The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 09/26/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/21/2019 3:15:35 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

doppelganglander 9/26/2019 5:17:04 AM
Good morning! VX, how is your son doing?
Occasional Reader 9/26/2019 5:44:18 AM
Buenos días, campers.
Occasional Reader 9/26/2019 7:19:57 AM
 Now that "Ukrainegate!!!" Is falling apart faster than a ball of cotton candy in a rainstorm, what will the DNC/MSM try next? Back to "racism", or something else?
revobob 9/26/2019 7:37:13 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:  My personal hope is that Trump has been waiting for the lefties to push something so obviously bogus and clearly refutable as this. That will enable launching his counterattack. Clearly this should, in a slightly rational universe, allow Biden to be completely discredited. Since it is doubtful that Biden would have acted without Obama's prior knowledge and at least tacit approval this should also provide an opening wedge to expose BHO, HRC, and ultimately all the Deep Staters associated with them. On the plus side, these Dem offenses seem to me to be criminal enough that once the DOJ starts investigating they need not rely on Congress to continue prosecutions. I know this is all pretty unlikely to actually happen, but Trump is smart enough, and Barr seems straight enough that there is at least a chance. If the administration can get a couple of the top people- McCabe, Comey, Kerry, et al., squeezed a bit, the 2nd tier of conspirators may well start to offer testimony for deals that will keep them out of the hoosegow. One can only hope.

revobob 9/26/2019 7:38:16 AM
And on that note, it's time to get to chores. Y'all play nice!
revobob 9/26/2019 7:43:18 AM
One other comment- Kalifornia is really pushing the full leftist program hard. In the process they are becoming less subtle and revealing their true goals more openly. More and more Kalifornians (and businesses!) are starting to see what we have known for a long time. The backlash will take a while longer to develop, but at some point all the Pelosies, Harrises, Waters, etc. may well need to move to the center to keep their bases. Or, even better, be voted out.
9/26/2019 7:57:21 AM

Reply to revobob in 4:

It interesting to watch. The accuse Trump of what Biden and various Senators did, strong arm Ukraine into investigating Trump for a quid pro quo.

Trump should be impeached, based on the accusation.

Biden should be elected, when he did the deed.

Syrah 9/26/2019 8:23:25 AM
What crime is Trump being accused of committing?
lucius septimius 9/26/2019 8:54:46 AM

Reply to Syrah in 8:

He doesn't need to "commit a crime."  Trump is criminal simply by virtue of being Trump.  And all who support him are also criminals.  Because Trump.

This reminds me of a passage in Raoul Hilberg's masterwork, Destruction of the European Jews.  He describes how the Nazis recycled and added to the old "ritual murder" libel.  In radio broadcasts to England they would report that "in the town of XY a chld is missing and that is is probably another case of Jewish ritual murder."  He concludes that "In the culmination of the theory to be a Jew was a punishable offense (strafbare Handlung); thus it was the function of the rationalization of criminality to turn the destruction process into a kind of judicial proceeding."

That is precisely what's going on here.  To merely be "Trump" or one of his supporters is treated as criminal.  And since the goal of the Democrats is the destruction of their opponents (vid. "cancel culture," something I am intimately acquainted with) the process of destroying political enemies must be given the patina of "legality."  But a "crime" in the traditional sense is not required for prosecution.

This is, of course, the definition of persecution.

9/26/2019 9:04:15 AM

Reply to Syrah in 8:

What they are trying sell is Trump pressured and offered a quid pro quo to the Ukrainian President for investigation and dirt on Biden.

Here's what they did... which is what they accuse Trump of doing.

9/26/2019 9:07:31 AM

Whistle Blower Complaint

Dear Chairman Burr and Chairman Schiff:

I am reporting an “urgent concern” in accordance with the procedures outlined in 50 U.S.C. §3033(k)(5)(A). This letter is UNCLASSIFFIED when separated from the attachment.

In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

• Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me of various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in the course of official interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis.

• I was not a direct witness to most of the events described. However, I found my colleagues’ accounts of these events to be credible because, in almost all cases, multiple officials recounted fact patterns that were consistent with one another. In addition, a variety of information consistent with these private accounts has been reported publicly.

I am deeply concerned that the actions described below constitute “a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, or violation of law or Executive Order” that “does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters,” consistent with the definition of an “urgent concern” in 50 U.S.C. §3033(k)(5)(G). I am therefore fulfilling my duty to report this information through proper legal channels, to the relevant authorities.

• I am also concerned that these actions pose risks to U.S. national security and undermine the U.S. Government’s efforts to deter and counter foreign interference in U.S. elections.

To the best of my knowledge, the entirety of this statement is unclassified when separated from the classified enclosure. I have endeavored to apply the classification standards outlined in Executive Order (EO) 13526 and to separate out information that I know or have reason to believe is classified for national security purposes. (1)

• If a classification is applied retroactively, I believe it is incumbent upon the classifying authority to explain why such a marking was applied, and to which specific information it pertains.

I. The 25 July Presidential phone call

Early in the morning of 25 July, the President spoke by telephone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I do not know which side initiated the call. This was the first publicly acknowledged call between the two leaders since a brief congratulatory call after Mr. Zelenskyy won the presidency on 21 April.

Multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call informed me that, after an initial exchange of pleasantries, the President used the remainder of the call to advance his personal interests. Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the President’s 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House officials who had direct knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. Zelenskyy to, inter alia:

• initiate or continue an investigation(2) into the activities of former Vice President Joseph Biden and his son, Hunter Biden;

• assist in purportedly uncovering that allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election originated in Ukraine, with a specific request that the Ukrainan leader locate and turn over servers used by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and examined by the U.S. cyber security firm Crowdstrike(3), which initially reported that Russian hackers had penetrated the DNC’s networks in 2016; and

• meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matter, Mr. Giuliani and Attorney General Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.

The President also praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, Mr. Yuriy Lutsenko, and suggested that Mr. Zelenksyy might want to keep him in his position. (Note: Starting in March 2019, Mr. Lutsenko made a series of public allegations—many of which he later walked back—about the Biden family’s activities in Ukraine, Ukrainian officials’ purported involvement in the 2016 U.S. election, and the activities of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. See Part IV for additional context.)

The White House officials who told me this information were deeply disturbed by what had transpired in the phone call. They told me that there was already a “discussion ongoing” with White House lawyers about how to treat the call because of the likelihood, in the officials’ retelling, that they had witnessed the President abuse his office for personal gain.

The Ukrainian side was the first to publicly acknowledge the phone call. On the evening of 25 July, a readout was posted on the website of the Ukrainian President that contained the following line (translation from original Russian-language readout):

• “Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between Ukraine and the United States.”

Aside from the above-mentioned “cases” purportedly dealing with the Biden family and the 2016 U.S. election, I was told by White House officials that no other “cases” were discussed.

Based on my understanding, there were approximately a dozen White House officials who listened to the call—a mixture of policy officials and duty officers in the White House Situation Room, as is customary. The officials I spoke with told me that participation in the call had not been restricted in advance because everyone expected it would be a “routine” call with a foreign leader. I do not know whether anyone was physically present with the President during the call.

• In addition to White House personnel, I was told that a State Department official, Mr. T. Ulrich Brechbuhl, also listened in on the call.

• I was not the only non-White House officials to receive a readout of the call. Based on my understanding, multiple State Department and Intelligence Community officials were also briefed on the contents of the call as outlined above.

II. Efforts to restrict access to records related to the call

In the days following the phone call, I learned from multiple U.S. officials that senior White House officials had intervened to “lock down” all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript of the call that was produced—as is customary—by the White House Situation Room. This set of actions underscored to me that White House officials understood the gravity of what had transpired in the call.

• White House officials told me that they were “directed” by White House lawyers to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system in which such transcripts are typically stored for coordination, finalization, and distribution to Cabinet-level officials.

• Instead, the transcript was loaded into a separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature. One White House official described this act as an abuse of this electronic system because the call did not contain anything remotely sensitive from a national security perspective.

I do not know whether similar measures were taken to restrict access to other records of the call, such as contemporaneous handwritten notes taken by those who listened in.

9/26/2019 9:11:33 AM

Deep State stink all over that.

Works very hard to make a routine conversation seem nefarious.

9/26/2019 9:22:22 AM

Well shit my $80,000 piece of test equipment just crapped out on me.

I'm thinking percussive maintenance first......

vxbush 9/26/2019 9:26:11 AM

In #1 doppelganglander said: Good morning! VX, how is your son doing?

Things are not worse, and they might be better. But I'm looking for specific signs of improvement, and I haven't seen them yet. So I am being cautious. I stayed home again today and we're going to go work on him again in just a few minutes. 

vxbush 9/26/2019 9:30:00 AM

In #13 Unknown user said: I'm thinking percussive maintenance first......

Start small with the ball-peen hammer first. 

9/26/2019 9:57:08 AM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

Score I found the user manual!

Not to see if there is anything useful in it!

9/26/2019 9:57:45 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

More prayers for you and yours on the way!

9/26/2019 10:03:57 AM
No diagnostics or troubleshooting.... *sigh*
Occasional Reader 9/26/2019 10:04:08 AM

In #12 Unknown user said: Works very hard to make a routine conversation seem nefarious.

Not to mention it's hearsay galore.

I heard that Goody Trump danced with the devil!

Occasional Reader 9/26/2019 10:04:46 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

I continue to be amazed by your strength.

vxbush 9/26/2019 10:23:35 AM

In #18 Unknown user said: No diagnostics or troubleshooting.... *sigh*

How old is the documentation? Is it possible the company has FAQs or troubleshooting guides on the company website? I've noticed most documentation now only exists on the web in either HTML or PDF form. 

vxbush 9/26/2019 10:24:05 AM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: Not to mention it's hearsay galore.

Now that sounds like a great nickname for online: Hearsay Galore. 

vxbush 9/26/2019 10:25:00 AM

In #20 Occasional Reader said: I continue to be amazed by your strength.

Well, I'm home because it is simply too hard to keep up the necessary routines to combat this issue with only one person working on it. With both of us here, we can tag team on it. 

9/26/2019 10:38:39 AM

Reply to vxbush in 21:

Unit is a year old. Found a CD with manuals in the calibration document folder.

Nothing on line, only sales stuff. Email sent to the US reps for some support.

9/26/2019 10:43:35 AM
The ole factory reset...... back in business.
vxbush 9/26/2019 11:29:21 AM

In #25 Unknown user said: The ole factory reset...... back in business.

That's good!

9/26/2019 11:45:08 AM

Reply to vxbush in 26: Reply to vxbush in 26:

Spent 15 minutes poking through menus to find it.

vxbush 9/26/2019 12:43:46 PM

In #27 Unknown user said: Spent 15 minutes poking through menus to find it.

That doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it seems I spend way too much time trying to track down details like this and I end up wasting a lot of my day trying to figure out how to get around a problem. I get so frustrated some days. 

doppelganglander 9/26/2019 2:44:20 PM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

I'm glad it's no worse, and I hope he's better soon.

doppelganglander 9/26/2019 2:47:20 PM

Reply to Unknown user in 11:

Skippy Schiff has had this since August. I wonder if he got it from someone else and "laundered" it through this so-called whistleblower. Why would anyone with knowledge of the call tell this person anything, let alone a half dozen people? I think it's one person trying to give the false impression of overwhelming concern. 

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