The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 07/20/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 7/18/2020 12:18:35 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 7/20/2020 7:16:40 AM
Brad and Chad discover they have all sorts of things in common.
Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 7:17:03 AM
"Good" morning:  Michelle Malkin and others assaulted by BLM thugs at pro-police rally in Denver... while police stand by and do nothing. 
Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 7:19:27 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:


buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 7:41:14 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Reminds me of Babba's adage that the extreme Left and the extreme Right meet twice a day at Jew-Hate Junction.

buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 7:42:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Remember when people used to say that in the event of riot/insurrection/Leftist takeover the police would be on the side of the law and the Constitution?

Good times.

JCM 7/20/2020 7:57:34 AM

My 199.8 sq ft deck is done.

I'm none the worse for wear other than aching muscles I forgot I had, a few marked up knuckles and sore knees from doing the deck boards.

buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 8:08:40 AM

In #6 JCM said: My 199.8 sq ft deck is done.

Black and Decker Lives Matter!

doppelganglander 7/20/2020 8:25:11 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

"Did Boomer put you up to this?"

JCM 7/20/2020 8:28:50 AM
Portland's Mayor Big Wheel upset that the Feds are enforcing laws and protecting Federal Property.
lucius septimius 7/20/2020 8:34:08 AM
Years of watching the Weather Channel all day has convinced my mom that the source of all her problems is the mysterious and wicked "Dew Point."
buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 8:38:01 AM

I didn't raise my boy to be productive
I brought him up a-suckling on the soy
And now he's non-binary, non-reductive
And doesn't know if he's a girl or boy

---Portland lyrics to "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier"

buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 8:38:31 AM

In #10 lucius septimius said: the mysterious and wicked "Dew Point."

Dew Point?  What about Monsanto?

JCM 7/20/2020 8:46:40 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 10:

Dew point - we you release you have to have a Mountain Dew?

JCM 7/20/2020 8:47:26 AM
Realize.... oy....
Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 9:06:03 AM

In #9 JCM said: Portland's Mayor Big Wheel upset that the Feds are enforcing laws and protecting Federal Property.

OMG TRUMP IS DEPLOYING SCARY FEDERAL GUYS WEARING BODY ARMOR!!!  shout the same people who applauded when Bill Clinton deployed Abrams tanks against American civilians.  

lucius septimius 7/20/2020 9:43:47 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

(rolls eyes) typical right-wing whateverism.


PaladinPhil 7/20/2020 10:08:25 AM
Morning. What a weekend...not! Was planning on going to the range yesterday but was feeling ill. Must have been something I ate. Went today and there was no power in the indoor range and I discovered the hard way that the target stands were severely infested with hate filled wasps. Two stings and I called it quits and went home. Maybe I will get a chance next week.
doppelganglander 7/20/2020 10:21:32 AM
Homeschool co-ops are racist. Also classist, ableist, sexist, etc. The author's proposed solution is for co-ops to hire public school teachers, preferably minorities, to teach the public school curriculum. The Left must uphold mediocrity and bigotry at all costs.
JCM 7/20/2020 10:25:56 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 18:

Did you see the demands of the LA teachers to reopen after COVID?

One the demands was a ban on charter schools.

JCM 7/20/2020 10:29:02 AM

Survey from school district on reopening.

First sentence....

"In order to ensure educational justice....."


vxbush 7/20/2020 10:42:08 AM

In #20 JCM said: "In order to ensure educational justice....."

It truly has become a cult. 

doppelganglander 7/20/2020 10:53:58 AM

Reply to JCM in 19:

Let's face it, mediocrity is a standard most public school teachers can only aspire to. Charter schools are a threat to union power, which is the only reason LAUSD teachers have jobs. And then there's all the other bullshit demands, like defunding the police. 

I hope homeschooling co-ops really take off. Why not pool your resources to hire teachers? You can choose the best person for the job. In Georgia,  a paid tutor only needs a bachelor's degree (parents teaching their own kids don't need a degree). It could be a great opportunity for both tutors and families.

JCM 7/20/2020 11:02:14 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 22:

Most of the teachers are pretty good that I've come across.

It's the administrators that cause me despair. 

Fail in the classroom? Promote to management! Peter Principle on steroids.

Process is everything, actually doing something is nothing. If the paper work is done the problem is solved.

It's the online schools that really got to me.... epic failure. Bad programs, full of errors and just stupid shit.

I pin one of the online math teachers down on the errors, and his response was "it was designed and checked by experts."

My response was you didn't address the errors I showed you instead you restored to you appealed to the experts fallacy. Your are part of the problem.

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 11:19:06 AM
Ayanna Pressley campaign coordinator goes on racist tirade, inveighs against inter-racial couples (among other things). 
buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 11:40:56 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

The "Great Society" deal was, "We'll give you federal money to build your own virtual Bantustans, as long as you don't bother us.  We'll try and eliminate racism in the society at large, but we'll leave race hate to fester untouched in the black community."

These folks are breaking the deal---and the race hate is so intense it's boiling out in all sorts of ways.  Lots of garden-variety whites, and lots of Jews---who remember their, or their parents' or grandparents', support for black civil rights---are shocked by this, but they shouldn't be.

JCM 7/20/2020 11:51:42 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

So Ayanna dahlin' you'd repeal Loving v. Virginia.

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 12:02:51 PM

In #26 JCM said: So Ayanna dahlin' you'd repeal Loving v. Virginia.

The Left is not much about Loving, at all, these days. 

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 12:04:47 PM

In #25 buzzsawmonkey said: and lots of Jews

There's also a thread at Insty about how "Hitler wasn't so bad, he left black people mostly alone (and anyway, black people are the real Jews, Hitler knew that those other Jews are fake)" is a trending theme among the BLM types. 

buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 12:10:12 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:

It's not like this garbage hasn't been circulating in the black community for some time.

buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 12:11:18 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:

For that matter, consider the "Lion of Judah" stuff that the Rastafarians are into, and the fact that dreadlocks are a full head of Hasidic payess.

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 1:06:01 PM
Current heat index here in DC is one hundred and freaking eight degrees. 
JCM 7/20/2020 1:37:01 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

If you turn on the AC you'll contribute to the Gorebul Warming!

Suffer you penance in sweat!

Our heat index is 82 ..... scorching!

doppelganglander 7/20/2020 2:09:32 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

It's only 100 here, with an actual temperature of 94. It's expected to stay about the same for the next two weeks. I hate the heat.

vxbush 7/20/2020 2:23:32 PM

In #33 doppelganglander said: It's only 100 here, with an actual temperature of 94. It's expected to stay about the same for the next two weeks. I hate the heat.

I didn't used to; I always felt absolutely fantastic in summer, but as I'm getting older it's not as nice as it used to be. I think being able to lounge in a chair and just read made it far more lovely than running the errands I have to do these days. 

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 2:34:49 PM
You'd think that in weather like this, it would be "too hot to riot", but apparently not. 
Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 2:38:42 PM

Trivia: The Constitution of Bolivia is 108 pages long.  (This was relevant to my work today.)


JCM 7/20/2020 2:39:31 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 35:

They are now in it for the fire hoses......

doppelganglander 7/20/2020 2:39:39 PM

Reply to vxbush in 34:

I didn't know what real heat was until I moved to Georgia. Even Spain wasn't that bad because we lived on the coast - we basically didn't go inland from June to September. I truly believe the heat and humidity are why Georgia was chosen as a penal colony.

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 2:59:00 PM

In #38 doppelganglander said: penal

Huh huh huh huh.... huh huh huh....

/Butthead voice

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 2:59:56 PM

Reply to JCM in 37:

“You don’t really come here for the rioting, do you?“

/variation on the old joke about the bear hunter

buzzsawmonkey 7/20/2020 3:10:34 PM
It looked extremely rocky for Biden's candidacy
He spouted naught but drivel and sad incoherency
Bernie Sanders had been sidelined, and Liz Warren the same
The Democrats had nobody who really was on game
Despite antifa rioting and the covid virus
There really wasn't anything that could give Joe a plus
They thought, "If only John Kasich would introduce Biden,
Why, we would stake our fortunes now on Joe Biden to win."

<i>---<s>Casey at the Bat</s> Kasich for Moonbat</i>
lucius septimius 7/20/2020 3:32:59 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 41:


I always loved the Mad Magazine rendering of the poem.

lucius septimius 7/20/2020 3:36:41 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 42:

And then there is that other Mad classic, Casey at the Dice

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page 3

Kosh's Shadow 7/20/2020 4:04:34 PM

In #17 PaladinPhil said: ndoor range and I discovered the hard way that the target stands were severely infested with hate filled wasps. Two stings and I called it quits and went home. Maybe I will get a chance next week.

You just need an automatic wasp gun/

doppelganglander 7/20/2020 4:21:20 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 42:

Very cool. My dad had a framed copy from The Saturday Evening Post hanging in the basement.

Kosh's Shadow 7/20/2020 4:28:47 PM

In #28 Occasional Reader said: There's also a thread at Insty about how "Hitler wasn't so bad, he left black people mostly alone (and anyway, black people are the real Jews, Hitler knew that those other Jews are fake)" is a trending theme among the BLM types. 

Pure Furhrerkhan.  Even the Southern Poverty Law Center brands Nation of Islam a hate group.

Occasional Reader 7/20/2020 4:30:22 PM

In #17 PaladinPhil said: that the target stands were severely infested with hate filled wasps

Any wasps that are tough enough to live in target stands, you do *not* want to fuck with...

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