The Daily Broadside

Saturday Morning

Posted on 06/06/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 5/30/2020 11:19:39 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Syrah 6/6/2020 6:54:11 AM

From the “It was all bullshit from the start!” files:

the 75 year old man that was pushed down in Buffalo was a known agitator.

JCM 6/6/2020 8:14:50 AM

Seen a number of signs.


Okay, so if I don't agree with you, I'm now "the other" I get it.

I'm silent not becaue I don't wish to engage with irrational ideologically driven twits who are immune to facts and reason.

I would tell you this. Don't be surprised if Chavin gets acquited.

Two reason I seeing new information that doesn't make it so clear cut.

Second, which would benefit the leftist agitators more? A conviction and justice or a new outrage of acquittal?

Syrah 6/6/2020 8:25:10 AM

Reply to JCM in 2:

I think Ellison wants unrest.

Occasional Reader 6/6/2020 9:57:45 AM

Reply to Syrah in 3:


“ Thank you for calling 911. The police department has been dismantled and is being reimagined. Have a nice day.“

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2020 12:27:22 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

I can't figure out how people got so stupid. Sure, the rich can hire private security and often already do, but it is the poor who will suffer, being robbed of the little they have, and with all the stores closed or charging very high prices to pay for private security.

A few days ago, I posted this - at least some black community leader understands

“The rule of law is a core philosophical defense against a society’s descent into dystopian chaos and madness,” the Rev. Eugene Rivers said, slamming the “trust-fund anarchists” who stuck around after a peaceful Boston protest Sunday to start fires and hit stores with smash-and-grab looting. “And we’re here standing in solidarity with law enforcement.”

“We in the black community must demand justice from all concerned, and — in our own self-interest — insist on a rule of law to protect society,” continued Rivers, who’s black.

Article link

Wait until Biden tells him "you ain't black"

JCM 6/6/2020 12:43:43 PM

Conservatism's corner stone is the Individual. Each individual has liberty but also responsibility.
No one on the right wants for any individuals misdeeds to go unpunished. It is refected in our adherence to Rule of Law. Every individual is held to account. A cop who uses excessive force, or kills without the prerequisite factors being present should be held to account. So should high gov't official or the wealthy, the same as everyone else. Nobody I know on the right wants Chauvin to get off, we want him held accountable for his actions based on fact and evidence.

What do all these leftist protests have in common? They want collective punishment, collective accountability, and collective justice. They care about holding the police collectively accountable. The want blacks collectively to recieve the benefits. Biden wants Blacks to collectively vote.

This at its core philosphical idea is about Individual Rights and Responsbilities vs. Collective Groups often in the guise of Human Rights to be punished and to benefit.

When you believe in individualism, there is no reason to protest. The perpetrator will be punished and victim receives justice.

Collectivism is all about pitting groups against each other so a few elites can gain power to rule over the groups and hand out sticks and carrots to retain power.

The last century the labels applied to this conflict have been democracy and communism.

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2020 12:50:04 PM

In #6 JCM said: Collectivism is all about pitting groups against each other so a few elites can gain power to rule over the groups and hand out sticks and carrots to retain power.

You do not speak like Democratic Socialist. When we win the revolution, you go to gulag.

And the revolution has started.

/Democrat mode off

Why is it that everything that uses the label "Democratic", isn't?

Occasional Reader 6/6/2020 1:15:30 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Rev. Eugene Rivers

Well, he’s obviously some sort of white supremacist, wearing a clever disguise.

/and what I just wrote is no crazier than anything these so-called “centrist“ Democrats have been saying for a week

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2020 1:15:45 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: And the revolution has started.

That, I did mean, both in "Democratic socialist" mode and as me.

They couldn't get Trump with Russiagate, Or COVID. Now, revolution!

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2020 1:16:46 PM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: Well, he’s obviously some sort of white supremacist, wearing a clever disguise.

He forgot to wash up after the cross burning.

Syrah 6/6/2020 1:19:17 PM

...and with all of the protesting, looting, burning and mayheming going on out there, i think we can safely say that the Covid19 thing is done.

a month from now, people will have all but forgotten about staying safely locked up in their homes to keep the virus from spreading.

We are about two to three weeks past the "open up" protests here in Washington State. There has been no subsequent "second wave".

In two weeks time, we will see if there is a "second wave from these nation wide protests. I am betting that there won't be.

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2020 1:28:37 PM

Reply to Syrah in 11:

There already has been a second COVID wave in Israel, largely in schools.

Occasional Reader 6/6/2020 2:11:03 PM

And in other news, my new “sticky holster“ arrived, for my P365. I think it can make for a more flexible concealed carry option, in addition to the inside the waistband holster I already have. Now, all I have to do is find a time to get the damn concealed carry permit.

doppelganglander 6/6/2020 2:38:47 PM

Reply to JCM in 6:

Very well stated.

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2020 2:44:03 PM

Another reason the Democrats are panicked -

They know that by election day, their candidate, Biden, will be speaking gibberish. Only the extreme, die-hard, never Trumpers would vote for him,

Occasional Reader 6/6/2020 3:19:41 PM

In #6 JCM said: When you believe in individualism, there is no reason to protest.

I think that might be overstating the case a little. But I agree with the rest of your message.

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