The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/20/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 4/14/2024 5:09:58 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 4/19/2024 5:27:00 PM
The new app called Democracy
JCM 4/20/2024 8:40:00 AM
Democrats look to strip Secret Service protection from Trump if he's convicted
Kosh's Shadow 4/20/2024 11:33:46 AM

PRojecting much, Hiillary?

Hillary Clinton: 'What Trump really wants' is to 'kill his opposition'

Kosh's Shadow 4/20/2024 11:36:14 AM

A quite reasonable suggestion of how to handle the demands that Israel not retaliate against Iran

(long article and the point is at the end)

That is, tell the world that if the existing sanctions on Iran are enforced, then Israel will not need to attack Iran

Kosh's Shadow 4/20/2024 2:44:22 PM

More on the Israeli strike on Iran:

Israeli weapon damaged Iranian air defenses without detection- NYT

Iran’s S-300 air defense in Isfahan, which protects its key Natanz nuclear site, was destroyed without detection by long-range missiles fired from outside Iranian air space, sources and multiple satellite imagery posts confirmed by Saturday.

Kosh's Shadow 4/20/2024 3:01:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

But the loss is significant in the sense that the S-300 is the most advanced anti-aircraft system the Islamic Republic possesses, which it spent years pressing Russia to sell it.

Kosh's Shadow 4/20/2024 6:32:20 PM
I want to be an Illuminati - Jukebox

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