The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning Brunch

Posted on 10/04/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2020 1:56:34 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 10/4/2020 8:27:27 AM
Another beautiful day.  I think I may go take a walk after I go and get a couple things at the store.
PaladinPhil 10/4/2020 8:33:45 AM

Hate these times. You get sick and everyone starts panicking. Down with a bad flu currently and first thing work asks "Is it Covid?". Honestly it's hard to tell because the majority of the symptoms are similar. Still called it the flu because it's easier for everyone involved. Had a very high fever last night and it is finally breaking today.

The Squire is with his mother this weekend and I had to let her know that I will have to grab him tomorrow. Just in no shape to drive right now. It hurts to sit/stand and lie down.

Alice in Dairyland 10/4/2020 8:39:15 AM
JCM, I bet you were always one of those kids in school who handed in their homework assignments a day early weren't you!  Seriously, good job, nice to see your enthusiasm.
JCM 10/4/2020 8:41:08 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 3:

LOL! More like the one who didn't know which day it was due!

lucius septimius 10/4/2020 9:35:59 AM

Reply to JCM in 4: 

Homework?  What homework?

Occasional Reader 10/4/2020 10:15:12 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 2:

ummm May I gently suggest that your son stay with his mom for at least another day or two?

Occasional Reader 10/4/2020 10:17:09 AM

And just like that, my absolutely gorgeous friend A., who currently lives in Los Angeles, texted me at about 130 this morning to say,” surprise, I’m visiting the DC area, just arrived”. Well. That might rearrange some of my plans for this week.

Kosh's Shadow 10/4/2020 10:22:24 AM
JCM - with everything going on with your FIL, do you still want to do the daily threads this week?
turn 10/4/2020 10:28:20 AM

In #2 PaladinPhil said: The Squire is with his mother this weekend and I had to let her know

Darn it Phil, first the scare with Covid and now this. I hope you have a speedy recovery from whatever this bug is that ails you. Perhaps, if his mother is willing, it might be a good idea to distance yourself from the Squire for a day or two longer to assure that you aren’t infectious. I‘m sure you wouldn’t want to see it spread to him if it can at all be avoided.

At any rate ... get well soon.

Occasional Reader 10/4/2020 10:29:59 AM

In #9 turn said: distance yourself from the Squire for a day or two longer

If possible, I’d say at least five days. Or at the very least until you are asymptomatic, Phil.

turn 10/4/2020 10:31:39 AM

In #5 lucius septimius said: Homework?  What homework?

I believe Kosh left him the “homework assignment” of posting the pub and daily threads for the time being. Looks like he turned in today’s assignment at 4:00 AM! Thanks for filling in JCM, you get an A+ in my grade book :.)

PaladinPhil 10/4/2020 10:35:40 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

Over the worst now I think. Been getting the fever sweats today so should be fine.

turn 10/4/2020 10:35:54 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: ummm May I gently suggest that your son stay with his mom for at least another day or two?


Another day or two of distancing is in order if at all possible ... in my humble opinion.

lucius septimius 10/4/2020 10:36:42 AM

Reply to turn in 11:

Actually, I thinking of my own performance as a student.

Kosh's Shadow 10/4/2020 10:39:56 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 2:

Since you were just tested for COVID, looks like those symptoms were the flu. Take it as easy as possible.

turn 10/4/2020 10:40:12 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: If possible, I’d say at least five days. Or at the very least until you are asymptomatic, Phil.

In an ideal world, absolutely agree with you OR. Making sure it won’t be passed to the Squire takes priority, again IMO. 

turn 10/4/2020 10:42:40 AM

In #14 lucius septimius said: Actually, I thinking of my own performance as a student.

Oh I get it now, ha! Somehow I doubt you were that lackadaisical LS .... 

lucius septimius 10/4/2020 10:46:41 AM

Reply to turn in 17: 

In high school German I had the highest test grades, highest quiz grades, highest class participation grade by a parsec (you got points for sight translation), highest grade on my research paper, and an absolute 0 for homework.  My teacher was, to say the least, frustrated.

Occasional Reader 10/4/2020 10:47:18 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 12:

I still strongly, strongly, strongly recommend you arrange with his mom for her to keep him for a couple more days. I am merely a doctor of laws, not medicine, but I think it is highly likely you will be contagious for a couple more days, and you absolutely do not want your son to get this. Not to mention, that you need the rest yourself.

Occasional Reader 10/4/2020 10:50:24 AM

In #18 lucius septimius said: highest class participation grade by a parsec

... because of the speed at which you translated “Kessel” into “kettle”?

/possibly overly-recherché pun

turn 10/4/2020 10:56:59 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 18:

It would seem you just had a strong aversion to home work then. Although that must have been frustrating to your teachers, obviously it was no stumbling block to your more than thorough education :.)

PaladinPhil 10/4/2020 11:11:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

Wish I could really. She has her own life and things to do, and his school is here not there. Already booked off of work for tomorrow. 

doppelganglander 10/4/2020 11:34:55 AM

Reply to turn in 21:

I was the same way. I did as well in French as Lucius did in German, while distracting the three boys that sat near me. I worked out a deal with my teacher - as long as I got A's on the tests and quizzes, I didn't have to turn in homework.

Occasional Reader 10/4/2020 11:47:26 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 22:

is there anyone else who could take care of him while you more or less self isolate? Your wife, your mom, someone?

if not, much as I hate to say it, you should probably wear a mask while around your son for the next couple days, as well as disinfecting your hands, touch surfaces, etc. Even if this is “just“ the flu, you definitely don’t want him getting it.

turn 10/4/2020 12:12:09 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 23:

It has always seemed to me that you and LS have had a good deal of things in common, an aversion to homework adds to the list.

PaladinPhil 10/4/2020 1:31:21 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

Fucking hate the masks. Really, really, really hate them. Told the wife I am saving the masks we use at work and when this is all over BURN THE FUCKERS TO ASH..... 
Besides there's not much we can do to really isolate like that here. And we can't interrupt his routine too much. It would upset him and everyone around him.

lucius septimius 10/4/2020 2:40:42 PM
According to the libtards, Trump is actually dead already and they're hiding that fact.  Of course if he is dead, then we get to anoint Biden president right now, right?
Kosh's Shadow 10/4/2020 4:29:49 PM

In #27 lucius septimius said: 27 According to the libtards, Trump is actually dead already and they're hiding that fact. 

It was zombie Trump who visited supporters outside Walter Reed then

Shortly after sending out his tweet, the president made his surprise appearance when he briefly left the hospital and drove by, waved and gave a thumbs up to the groups of supporters gathered outside in Maryland before returning to Walter Reed shortly after.

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