Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 6:34:03 AM
So, what fresh riots did we have last night?
7/27/2020 6:52:22 AM
In #1 Occasional Reader said: So, what fresh riots did we have last night? There's antifa on our street They are at their peak And social unrest they seek But you should hear them speak! When you ask them anything, they never answer "no". They'll just "yes" you to death, and as their bricks they throw They'll tell you "Yes, we have got no riots We have got no riots today. We've got protests, it's true--- They're mostly peaceful, too, We'll block streets and get in your way; We have torn down every statue Burned down this and that, too But yes, we have got no riots. We have got no riots today." ---apologies to "Yes, We Have No Bananas"
7/27/2020 6:57:19 AM
That cup of coffee is not going to be enough!
7/27/2020 7:10:32 AM
In #3 JCM said: That cup of coffee is not going to be enough! Sigh. I miss caffeine.
7/27/2020 7:16:02 AM
Reply to vxbush in 4: I can't imagine... *shudder*
7/27/2020 7:16:37 AM
7/27/2020 7:22:45 AM
Cops injured, arson, property damage in Seattle.
What has Mayor Durka Durka panties in wad?
Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 7:46:58 AM
Reply to JCM in 8: yes, I saw that earlier this morning. Absolutely incredible.
7/27/2020 7:47:42 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: But Trump Russia... that's a proven impeachable fact.
lucius septimius
7/27/2020 8:08:43 AM
In #10 JCM said: But Trump Russia... that's a proven impeachable fact. It is amazing how people are holding onto that narrative -- everything new detail that comes out merely confirms that Drumpfhitler is Putin's pawn and the whole Justice Dept. is now a KGB assert.
Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 8:21:33 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11:Reply to JCM in 10:
I feel like we simply don't share the same reality with these people any more, let alone the same country. In my personal interactions with Democrat/liberal friends and acquaintances, I so far have found no one who I feel has been "red-pilled" by the leftist violence we've been experiencing for the last two months. They either completely compartmentalize it, as if it's just some sort of natural disaster that's happening with no relation to politics; or, in the more extreme cases, they truly buy the narrative that it's all "peaceful protest", and that whatever violence is occurring is probably the work of right-wing infiltrators (who somehow never get caught.)
7/27/2020 8:40:15 AM
In #12 Occasional Reader said: whatever violence is occurring is probably the work of right-wing infiltrators (who somehow never get caught.) Has that ever happened even once, anywhere in the US? Absolutely everything from the left is projection.
7/27/2020 8:43:26 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 12: How can we even discuss the issues if there are no common reference points to base the discussion on? Reminds of some of the first contact pulp science fiction I read exploring how to communicate with aliens. This crowd rejects even science so we can use the unit circle or the periodic table as a basis for communications.
Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 8:46:35 AM
And allow me once again to nag regarding y'alls's's's opinion about this initiative, and if you've heard anything about it. https://www.americanconting... I'm still going to do more research on it before "signing up"; but it looks like an interesting initiative. It's the first really concrete thing I've seen in terms of organizing against leftist violence (other than things like Proud Boys and Oath Keepers/3%ers, all of which have issues that make them a non-starter for me).
Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 8:47:38 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:
JCM, I'd think that perhaps for you, in particular, this might be of interest, given both the skill set you could bring to the table, and the threat environment in which you live.
7/27/2020 8:48:04 AM
..can' eels ven use the...
7/27/2020 8:52:31 AM
Reply to JCM in 17: That is not not what I typed.... somewhere a hovercraft is missing it's eels. ... can't even use the
7/27/2020 9:35:26 AM
You can protest and gamble but can't worship. The decision strikes down a suit from Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, which argued that it was being treated unfairly compared with other businesses in the state. While places of worship in Nevada have a hard 50-person limit amid the coronavirus pandemic, businesses such as casinos and restaurants can operate at half of their fire-code capacities. This discrepancy was a violation of the First Amendment, the church asserted in the suit.
7/27/2020 9:46:42 AM
Reply to JCM in 19: What the hell is wrong with Chief Justice Roberts? This case was a no-brainer and he sided with the liberals against the plain language of the Constitution (and it should have been 9-0 it's so blatant). I have never bought into the conspiracy theory that he's being blackmailed somehow, but if it's not that, I don't know what his motivation is.
7/27/2020 9:54:19 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 20: A local radio host who has guest hosted for Rush, Todd Herman, was a high up in the RNC for a while. He has relayed after the the Obamacare ruling he got a message from inside the courts which basically said, "they got to Roberts". How they "got" to him he doesn't know but it sure seems that way.
7/27/2020 10:16:30 AM
In #21 JCM said: A local radio host who has guest hosted for Rush, Todd Herman, was a high up in the RNC for a while.
He has relayed after the the Obamacare ruling he got a message from inside the courts which basically said, "they got to Roberts".
How they "got" to him he doesn't know but it sure seems that way. Didn't it have something to do with the way in which he and his wife found and adopted their children? There were rumors that they didn't do things exactly by the book, and that became a point of leverage against Roberts. I don't know this; there are a whole lot of assumptions in that paragraph.
7/27/2020 10:31:52 AM
In #22 lucius septimius said: Virtue Signal -- the Game. Oh, have I got someone in mind for that! I'm tempted to buy a set and send it to a bunch of folks. Anonymously, of course.
7/27/2020 10:39:39 AM
In #22 lucius septimius said: Virtue Signal -- the Game. Just sent the link to a gamer friend of mine, who loves complex card games.
7/27/2020 11:37:45 AM
Reply to JCM in 21: Then conservatives need to find out what it is and strongly encourage him to retire. Roberts seems like a nice man with a nice family, but if it comes down to saving the Constitution, I wouldn't hesitate. I hope it doesn't come to that - when Trump appoints RBG's replacement, his vote may be moot.
Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 11:42:02 AM
In #26 doppelganglander said: his vote may be moot Linguistic trivia: "It's a moot point" has come to mean almost exactly the opposite of its original meaning.
7/27/2020 11:47:58 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 22: I NEED THIS GAME! I love the idea of playing on election night. The right-wing version also sounds like fun. Unlike SJWs, conservatives can laugh at ourselves.
7/27/2020 11:50:44 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 27: Interesting. It seems the only usage that retains its original sense is moot court.
7/27/2020 12:13:20 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 27: Reply to doppelganglander in 29:
People wonder how the Keepers of the Trees in Lord of the Rings reproduced; they always required an Ent-moot setting.
lucius septimius
7/27/2020 12:49:07 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 27: Though occasionally one does come across the verb "to moot" used correctly.
Occasional Reader
7/27/2020 1:20:23 PM
Per Ace of Spades:
Old and busted: there are no riots, that’s just a myth. New hotness: these riots are terrible, and they are all the fault of the GOP. http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=389333
/The memo on this apparently having gone out at 4 AM today
7/27/2020 2:13:54 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 32: Now that they've figured out the riots are helping Trump, there will be a crackdown. Whether the rioters will step back remains to be seen. It doesn't matter, really. The narrative that Democrats support violence and criminal behavior is set.
7/27/2020 2:32:47 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 34: Unpossible! It's a myth!
lucius septimius
7/27/2020 2:56:55 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 34: Terrifying, yes. But also restricted to a handful of cities. I was thinking about that when I was driving through Tennessee the other day. Passing through lovely hills and valleys and nearly every house had a Trump sign in the yard. Meanwhile, the optics are uniformly bad for Democrats, and they are just waking up to that fact. But at this point they have so much invested in the chaos I can't imagine they will be able to come up with anything like a coherent response.
Kosh's Shadow
7/27/2020 4:25:36 PM
The Woke Wiki - empty, because anything posted is at least a microagression.
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