9/11/2019 6:04:04 AM
So has everyone rushed out and bought their iPhone 11 yet? Over the summer the boys earned some things, one boy wanted a gaming computer the other an iPhone X. We built the computer together, kinda hard to build an iphone.
lucius septimius
9/11/2019 6:12:38 AM
mrsoc's 9/11 missal
9/11/2019 6:23:29 AM
Good morning! I see turn stopped by the pub last night. It's great to see him so happy. I hope he'll post again soon. How's everyone?
lucius septimius
9/11/2019 6:32:01 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 4: We finally got our power back at 5:30 this morning, so that's a good thing.
lucius septimius
9/11/2019 6:33:56 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 5: All around I can hear the sounds of chainsaws and chippers. The neighborhood is a mess. That or they're shooting a Fargo sequel.
9/11/2019 6:51:23 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 3: Thanks for posting that. It gets to me every time. Glad you have electricity again. I can't imagine you got much sleep, as hot as it was last night. We have lots of small debris in the parking lot but nothing major.
9/11/2019 6:58:51 AM
It was 18 years ago. i remember being very young, sitting at the feet of the family elders, and hearing them talk about WW2. some of them were very old. They remembered Pearl Harbor, they watched on the radio, sort of. It took time for news to travel then. For them, the rest of the war was reported on the radio, in the newspapers, in the magazines, and in the letters home from family serving overseas. It took time for news of anything to get anywhere. The news took even longer to travel for those that lived through WW1. now the news is instant. 911 was 18 years ago. We knew that this was not going to be over quickly. it must be hard for those young people that have lived there whole 18 years without having watched, as we did, those towers falling to the ground.
9/11/2019 7:14:43 AM
Reply to Syrah in 8: One of the differences between 911 and WW2 is how they were portrayed in the movies. How many movies have we watched that show the ships and the airfield of Pearl Harbor getting bombed and strafed? How many movies have shown the towers falling. i think it is an important difference. I think that the young people that are not old enough to remember watching the towers fall that day have a better feel of what happened on December 7th then they do of what happened on September 11th
9/11/2019 7:36:55 AM
In #8 Syrah said: it must be hard for those young people that have lived there whole 18 years without having watched, as we did, those towers falling to the ground. I wonder if youngsters today are so immured to the use of photoshopping and the violence of video games that the horrifying footages of that day are rather blase to them. Before they were conscious + not really reality.
9/11/2019 7:39:36 AM
In #10 revobob said: Before they were conscious + not really reality. =, not +
9/11/2019 7:43:16 AM
And here in beeyootiful downtown Kentucky summer is hanging on by teeth and nails. Yesterday tied the highest temp of the year at 95 F, today might beat that, and the heat is predicted to hold on until the end of next week, while the humidity increases. Average highs here are normally about 81 F.
lucius septimius
9/11/2019 7:58:17 AM
Reply to Syrah in 8: I was teaching when it all happened. My class that day was discussing Ragnarok. Seems appropriate.
9/11/2019 8:10:56 AM
Reply to Syrah in 8: I was talking to my daughter about it last night. She was 9 when it happened. She's currently working close to Battery Park so she walked over to see the memorial the other day. I've never been myself, even though I've been to New York a number of times since 9/11. I was there in March 2002 and just couldn't bring myself to visit a smoldering crater where there were still unrecovered human remains. My daughter has very clear memories of the day, but she says her boyfriend, who is two years younger, only has vague impressions of airplanes and people being upset. Personally, I think the news channels should show the falling man every year, over and over, because some people never knew or have forgotten the horror.
9/11/2019 8:19:08 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 14: Our daughter was visiting us in Kalifornia to introduce our (then) newest grandson. She was due to fly back to Virginia later that day. We were having breakfast at our favorite local place when someone came in and said to turn the TV on- just in time for the second plane. All the people in the place sat in near silent horror as we watched.
9/11/2019 8:30:06 AM
Out for now. Y'all play nice!
9/11/2019 8:30:43 AM
Reply to revobob in 15: You must have been so thankful that your daughter was not on a plane at that moment. I was at work, going into a 9 a.m. conference call with a client who was a total jerk. A co-worker who had just arrived said he'd heard on the radio that a plane had hit the WTC. We thought it must be a small private plane and went on with our meeting. We came out an hour later, laughing and complaining about what a jerk the client was. Then we saw the expressions on everyone's faces and realized something truly horrifying had happened. I actually sat down and started working, listening to music to block everything out. The boss sent us home around 11.
9/11/2019 10:08:32 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 17: Morning, campers. I had been forced to work at home because I was contagious with shingles, so I had the radio on in the background and I was focused on my laptop doing something. Then the announcer did the "We interrupt with a special news bulletin", and all thought of work was gone. I turned on the TV and watched. They were showing live images of the towers when the plane hit the second tower, and I saw it happen. They showed the towers falling, and I saw it happen. Let's just say, I never want to see something like that happen ever again. To anyone. Ever. In less important issues, I am still buried in massive project. If I don't emerge tomorrow, someone send chocolate.
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