The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 09/11/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/7/2020 10:11:45 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 9/11/2020 4:51:38 AM

vxbush 9/11/2020 6:15:41 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

I was wondering this morning if there will be any comment made by the MSM or if they are going to continue to disparage Trump uber alles and stoke fear on COVID. I fear I know the answer. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 7:03:25 AM

What a beautiful day 9/11 started as---a cloudless, absolutely-gorgeous-blue sky.

I saw the first tower of the Trade Center burning from my kitchen windows, and as I watched, saw the second plane coming in low and fast. I thought, "That might be a rescue aircraft, if it was a helicopter, but...a plane?" and then the second plane hit the tower and the fireball exploded.

I continued watching through the windows, as the smoke got thicker and greyer, and then...the Towers dissolved, collapsing in on themselves, and Lower Manhattan vanished in a rolling grey cloud that started spreading over the East River, and the TV went dead.

I went outside, and there were pages of memoranda and business correspondence, wind-borne from the collapsed towers, floating down out of the sky.

turn 9/11/2020 7:35:35 AM
Never forget ...
doppelganglander 9/11/2020 7:52:16 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Thank you for posting this.

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 7:56:43 AM

What a strange journey we've had since 9/11/01.

Never forgot, mourn the fallen, honor the heroes. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 8:18:53 AM

If I could have designed the 9/11 memorial there would be no groves of trees, no "reflecting pool," none of that wimpy stuff.

There would be a plaza that showed a map, in terrazzo, of Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, with scattered bronze flakes symbolizing the papers that scattered out of the sky over South Brooklyn. There would be bronze models of the building of Lower Manhattan, and scale models of the Towers just before they fell, with the fuselages of the planes protruding and eternal flames in both buildings.

Visitors would be able to walk, like giants, through this replication of Lower Manhattan just before the Towers fell; would be able to look at the eternal flames in the buildings, and remember.

Alice in Dairyland 9/11/2020 8:34:01 AM

Tilly's Story 09/11.  It's at Free Republic, but they got it from "SOB".  I read this every year and it's like tearing a scab off a fresh wound.  I wonder if I'll ever be able to get through it without crying.  I hope not.

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 8:41:19 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 8:

And there's this, from James Lileks, which I re-read every year, and cannot finish without tears.

Alice in Dairyland 9/11/2020 8:58:48 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: Thank you, I had never seen that.  When I got up this morning, I saw our little fire station across the street of us was flying the flag at half mast.  I wondered who had died.  Then I fully woke up and then I remembered.  Oh well, at least the first few moments of the day were normal.   

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 9:01:35 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 10:

Last night I drove past the Pentagon, and they had a beacon shining into the clouds, as they do I believe every year on 9/11.  Good.

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 9:06:33 AM
By the way, the fires in the rubble of the Trade Center continued to burn for something like a month afterwards. If you looked at Lower Manhattan from the Brooklyn side, you could see the glow in the sky.
JCM 9/11/2020 9:34:28 AM

My dad was a FEMA on call Chaplin. He was called up for 9/11.

He spent a few days on the pile. He said out of all that ruble form those two towers nothing was recognizable. No chair, no desk, nothing was intact. The most intact thing he found was part of a telephone keypad. The was then taken off the pile and did family assistance and notifications when a ID was made.

Alice in Dairyland 9/11/2020 9:46:17 AM

Reply to JCM in 13: Among all the evil that walks the face of this earth, the good shines through.  My thanks to the people like your father.  I can't imagine the strength it took him to do this.  Maybe his faith in God carried him through.  Bless him.

doppelganglander 9/11/2020 9:58:04 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

I can't read it. I remember "And then she was fire, and then she was ash" and I completely lose it.

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 10:12:03 AM

In #13 JCM said: all that ruble form those two towers

So you’re saying there was Russian collusion?


buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 10:21:39 AM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: Russian collusion

Speaking of which, they were yapping endlessly about "Russian collusion/election interference" on Morning Sedition today.  

Are people really so stupid that they think the Russians are capable of hacking electronic voting machines?  And, if the Russians are capable of hacking them, why are they being used?  You can't "hack" one of the old ka-chunk, ka-chunk mechanical voting machines---only Democrat election boards can do that.

JCM 9/11/2020 10:26:05 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 17:

I would worry less about the Russians hacking voting machines than the democrat operatives.

Paper ballots and electro-optical mechanical counters are unhackable. Any tampering will have physical evidence and easily detectable with a test ballot batch.

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 10:49:11 AM

Reply to JCM in 18:

I'm sure you're right---I'm merely pointing out that the "Russian hacking/influencing of the election" is a drumbeat that National Proggie Radio is pounding for all it's worth.

lucius septimius 9/11/2020 11:00:50 AM
I just got an email about a Ukulele workshop for the kiddies.  Wonder if they teach them this.
Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 11:05:11 AM

In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: I'm sure you're right---I'm merely pointing out that the "Russian hacking/influencing of the election" is a drumbeat that National Proggie Radio is pounding for all it's worth.

And that's because the Progs are now in a white-knuckle terror about losing the election, and desperately preparing the battlespace for Election 2000 Hanging Chads Redux On Steroids (This Time, With Lots Of Street Violence!). 

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 11:05:52 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 20:


Here's George Formby's signature song: When I'm Cleaning Windows.

vxbush 9/11/2020 11:06:32 AM

In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: Are people really so stupid that they think the Russians are capable of hacking electronic voting machines?

Yes, they are that stupid. There are a lot of people out there who still believe everything spoon-fed to them by the MSM. 

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 11:10:14 AM

In #20 lucius septimius said: Wonder if they teach them this.

There are some classically British teeth on display in that bit.

I'm not familiar with the movie, is it taking place during World War (TOS)*, World War (TNG)*, or some other time?

* This nomenclature came to me upon awaking randomly at about 2:30 this morning, and I like it

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 11:10:55 AM

Reply to vxbush in 23:

It's interesting that, before they weaponized the "Russian hacking" lie against Trump, Obama & Co. were busily reassuring everyone that it was impossible to hack voting machines.

vxbush 9/11/2020 11:37:26 AM

In #25 buzzsawmonkey said: It's interesting that, before they weaponized the "Russian hacking" lie against Trump, Obama & Co. were busily reassuring everyone that it was impossible to hack voting machines.

Even though, right before the one of the recent elections, I think it was 2012, that it was more than easy to hack a voting machine with a USB flash drive. Plug in the drive, wait ten seconds, pull the drive out, and now the votes are what you want. 

vxbush 9/11/2020 11:40:32 AM

In #26 vxbush said: Even though, right before the one of the recent elections, I think it was 2012, that it was more than easy to hack a voting machine with a USB flash drive. Plug in the drive, wait ten seconds, pull the drive out, and now the votes are what you want. 

And there were stories in the MSM about this with the folks who could pull it off. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 11:43:50 AM

Trump announces a new Bahrain/Israel peace deal.

I persuaded the UAE
To make peace with the Israelis
Now I'll try it again
Mideast peace would be happenin'
Abbas his pants would be crappin' in
If I only had Bahrain!

---the new "Wizard of Oz"

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 12:13:45 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 28:


Tehran International Airport cash pallet-handlers hardest-hit. 

Occasional Reader 9/11/2020 12:21:07 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 28:

Can you say "preference cascade"? I knew you could!

And again: Donald Trump = most incompetent "Hitler" evah.

JCM 9/11/2020 2:10:05 PM
Seattle today

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 2:21:30 PM
Would it be terribly paranoid to wonder if the wildfires being set in our Western states were intended to disrupt the possibility of more-conservative voters casting their ballots?
lucius septimius 9/11/2020 2:32:25 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 32:

Well I notice that every news agency is going out of its way to declare as "false" the rumors that the fires were set by Antifa.  In today's climate, such makes one wonder.

midwestgak 9/11/2020 2:32:56 PM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: What a beautiful day 9/11 started as

In the suburbs of Chicago, the sky was cloudless blue, windless and the temperature was pleasantly comfortable.

lucius septimius 9/11/2020 2:47:54 PM
Schindler's List not diverse enough -- needs more transgendered characters.
doppelganglander 9/11/2020 2:55:05 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 33:

On the Left, every day is Opposite Day.

Then there's this, from @RBpundit on Twitter:

The Atlantic saying the Nobel should be abolished is proof that Donald Trump should win it.

midwestgak 9/11/2020 3:02:42 PM

"102 Min. That Changed America"

The History channel is airing it.  

Worth the watch

buzzsawmonkey 9/11/2020 3:10:02 PM

In #33 lucius septimius said: Well I notice that every news agency is going out of its way to declare as "false" the rumors that the fires were set by Antifa.  In today's climate, such makes one wonder.

If they're working that hard to set the narrative, that's a good indication that they are lying.

doppelganglander 9/11/2020 3:32:54 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 38:

Here's an animation of the Oregon fires. Notice the spike starting on September 7th, and the distance between those fires and the earlier ones. This is not a spread - it's a series of new fires.

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