10/17/2019 5:32:17 AM
Elijah Cummings has died. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/rep-elijah-cummings-maryland-democrat-house-oversight-chairman-dies-68-n1067981
10/17/2019 5:50:21 AM
In #1 doppelganglander said: Elijah Cummings has died. Tryin real hard to feel bad about that. Wonder who the lefties in Baltimore/ Maryland will send up to replace him. Unlikely to be an improvement though.
10/17/2019 6:11:54 AM
Reply to revobob in 2: He was the minority leader of Oversight when my daughter worked there. I don't think she was too impressed with him.
10/17/2019 7:14:28 AM
In #1 doppelganglander said: Elijah Cummings has died. The news stories I saw this morning were all over the place. Some said they had no news, others said this was completely sudden. Hot Air, not listing a specific source, said that Cummings was in hospice when he died--implying this was not a surprise to him at all, and he and his family were preparing for it. He could have twisted this story into one where he blamed the President for his illness ("look what Trump did to me!") and some may do that still, but so far I haven't seen anyone take that tack--and I am quite grateful for that. I hope that folks do not blame Trump. It is ridiculous to suggest that, and yet Trump is being blamed for things that he should never be blamed for. No, what I expect now is the martyr treatment, the "statements" treatment like we had at the Wellstone memorial. And it is going to be worse than Wellstone. I bare no ill will to Cummings family, and I wish them peace and comfort at this time. But I can already smell what the politicians want to do.
10/17/2019 7:15:19 AM
In #4 vxbush said: the "statements" treatment Typo. The "statesman" treatment.
10/17/2019 7:44:37 AM
In #5 vxbush said: Typo. The "statesman" treatment. also bear, not bare! Sheesh!
10/17/2019 7:46:43 AM
In #6 revobob said: also bear, not bare! Sheesh! Ack! You're right! Working at home today, taking care of the son, so my brain cells are split between responsibilities. Have we talked about the Turkey situation and the US pulling out? I've missed any and all discussions on that.
10/17/2019 8:18:17 AM
Reply to vxbush in 4: More news says that it was a toxic infection, according to an article at heavy.com.
10/17/2019 8:33:32 AM
In #7 vxbush said: Have we talked about the Turkey situation and the US pulling out? I've missed any and all discussions on that. AFAIK, no we haven't. What I have seen so far is that the Kurds in question, in Syria, are members of a terrorist faction. They are apparently not the 'good' Kurds, although I don't know how you tell them apart. Obviously as far as the Kurds themselves are concerned Kurds is Kurds and should be treated as allies. Problem 1 is that AFAIK there is no coherent central para-government of Kurds who have the standing to have formal treaties, etc., with us. The Kurds also do not have any 'national' boundaries, instead seeking to carve out a nation of their own from Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, even bits of Georgia and Kazakhstan. Their claim includes nearly 1/2 of Turkey's area. Obviously none of the existing countries involved want to give up their territory to the Kurds. Problem 2 is that as Trump apparently said today or yesterday- Turkey is a formal ally via NATO. Syria is at best NOT an ally, and at worst is an avowed enemy. Syria, like the Kurds, has a bunch of factions who are fighting each other in addition to fighting the Kurds, who are fighting the Turks (and pretty much everyone else they abut.) Historically our military in theater has worked with and supported some of the Kurdish factions. As we all realize, that part of the world has been the scene of warfare pretty continuously for several hundred years. The hatreds are so old and run so deep that no diplomatic solution seems likely, and no military solution would work. There is no good answer, and Trump is going on the basis of ending the hemorrhage of our wealth and blood into the sand. There is also a second aspect of Trump's (probable) plan. Supposedly about 350 or more Representatives support NOT withdrawing our troops, even though the House couldn't muster the 218 votes to authorize military action there. He is backing the House into a position where THEY would have to authorize war (instead of it being a POTUS action). This gets the blame off him if we go back in, and he could probably force them to define some goals and maybe even an exit plan for our troops.
10/17/2019 8:34:35 AM
Mornin' all. It has been an interesting week. Munchette should be discharged today. Getting all the service and support we need lined up. Then need to get her integrated back into school.
10/17/2019 8:37:46 AM
It's up to 42 degrees (F), so time to get some yard work done. Y'all play nice!
10/17/2019 8:44:16 AM
Reply to revobob in 10: Not only is Turkey a NATO member they are key just from a geographical standpoint. Putin would love to suck Turkey into the Russian sphere of influence. I also think tossing the Kurds under the bus is a really bad idea. Erdogen is no longer a rational or reliable ally IMAO that is the big problem. The other side you adroitly point out is the Kurds are "anything" yet. They are stilling fighting internally, the PPK is communist and terroristic, the YPG is our ostensible ally. There is no government to deal with and bring to the table. If have to placate a megalomaniac to keep NATO and that status quo, at the same time need to prevent him from wiping out a natural regional ally. Oy vey, it give me a headache.
Occasional Reader
10/17/2019 10:30:48 AM
Feel-good story of the day (with video)
Irate London commuters drag "Extinction Rebellion" death-cultists off the roof of a Tube train, give them a light stomping.
10/17/2019 10:45:09 AM
Reply to Unknown user in 11: I'm glad Munchette is coming home. Sounds like you're getting the support she needs. You're in my prayers.
Occasional Reader
10/17/2019 10:58:27 AM
In #11 Unknown user said: Munchette should be discharged today. Good to hear, and I hope all continues to improve.
10/17/2019 11:05:20 AM
I've had a pretty shitty morning. It usually takes me about 35 minutes to get to my hairstylist. My appointment was at 10:15 so I left early in case of leftover rush hour traffic. It turns out there had been a car vs. pedestrian incident on the interstate around 5:30 this morning, closing all lanes of traffic for four hours. It had just reopened when I got on. Of course, once you're on the ramp, you're trapped. It took me nearly an hour to get there and an hour to get home, but for different traffic-related reasons. I also stopped to get gas, get the car washed, and put air in my tires. The nice man at Pep Boys filled my tires for free, but he forgot to put the cap back on one valve, so now I have to take care of that. I never want to leave the house again.
10/17/2019 11:07:16 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 17: I hear ya'. I want a house where the closest neighbor is over the horizon.
Occasional Reader
10/17/2019 11:33:21 AM
In #18 Unknown user said: I want a house where the closest neighbor is over the horizon. Not even Sarah Palin's house has that feature vis a vis Russia!
10/17/2019 11:45:27 AM
Reply to vxbush in 7:
i just saw your note about your daughter coming out to spend some time here in the great north wet. this is a good time for her to take a look around the area and see if it might offer a better long term home than California. if she is stationed in the community west of Seattle, there are a lot of good residential properties, some even water front, that are a bargain compared to home prices in much of California. The weather can be a little rough in the winter, but the summers are a bit of paradise. the west sound has very clean air. I still have asthma issues, but the clean air here has made life better here for me.
10/17/2019 11:48:58 AM
Reply to Unknown user in 18: In just the 6 years I've been in this house, traffic has gone from bad to impossible. They've built umpteen apartment complexes within a couple of miles. Now they are widening the interstate a half-mile from my house to alleviate traffic, but of course it makes traffic worse in the short term.
10/17/2019 1:05:11 PM
Reply to vxbush in 4: To paraphrase Mark Twain, I enjoy reading some obituaries with enjoyment.
10/17/2019 2:13:22 PM
The impeachment circus looks like it will suck most of the oxygen out of the news cycle for the next several months. How outrageous will the candidates have to be in order to get above the fold news cycle time? Will the outrageous behavior needed to get news time make the Democrats more or less electable in the General Election?
10/17/2019 2:20:56 PM
In #24 Syrah said: The impeachment circus looks like it will suck most of the oxygen out of the news cycle for the next several months. Did I misunderstand? I saw something to the effect that Pelosi said they weren't going to pursue impeachment. (I think they realized that the investigation and hearings would expose things they don't want made known.)
lucius septimius
10/17/2019 2:21:36 PM
In #24 Syrah said: Will the outrageous behavior needed to get news time make the Democrats more or less electable in the General Election? The closer we get to the election, the worse Cunitfa and other hippy dips will get. I keep thinking of 1972 -- a bloated and divided Democrat field with no clear front runner being pulled ever further to the left plus idiot protesters led to the reelection of an unlikable president (despite a seemingly endless war that was ending badly and a shaky economy). By a landslide, no less.
10/17/2019 2:23:24 PM
In #19 Occasional Reader said: Not even Sarah Palin's house has that feature vis a vis Russia! Here in the hills and hollers of Kaintucky it ain't that hard- some of the horizons are purty darn close. We have one neighbor about 300 yards away, any others are a fur piece more'n thet!
10/17/2019 2:25:56 PM
Reply to revobob in 25: The Democrats are talking about it constantly. They don’t need to make it official to keep promoting it. I am not sure that the Democrats can stop talking about it.
10/17/2019 2:27:57 PM
In #28 Syrah said: The Democrats are talking about it constantly. They don’t need to make it official to keep promoting it.
I am not sure that the Democrats can stop talking about it. One of my liberal acquaintances at work has mentioned to me that she is having to work very hard to *not* be angry all the time. I fear it is a losing battle.
10/17/2019 2:31:04 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 26: that last Democrat Debate made it look like the Democrats are either unable or unwilling to narrow the race to a top three race. Their top three candidates are very weak. I think they want to keep their less than 10% polling candidates at the ready for when the top three fall apart. if they remain this divided up until their convention, I will predict riots.
10/17/2019 2:35:46 PM
In #28 Syrah said: The Democrats are talking about it constantly. They don’t need to make it official to keep promoting it.
I am not sure that the Democrats can stop talking about it.
Seems to me they run the risk of crying 'Wolf" too often. My hope is that Trump is going to keep them off-balance enough and in-fighting enough to keep Barr's investigations going and get the findings widely published. And the more they expound on abusing churches, confiscating guns, abortion, and tax increases, the more people are going to have time to realize that none of that stuff will work or be to their benefit. (One can hope!!!)
10/17/2019 2:38:54 PM
Reply to vxbush in 29:
I wish your acquaintances the best of luck. Their best bet would be to unplug from the media entirely. That would be very tough to do.
10/17/2019 2:41:44 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 17: Hey! At least you HAVE hair to style! Southern Kalifornia commuters would hardly notice an extra 25 minute delay- now, when the 91 gets all 7 lanes (each way) crunched to slow-and-go, my last 12 miles could take 2 hours. That was about 4 days out of 5. Count yer blessings! ;-)
10/17/2019 2:46:17 PM
Reply to revobob in 33: I'm glad I don't have to be out in it every day. OTOH, I would happily deal with it if it meant having a job.
10/17/2019 2:54:28 PM
Suppertime! Beans with smoked ham hocks and cheesy biscuits pipin hot from th oven! Thems some good vittles!
10/17/2019 3:36:57 PM
In #30 Syrah said: that last Democrat Debate made it look like the Democrats are either unable or unwilling to narrow the race to a top three race. Their top three candidates are very weak. I think they want to keep their less than 10% polling candidates at the ready for when the top three fall apart. Everyone knows that the current Democratic Candidate Clown Car Cavalcade is merely a show for the rubes. The "national party unity candidate"---my money's still on Michelle Obama---will probably be announced in the early spring.
There have been no primaries as yet---merely a three-ring performance by the Democrats' Candidate Clown Car Cavalcade. The performances have been a series of private primaries, if you will, to eliminate as many of the clowns as possible before the actual primary process begins. If they can clear the field sufficiently, the "party unity" late entrant will win the primaries in a walk---or enough of them so that, even if that entrant misses the opening rounds, the Democrats' "superdelegates" (the same "superdelegates" that yanked the nomination last time around from the primary-winning Bernie Sanders to give the nomination to Hillary) will easily be able to anoint the designated candidate.
10/17/2019 4:04:35 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 36: i fear that you are right. a late entrant of a recognizable name would be spared the blood letting of the early primary process. i wonder about Michelle’s strength, or more specifically, her weakness. Put her on a stage debate Trump, and I think she would lose it Trump is a masterful and very practiced troll. He is a tough media debate opponent for anyone. Michelle is an armature at best. I think Trump would be able to get under her skin, possibly even before any face to face debate were to take place. Trump is willing to be aggressive and he does not give women any gentleman’s quarter.
Alice in Dairyland
10/17/2019 4:35:27 PM
Reply to Syrah in 37: Maybe that's the plan. There is no "good" democrat candidate right now. She's spared the in-party fighting. Trump is mean to her and makes her cry. Remember, she is the patron saint of hardworking, deserving black women in America. Bang, she gets the sympathy vote and there goes the country! Gees, and I'm usually so optimistic.
10/17/2019 5:05:56 PM
Reply to Syrah in 37: Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 38:
Michelle Obama would satisfy the Democrats' desire for "intersectionality," as a black woman running for president. She would satisfy her own desire for her personal hog wallow through the Treasury (instead of relying on Barack's hog wallow); her desire for additional vacations on the taxpayer dime; and her desire to stick it to Hillary by potentially being the First First Lady Ladyparts President---with added blackness! She would leave it to <s>Barack</s> Valerie Jarrett, just as Barack did, to do the actual functional governing.
10/17/2019 6:29:18 PM
In #39 buzzsawmonkey said: Michelle Obama would satisfy the Democrats' desire for "intersectionality," as a black woman running for president. She would satisfy her own desire for her personal hog wallow through the Treasury (instead of relying on Barack's hog wallow); her desire for additional vacations on the taxpayer dime; and her desire to stick it to Hillary by potentially being the First First Lady Ladyparts President---with added blackness!
She would leave it to Barack Valerie Jarrett, just as Barack did, to do the actual functional governing. I still can't see Michelle running. I think her stated desire to get out of DC was sincere enough to keep her away, and she is smart enough to understand how much crap the POTUS has to take. Right now she has a great life- not all that much scrutiny of her behavior, the girls are largely staying off the radar, she has access to enough money to do pretty much as she pleases, and has minimal responsibilities. If she runs, all of that changes. Besides, if the stories about the Obama marriage have any truth it would probably be a pain for her to have to be the good spouse again. She is adored as an influential black woman, but as a candidate or in office all of her faults and flaws would be mercilessly dwelt on. Unless Soros has something really good on her, I can't see where it would be worth her trouble.
10/17/2019 7:00:24 PM
Nite all y'all.
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