9/18/2020 6:15:17 AM
Morning, campers.
9/18/2020 6:33:19 AM
Well, Morning Sedition was certainly pounding the race drums this morning. There was this attack on Donald Trump's announcement of a "1776" initiative to counter the pernicious "1619 Project." It was funny to hear all the good little Leftists that NPR had gathered intone about how, well, the federal government can't compel anyone to institute this, because education is local---after they've spent years pushing the wrongly-named "Common Core" from the federal level. And they manage to end the piece with a nice little invocation of "white supremacism," just for the cherry on top. This was followed by one the most beautiful examples of post hoc ergo propter hoc I've heard in a while---talking about how "redlining" has affected "the health" of poor-and-minority communities, even though the practice was outlawed half a century ago. One of the sneakiest things was the suggestion that said communities were flower-and-unicorn playgrounds before the introduction of redlining. Oh, really? Then I guess the height Jim Crow era wasn't really as bad as it's made out to be...or maybe, just maybe, it wasn't and isn't "redlining" that caused the problems. Both clips together only about 7 minutes.
Occasional Reader
9/18/2020 6:51:09 AM
In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: Both clips together only about 7 minutes. Pass. As I have mentioned before, I just can’t tolerate them anymore.
9/18/2020 6:56:09 AM
Something is wrong with last night's Pub thread. Supposedly 20 comments, stalls loading at 5.
9/18/2020 7:00:35 AM
In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: Something is wrong with last night's Pub thread. Supposedly 20 comments, stalls loading at 5. You simply aren't worthy to read those comments, peasant. ///////
Kosh's Shadow
9/18/2020 7:04:35 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5: Cat picture takes a long time to download
9/18/2020 7:13:11 AM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: Cat picture takes a long time to download Cute kitties? Must go see....
9/18/2020 7:15:04 AM
In #4 Occasional Reader said: As I have mentioned before, I just can’t tolerate them anymore. I don't disagree, but I still find keeping up with the propaganda useful, if sickening. I'd recommend that you grit your teeth through at least the first clip, however, simply because it deals with current school issues, and Little OR is of school age.
9/18/2020 7:24:40 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7: sorry.... *hangs head*
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 7:31:40 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:
Occasional Reader
9/18/2020 7:44:41 AM
In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: I'd recommend that you grit your teeth through at least the first clip, however, simply because it deals with current school issues, and Little OR is of school age.
OK, thanks. Crazy day here but will try to give a listen at some point.
9/18/2020 7:45:07 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11: Meeting of the minds?
Occasional Reader
9/18/2020 7:50:58 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11: Is that your cat? Very pretty cat.
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 7:52:20 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: A fat Russian Blue. Yep. He's booping Florestan, the Emotional Support Pangolin.
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 7:52:50 AM
In #13 vxbush said: Meeting of the minds? More booping of the noses.
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 7:56:47 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: There's also my son's ancient ol' bitch tabby. She likes to help, as you can see.
9/18/2020 8:06:27 AM
In #15 lucius septimius said: A fat Russian Blue. Yep. He's booping Florestan, the Emotional Support Pangolin. Russian Blues are just beautiful cats. Swoon-worthy.
Occasional Reader
9/18/2020 8:06:58 AM
In #15 lucius septimius said: A fat Russian Blue OMG RUSSIAN COLLUSION
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 8:28:20 AM
In #19 Occasional Reader said:
9/18/2020 8:31:50 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 20: The Ribbentrop Molotov Pact! The rioters throwing Molotov cocktails are justified!
9/18/2020 9:39:08 AM
Reply to vxbush in 18: I used to have one. They're beautiful.
9/18/2020 9:57:27 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 11: A Russian Blue? Best domesticated cat evah!
9/18/2020 10:03:50 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 22: So have I. Broad shouldered, broad headed and soft furred. Not to mention un-temperamental.
9/18/2020 10:13:52 AM
Trump Is Wrong About TikTok. China’s Plans Are Much More Sinister. Not so with its soft-power ambitions, whose growth has been much less noticed — at least until President Trump started picking a fight with Beijing. And yet these are much more intrusive, and potentially far more dangerous. The Chinese government is essentially forward-deploying and setting up various outposts within the United States and other developed democratic countries, in classrooms, boardrooms and bedrooms.
Occasional Reader
9/18/2020 11:59:29 AM
Reply to JCM in 25:
Tik Tok Is the warmest, kindest, bravest, most wonderful app I’ve ever known in my life.
Occasional Reader
9/18/2020 2:39:33 PM
To celebrate the end of the workweek, little OR and I just rocked out to “Panama“ by Van Halen.
Discussion question: was Van Halen a hair metal band, or something else?
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 2:41:31 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 27: Something else. This was my youngest when he was 3 rockin' out to Black Dog.
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 2:58:33 PM
Oh my ....
9/18/2020 3:06:36 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 29: Notice her right kneepad?
lucius septimius
9/18/2020 3:17:09 PM
Reply to midwestgak in 30: Yep. Classic.
9/18/2020 3:49:14 PM
After four hours of wrestling with formatting in Word, the app that thinks it knows what you want better than you do, I'm done. It may be past Labor Day, but it's still gin & tonic season at my house.
Kosh's Shadow
9/18/2020 4:16:33 PM
In #32 doppelganglander said: but it's still gin & tonic season at my house Gin? Cotton gin - slavery - RAAAACIST///////////
9/18/2020 4:25:22 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 32: MS is insufferable at times. Thinking it knows better than you do. I use a lot of .csv files to data transfers. Saving an .cvs takes four clicks, asking you twice if you really want to use .csv format. My biggest annoyance with then is every Windows update resets many default application preference. I use Acrobat Pro and MS reset .pdf to that POS Edge every update.
9/18/2020 4:30:45 PM
Reply to JCM in 34: I tend to think of that quality as a reflection of Bill Gates' personality. Just shut up and take the untested vaccine, peasant. In this case, I was dealing with a template whose content came from three different writers, including myself, who basically ignored the built-in formatting because it was terrible. And I foolishly volunteered to fix it.
Kosh's Shadow
9/18/2020 4:33:03 PM
In #34 JCM said: My biggest annoyance with then is every Windows update resets many default application preference. I use Acrobat Pro and MS reset .pdf to that POS Edge every update. I find Windows 10 PRO doesn't reset the preferences as often. But what annoys me is that Windows sucks up all the network bandwidth when it starts and when there is an update. I'm on DSL for reliability, and it makes internet access slow. Verizon wants towns to pay to subsidize fiber (FIOS). I think Microsoft should pay. But where I live, they'd have to replace the whole central office. But Microsoft can afford it.
Kosh's Shadow
9/18/2020 4:36:15 PM
In #35 doppelganglander said: I tend to think of that quality as a reflection of Bill Gates' personality. Just shut up and take the untested vaccine, peasant.
In this case, I was dealing with a template whose content came from three different writers, including myself, who basically ignored the built-in formatting because it was terrible. And I foolishly volunteered to fix it. Bill Gates seems to be going senile. He said the travel ban increased the transmission of COVID. And the various formatting methods in Word can be a pain. I had an outplacement firm (2002 when I got laid off) reformat my resume, using "New page after paragraph" instead of a page break, which made it very hard to add paragraphs without causing unwanted page breaks. Took me a while to fix it.
9/18/2020 4:39:49 PM
Justice Ginsburg has died. RIP.
9/18/2020 4:45:54 PM
Reply to midwestgak in 38: RIP indeed. Every time you think we've reached peak 2020, it tops itself.
9/18/2020 4:51:27 PM
In #39 doppelganglander said: Every time you think we've reached peak 2020, it tops itself. I'm still stunned. Ever higher the outcome of this election goes.
9/18/2020 4:55:34 PM
Pres. Trump is speaking now at a rally "peaceful protest" in Bemidji, MN. Hasn't mentioned Ginsburgs' death. He must not yet know himself.
9/18/2020 5:01:39 PM
Reply to midwestgak in 41: Would you want to try to interrupt him when he's on a roll? I hope he offers respectful condolences without mentioning her replacement in the same breath. Plenty of time for that later.
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