The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 09/16/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/14/2019 4:32:01 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

9/16/2019 5:21:53 AM

And Gov. Stupid and Lazy wanted to be President.

Inslee wants more oversight of private psychiatric hospitals

On his watch the State mental hospital lost it certification.

lucius septimius 9/16/2019 5:46:45 AM

Reply to Unknown user in 1:

I remember when our state shut down all the private teacher-ed programs because the ones at the state school couldn't pass the accreditation reviews.

doppelganglander 9/16/2019 7:14:34 AM

Reply to Unknown user in 1: 

Only the government can lose $42 million selling weed.

9/16/2019 8:01:57 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

I recall reading an article awhile back, some economist was interested in the economics of the drug trade.

He talked a lot of people, but he was amazed how acute the business sense of even street level dealers was. They had an intuitive grasp of economics, supply, demand, competition, overhead, margins, profit, that eluded many educated economists.

Gov't is populated by highly educated no-nothings, all theory, no practice.

doppelganglander 9/16/2019 8:08:49 AM

Reply to Unknown user in 4:

Ever watch "The Wire?" It shows what a tightly-run business a good drug cartel is. The leader, played by Idris Elba, attends college business classes and learns to launder drug money through a semi-legitimate real estate business operated by the widow of another drug kingpin, IIRC. 

Occasional Reader 9/16/2019 10:44:40 AM
Premiering this fall, on CBS: "Corn Pop & Joe", two unlikely allies in the fight for the nitty-gritty streets of Wilmington, Delaware.  
lucius septimius 9/16/2019 2:25:58 PM

Youngest boy has a "we're ALL immigrants" assignment.  The reading assignment, of course, utterly avoids the distinction between legal and illegal and stresses how Americans have always been racist towards nonwhite immigrants.

He had to do a cartoon; I suggested he do a take on this:

9/16/2019 3:31:09 PM

In my political spam in box is a email titled:

Impeach AOC.


If somebody doesn't know you don't impeach congress critters, you recall or replace them at the next election they deserve the DELETE button.

doppelganglander 9/16/2019 4:14:02 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

I like it. Does he have to bring in food from his "native land' too? When Oldest Daughter had to do that in first grade, she insisted I make a Spanish tortilla because she was born in Spain. You could send all kinds of terrifying German dishes containing organ meats.

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