The Daily Broadside

We're gettin' there! Thursday

Posted on 10/29/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 10/25/2020 7:18:51 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 10/29/2020 5:09:20 AM

A message from the Democratic Party:

vxbush 10/29/2020 6:25:11 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: A message from the Democratic Party:

Morning, OR. Do you think that ad will change anyone's mind? It seems like the sort of thing that is passed around by one political party because it's made to make them feel superior. There's nothing factually wrong about it, but the snark is graduate level in that one. It's designed to be humor, but I'm sure some folks will share it because they think it will change someone's vote. 

doppelganglander 10/29/2020 7:32:36 AM

Good morning! Dar'shun Kendrick, who thinks literal coyotes snatch Mexican children and carry them across the border, has a Twitter poll. Let's see how it's going.

Occasional Reader 10/29/2020 7:56:46 AM
So I see the religion of peace is up to its usual hijinks, in Nice, France.
vxbush 10/29/2020 7:57:10 AM

In #3 doppelganglander said: Good morning! Dar'shun Kendrick, who thinks literal coyotes snatch Mexican children and carry them across the border, has a Twitter poll. Let's see how it's going.

If I wasn't worried that Twitter is intentionally blocking access to her poll, I might believe that things look good for Trump's election. But I hold no such assumptions after their actions the last two weeks two months well, at least a year.  

JCM 10/29/2020 8:01:03 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Finally using Alinskly against them. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

turn 10/29/2020 8:27:36 AM
Good morning folks! I was pleasantly surprised by a spontaneous Trump rally on a busy intersection a mere half mile from my house last night. Several of the vehicles nearby me were honking and waving in support, as was I. Reassuring to see!
doppelganglander 10/29/2020 8:42:09 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

Why would Twitter shadowban her? She's one of theirs. She'll take down the poll when she realizes it's not going her way. Meanwhile, the mockery is delicious.

JCM 10/29/2020 8:44:08 AM

From the elections have consequences file.

'What about our rights?' Neighborhood near East Precinct voices concerns to police

These folks voted for the current gov't in Seattle.

vxbush 10/29/2020 8:48:07 AM

In #8 doppelganglander said: Why would Twitter shadowban her? She's one of theirs. She'll take down the poll when she realizes it's not going her way. Meanwhile, the mockery is delicious.

Just call it a gut intuition. They don't want to give Trump *any* help, and this poll does exactly that. Mockery is good; I just don't trust the power players in Silicon Valley. 

JCM 10/29/2020 9:01:35 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

I posted this in the pub last night.

Ted Cruz BODIES Twitter’s CEO in Senate Hearing, Sets Trap He Didn't See Coming

Starts with.

Cruz: Do you think Twitter influences elections.

Dorsey: No.

Cruz: So why do you block Tweets you disagree with?


doppelganglander 10/29/2020 9:06:35 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

Zing! Reminds me of the argument about violent TV shows and video games. If people aren't influenced by what's on screen, why do advertisers pay billions to get their products in front of viewers?

JCM 10/29/2020 9:12:16 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:

It only got worse for Dorsey after that. 

doppelganglander 10/29/2020 9:24:55 AM

Reply to JCM in 13:

When you're so blinded by left-wing ideology that you trash your immensely profitable business model. You want to lose Section 230 protection? Keep it up.

turn 10/29/2020 9:48:36 AM

In #13 JCM said: It only got worse for Dorsey after that. 

Apparently he doesn’t give a damn ...


Twitter suspended U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan for a post celebrating the success of the U.S. southern border wall keeping violent criminals from reaching American communities.

According to screenshots shared exclusively with The Federalist, Twitter locked Morgan’s account Wednesday afternoon for apparently violating platform rules governing “hateful conduct” after the commissioner attempted to tweet about the wall’s benefits


Kosh's Shadow 10/29/2020 10:01:37 AM

Reply to turn in 15:

But despite the official announcement that Twitter bans Holocaust denial, Dorsey says it doesn't. So what is "hate speech"? Whatever speech leftists hate.

turn 10/29/2020 10:10:53 AM

In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: So what is "hate speech"? Whatever speech leftists hate.

And when they get caught red handed in censorship, as Dorsey has, they skate by in saying “we made a mistake” then continue on as if it’s business as usual. 

JCM 10/29/2020 10:20:16 AM

Reply to turn in 15:

I find it ironically amusing. People like Dorsey go absolutely ape shit about censorship, repression of the media when Trump criticizes the media. He does nothing active, just makes a criticism.

The when Dorsey actively suppresses items he doesn't like, sees nothing wrong with it.

These same people also see propaganda and media control as something exclusively of the right, while they engage in it from the left.

When we then draw comparisons to other leftist tyrannies they argue, "oh that couldn't happen here".

In doing so they close the circle on how you get people in those tyranny who are willing to repress the public dicourse.

The separation between Dorsey and Goebbels is minimal.

turn 10/29/2020 10:22:35 AM

In #17 turn said: And when they get caught red handed in censorship, as Dorsey has, they skate by in saying “we made a mistake” then continue on as if it’s business as usual. 


Dorsey tried to claim it was all a mistake that had been fixed, but The Post account remained locked, even as he spoke.

“Can the New York Post post on their Twitter account?” Cruz asked.

“If they go into their account …,” squirmed Dorsey, before Cruz cut him off.

“No, is your answer to that,” fumed Cruz, “unless they genuflect and agree with your dictates.”

This, from the NYP today.


turn 10/29/2020 10:27:35 AM

In #18 JCM said: The when Dorsey actively suppresses items he doesn't like, sees nothing wrong with it.

Yup, blinded by his own ideology. He doesn’t play by the rules of freedom of speech, he creates his own rules ... he’s that powerful, and dangerous.

Occasional Reader 10/29/2020 10:52:51 AM


JCM 10/29/2020 11:11:29 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:

They've never paid attention to the tale of the Frog and the Scorpion have they?

vxbush 10/29/2020 11:25:56 AM

In #21 Occasional Reader said:

There's a part of me that goes, "Why did you allow others to take control of what you created?" But I have to at least give him credit for pulling back the curtain to show what is going on. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/29/2020 12:28:03 PM

It's too damn bad America doesn't have an empire.  When the British had an empire, they could send their surplus middle class out to the colonies to grow rubber, fight natives, and die of fever. 

We don't have that, so we stick our surplus middle class into useless middle management, or give them "social work" degrees, so that they can impede progress at home.

Kosh's Shadow 10/29/2020 12:53:14 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: We don't have that, so we stick our surplus middle class into useless middle management, or give them "social work" degrees, so that they can impede progress at home.

They teach "gender studies" and critical race theory

turn 10/29/2020 1:45:59 PM

From OR’s #21 ... The deep state is hard at work in the final days before the election. Wow is right OR!


buzzsawmonkey 10/29/2020 1:51:40 PM

Finally---actual proof that Trump is a dictator!

a) Trump is referred to as "the Orange Man."

b) There is a franchise/drink called "Orange Julius," which used to be centered in New York.

c) Trump is from New York.

d) Julius Caesar was the first dictator of Rome.

e) Trump, the "Orange Man," is actually an "Orange Julius."

Geez, do I have to draw ya a picture?

turn 10/29/2020 2:02:36 PM

In #27 buzzsawmonkey said: Geez, do I have to draw ya a picture?

Somebody beat you to it.

JCM 10/29/2020 2:45:25 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 27:


Just like Hitler!

turn 10/29/2020 2:54:08 PM

Reply to turn in 26:

Documents found, deep state false alarm. Still seems suspicious...

“After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return,” the spokesman said. “UPS will always focus first on our customers, and will never stop working to solve issues and make things right.”


Kosh's Shadow 10/29/2020 4:45:22 PM

In #30 turn said:

They found the documents after the Dems copied them so they can have rebuttals, assuming the media will even let it get out at all. Fox' Twitter page will get blocked, too.

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