in middle school. But the framework’s authors never tell readers that the Burris study examined the effects of teaching Algebra I to all 8th grade students — exactly the policy the framework, which advocates for delaying Algebra I until high school, argues against. Nor do the framework authors mention the fact that the intervention described in Burris included extra math workshops available to all students during the school week.
Kosh's Shadow
3/30/2024 3:05:20 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6: Even as a Jew, if Jesus reappeared on the White House lawn on Easter and told the US what a mockery the administration is making of G-d's universe, I would be happy. Along with getting rid of those who want to kill Jews - Jesus' own people.
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