lucius septimius
9/12/2019 4:20:57 AM
wakey wakey! Another hot day here in Chambodia.
9/12/2019 4:43:26 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 1: I've been up since 5. I've got a weird feeling that I'll be offered the job and it will turn out to be all wrong for me.
9/12/2019 5:50:14 AM
This is a test only a test
9/12/2019 5:57:03 AM
In #1 lucius septimius said: Another hot day here in Chambodia. I know the feeling. It has been insanely humid up here as well.
In #3 Unknown user said: This is a test only a test I don't know if you failed or not. Morning, campers.
9/12/2019 6:04:29 AM
In #3 Unknown user said: Test failed. Kosh FYI the second registration page doesn't give me a User Name box to fill in. I'm at work on a Win8 machine with Internet Exploder. so that might be part of the problem
9/12/2019 6:11:03 AM
About the vaping hysteria. Media is agog about the all the vaping related illness and deaths. There is more to the story. Pulmonary Lipid-Laden Macrophages and Vaping Short version, the illness and deaths are related to black or gray market THC oil cut with vitamin E oil. The oils coat and react with the lung tissue and cause the medical crisis. Vaping is stupid, but if gov't is going to regulate something lets do it on facts and science not hysteria.
9/12/2019 8:17:12 AM
In #6 Unknown user said: About the vaping hysteria.
Media is agog about the all the vaping related illness and deaths. Yes, I've noticed the radio ads from lawyers trying to find clients. The complete lack of logic is absolutely stunning, but I guess it is only obvious to those of us who remember how aggressively tobacco smokers were attacked.
9/12/2019 11:21:31 AM
Reply to Unknown user in 6: As a vaper, I have been paying attention to the hype and mis-information about it. Minute I found out about it being cannabis related, and yet another ingredient I relaxed a lot. Most e-juice suppliers have been very careful about what they add to their formulas. An example is diacetel(sp?). A flavoring ingredient that doesn't react well with the lungs. Causes "popcorn lung" due to the discovery of affected workers in microwave popcorn factories that came down with the illness.
9/12/2019 12:16:43 PM
Reply to vxbush in 7:
And how we predicted they'd come after soda, hamburgers, fries, etc...
Occasional Reader
9/12/2019 1:11:11 PM
Am I in?
Occasional Reader
9/12/2019 1:13:59 PM
Yes, I'm in. Well, Hi, youse guys. Sorry that it took me a while to figure out how to decipher the oh-so-clever clue I'd e-mailed to myself back in the spring, regarding my login info.
Occasional Reader
9/12/2019 1:34:35 PM
But now it seems that I is here, but youse AIN'T.
9/12/2019 1:52:49 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12: busy lurking. Working on my get away weekend plans.
lucius septimius
9/12/2019 2:41:24 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12: I've been lurking while I try to decipher interrogation records.
Kosh's Shadow
9/12/2019 3:47:25 PM
Reply to Unknown user in 5: I think I know what happened. I really need to get a reset password function working, but the class I'm teaching is taking too much time. It will be over soon
Occasional Reader
9/12/2019 3:59:35 PM
Whole lotta lurkin' goin' on.
Well, in some good news on my part, the first week of my ex having custody of my son while she's also working a new, somewhat less geographically convenient job is almost over, and she seems to have dropped her initial "I just can't do this" position, in particular regarding the "aftercare" at my son's school. So, fingers crossed, that should make life easier.
9/12/2019 4:16:57 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12: Glad you could join us. My job interview this morning went about as well as I could hope. They seem to want to hire someone right away, and I hope it's me.
Occasional Reader
9/12/2019 4:32:42 PM
Fingers crossed, dopps.
9/12/2019 4:52:10 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: Thanks!
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