The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning Brunch

Posted on 05/31/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 5/25/2020 1:59:34 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Syrah 5/31/2020 6:54:55 AM

I wasn’t afraid of the virus. 

I was afraid of people. 

I thought there could be riots of terrorized and ill prepared hungry people looting stores and their neighbors for food.

we didn’t get that.

We got Antifa instead.

and weirdly , we got a whole bunch of media types trying to convince people that these Antifa riots are some how not Antifa, but the result of heretofore never heard of “far right wing groups” infiltrating peaceful “protests” by sweet little doe eyed Antifa innocents.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 7:23:05 AM

Reply to Syrah in 1:

But haven't you heard?  They are "white supremacists" now. And now that that's the "official" line from the media, the Dems are doing somersaults about how all those "infiltrators" were sent out by Drumpfhitler and Barrimmler on orders of Putin to created chaos and justify martial law and the suspension of the elections.  No, really.  That's what they're saying.

Syrah 5/31/2020 7:23:46 AM

I will be talking to some friends over the next few weeks about how when the community really needed police protection, the politicians pulled the cops out of the community.

buy a gun.

Syrah 5/31/2020 7:26:44 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

We live in insane times. 

JCM 5/31/2020 8:37:29 AM

Really wet yesterday, but that didn't put a damper on anarchists and Pantifa from running amok in Seattle.

Merely damp this morning, but puts the kibosh on yard work. Did get all my bills paid this morning. Thank you God, I have a work at home job.

Yesterday I bought and installed in window AC units for the kids rooms. So I accomplished something around house.

Alice in Dairyland 5/31/2020 9:04:53 AM
Well I'm glad to report that none of the six businesses in my little hamlet were looted or vandalized last night.  I did hear someone squealing truck tires around 2:00am, but I think that was alcohol related and not racial injustice.  I wish all could share my peace.
Kosh's Shadow 5/31/2020 9:23:02 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: But haven't you heard?  They are "white supremacists" now.

As if white supremacists would be protesting the death of a black man. The media has gone through the rabbit hole now, and are losing more and more credibility with people with functioning brain cells.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 9:52:11 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

False flag operation.  All those white faces were obviously white supremacists because all white people are white supremacists and racists. And they were sent by Barr to stir up shit so Drumpf could send in the army to shoot black people.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 10:25:54 AM
Sop Trump has declared Antifa a terrorist organization.  Can we expect asset seizures from all the dimwit Hollywood types giving them money>
Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 10:33:06 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: But haven't you heard?  They are "white supremacists" now.

And since a whole bunch of leftist Hollywood types have set up “legal defense funds“ for the arrested rioters, this “literally begs the question”: why are these Hollywood leftists supporting white supremacists?

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 10:35:16 AM

In #9 lucius septimius said: Trump has declared Antifa a terrorist organization

About damn time.

doppelganglander 5/31/2020 10:50:07 AM
Can we agree on how to pronounce Antifa? I've always put the emphasis on the first syllable, but most of the media say "an-TEE-fa." It sounds ridiculous to me.
buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 10:59:48 AM

Music to riot by:

Flatten cities for the Floyd Floyd
Flatten cities for the Floyd Floyd
Flatten cities for the Floyd Floyd
For Floyd, for Floyd, for Floyd

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 11:00:29 AM

In #12 doppelganglander said: Can we agree on how to pronounce Antifa? I've always put the emphasis on the first syllable, but most of the media say "an-TEE-fa." It sounds ridiculous to me.

Just call 'em pantyfascists.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 11:00:59 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:

They say it that way because it sounds more "ethnic" -- like saying "Knickerrrrrr-AHHHHHHHHH-gwah."  

Since it was originally German, the accent would be on the first syllable.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 11:06:42 AM

In #12 doppelganglander said: but most of the media say "an-TEE-fa

That’s how I’ve been pronouncing it, too, for no particular reason.

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 11:07:05 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 15:

I always thought Auntie Fa was Aunt Bee's nasty sister on the Andy Griffith Show.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 11:07:19 AM

In #15 lucius septimius said: like saying "Knickerrrrrr-AHHHHHHHHH-gwah."  

So I’m just curious, how do *you* pronounce that word?

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 11:09:03 AM

In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: always thought Auntie Fa was Aunt Bee's nasty sister on the Andy Griffith Show.

 No, that was Annie.   Annie Mossity.

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 11:09:14 AM

In #18 Occasional Reader said: So I’m just curious, how do *you* pronounce that word?

Most Americans, I think, pronounce it "Knicker-agwah," but the oh-so-international NPR folks go for the BBC-style "Knee-car-AHG-youwah."

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 11:11:01 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

NPR also favors "Pockee-stahn" over "Pack-istan," and considers itself duty-bound to mispronounce every Israeli place-name and the name of every Israeli politician whenever possible.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 11:18:06 AM

And here in DC last night, the valiant “protesters“ showed their dedication to “social justice“ by liberating certain items from Gucci and Hugo boss stores, among others.

Shoot-to-kill orders for the National Guard, please. I’m sick of this shit.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 11:27:15 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Unless I'm trying to speak Spanish, I don't roll the r and extend out the third syllable until eternity in the manner of NPR hosts.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 11:28:47 AM

In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: "Pockee-stahn"

i.e. the country of long stick-like cookies dipped in chocolate.

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 11:41:57 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 24:

BTW, lucius, did you read my comment from yesterday on your marsupial problem?

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 11:58:48 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 25:


JCM 5/31/2020 12:33:26 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:

Pantifa. pan-TE-fa.

Emerge from mom's basement wearing underwear on their heads.

doppelganglander 5/31/2020 12:55:09 PM
Thanks for your input, everyone. I think I'll stick with AN-tee-fa (or PAN-tee-fa) for now. 
buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 1:35:40 PM

Antifa, pantifa, looting thugs

Dragging home loot fast as it can be drug

When they get it home, back out of houses they pour

And head to the mall so they can loot some more.

---apologies to "Pattycake, pattycake, baker's man"

Syrah 5/31/2020 1:58:56 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:

how to pronounce Antifa: 

Antifa is pronounced “Scum”, (rimes with dumb). Alternately, depending on regional dialects, it can be pronounced as “Filth”.

Syrah 5/31/2020 2:09:43 PM
I am very pleased with Trump’s announced intentions to declare Antifa a terrorist organization. The poor bastards in the media and the Democrat Party will now feel obligated to defend and champion the very people that Americans have watched loot and burn the big blue Democrat cities this weekend. 
lucius septimius 5/31/2020 2:31:29 PM

Reply to Syrah in 31:

He is a magnificent bastard in that regard.

If the RNC had any brains, they'd be putting together ads showing white Pantyfa douchewaffles attacking black-owned businesses with cuts of black business owners bemoaning their losses.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 2:35:37 PM

Today I got a professional haircut.  And now I’m eating at a restaurant.

How ‘bout them apples?

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 2:36:50 PM

In #31 Syrah said: the Democrat Party will now feel obligated to defend and champion the very people that Americans have watched loot and burn the big blue Democrat cities this weekend. 

Pelosi gushes over their “divine spark” in 5...4...3...

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 2:39:57 PM

Kurt Schlichter on the Antifa terrorist designation:

When the first of these little trust fund sissies figures out he’s not walking out of his cell after 20 minutes with a $50 fine but looking at five years in Leavenworth on a Fed rap, he’ll squeal on his comrades. This is an opportunity to destroy Antifa root and branch, and to eliminate the armed wing of the Democrat party. Forever.”

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 2:42:44 PM

In #33 Occasional Reader said: Today I got a professional haircut.  And now I’m eating at a restaurant. How ‘bout them apples?

I hate you.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 3:01:13 PM

In #36 buzzsawmonkey said: I hate you.

Well, only start hating me in two weeks, when we can feel reasonably sure this has not killed me.

buzzsawmonkey 5/31/2020 3:04:37 PM

In #37 Occasional Reader said: Well, only start hating me in two weeks, when we can feel reasonably sure this has not killed me.

I feel certain we will have the chance to share a beer sometime in the near future between the next virus or riot lockdown.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 3:25:14 PM

In #38 buzzsawmonkey said: between the next virus or riot lockdown.

Be more creative... been there, done that.  What about, say, “Yellowstone Caldera explosion”, or “Triffid Outbreak”?

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 3:26:49 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 39: 

How about Yellowstone megavolcano explodes spreading triffid spores over the entire country?  

Kosh's Shadow 5/31/2020 3:29:38 PM

In #39 Occasional Reader said: What about, say, “Yellowstone Caldera explosion”, or “Triffid Outbreak”?

Asteroid impact. Dalek invasion (and since Trump stopped payments, Dr. Who won't help/////////)

Kosh's Shadow 5/31/2020 3:30:18 PM

In #40 lucius septimius said: How about Yellowstone megavolcano explodes spreading triffid spores over the entire country?  

Along with sharks (asbestos skinned sharks. Shark-cano!

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 3:37:03 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 42:

Call me, babe.  We'll do lunch.

Occasional Reader 5/31/2020 3:51:07 PM

In #40 lucius septimius said: spreading triffid spores over the entire country?  

Such hateful language. Every triffid possesses a divine spark; and no triffid is “illegal“.

lucius septimius 5/31/2020 4:02:05 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 44:

I remember being somewhat traumatized by watching Day of the Triffids when I was a kid.

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