lucius septimius
11/6/2020 5:54:15 AM
Speaking of which, I need to venture out and buy some food.
11/6/2020 6:22:02 AM
In #1 lucius septimius said: Speaking of which, I need to venture out and buy some food. Nah, food's overrated. ///////
11/6/2020 6:35:58 AM
Absolutely amazing the way the NPR talking heads reflexively refer to Trump's claims of vote fraud as "baseless," rather than merely calling them what they are: allegations, or maybe accusations. They're really following the Goebbels playbook of "repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth"; they're doing their best to embed the "baseless," on, may I point out, actually-baseless grounds, so that their audience and its ripple-effect spheres of influence will be prepared beforehand to reject any factual or legal findings supporting the existence of fraud.
11/6/2020 6:56:17 AM
News headline: Biden takes lead in PA & GA.
11/6/2020 7:13:10 AM
In #4 turn said: News headline: Biden takes lead in PA & GA. Why is there no vote total for Alaska? What's up with that? Last I saw, the number of votes reported hadn't changed since late Tuesday.
11/6/2020 7:16:46 AM
Found a peanut ballot, Found a ballot, Found a ballot, just now Just now I found a ballot Found a ballot just now It was mailed in, It was mailed in, It was mailed in, just now Just now it was mailed in It was mailed in just now There's no postmark, There's no postmark, There's no postmark just now Just now there is no postmark There's no postmark just now Count it anyway, Count it anyway, Count it anyway, just now Just now we'll count it anyway Count it anyway just now It's for Biden, It's for Biden, It's for Biden, just now Just now it is for Biden It's for Biden just now There's no vote fraud, There's no vote fraud, There's no vote fraud just now Just now there is no vote fraud There's no vote fraud just now ---old camp song
11/6/2020 7:18:54 AM
Reply to vxbush in 5: I haven’t been paying attention to Alaska, I have no idea.
11/6/2020 7:23:33 AM
In #4 turn said: News headline: Biden takes lead in PA & GA. The margins for Biden now won’t likely be undone should a statewide recount take place.
11/6/2020 7:28:18 AM
Reply to turn in 4: I see it's time to start drinking......
11/6/2020 7:31:08 AM
In #9 JCM said: I see it's time to start drinking......
The writings on the wall.
lucius septimius
11/6/2020 7:40:05 AM
Welcome to Communism!
11/6/2020 7:45:34 AM
In #11 lucius septimius said: Welcome to Communism! With the squishes in Congress it won’t be long.
11/6/2020 8:02:04 AM
Reply to turn in 4: I am absolutely disgusted with Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensberger. They have done nothing to ensure the votes are being counted fairly. We have two runoff elections that will determine the balance of the Senate and they're leaving the door wide open to more fraud. Beyond that, Stacey Abrams will use the same fraud machine to steal the governor's mansion in '22. And Kemp will totally deserve it for failing to stand up for Trump.
11/6/2020 8:17:50 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 13: SoS has announced a complete recount. That's fine but they need to try to identify fraudulent ballots as well.
11/6/2020 8:27:42 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 14:
Recount now means the (D)s know how many ballots need to be "found".
11/6/2020 8:27:55 AM
In #14 doppelganglander said: SoS has announced a complete recount. That's fine but they need to try to identify fraudulent ballots as well. I saw the explanation yesterday about what happened in Michigan from Andrew McCarthy's article on it. Here's the key paragraph about how the election law was set up: Look at what happened in Pennsylvania. In 2019, the state legislature enacted a bipartisan compromise bill that accommodated the Democrats’ agenda to liberalize mail-in voting and extend the time frame for submitting mail-in ballots while respecting Republican concerns about election integrity. Then this spring, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, the legislature made further accommodations on a bipartisan basis. In each round of law-making, however, the legislature retained the mandate that all ballots must be received by the county boards of elections by 8:00 on Election Day — which itself was an extension of pre-2019 Pennsylvania law, under which the deadline was 5:00 the Friday before Election Day. But then they went to court to extend the deadline even more: Yet, as is their wont, Democrats ostensibly compromised to get Republican concessions in the legislative process but then went to court — in a state where they control the courts — to claw back their own concession on the Election Day deadline. And sure enough, they got the state supreme court not only to extend the state-law deadline for three days, but also to issue a diktat that ballots without a postmark (i.e., either unmarked or illegibly marked) are to be treated as if they were submitted on or before November 3. They fight for every single step of what they want. Republicans don't, but that's because they want to follow the law.
11/6/2020 8:30:01 AM
Reply to vxbush in 16: Grrr. Typo. Pennsylvania, not Michigan. Got my articles crossed.
11/6/2020 8:37:23 AM
In #16 vxbush said: They fight for every single step of what they want. Republicans don't, but that's because they want to follow the law. The Republicans constantly behave the way I did the first time I was mugged. When I was in college, my roommate and I decided to go bar-crawling one weekend. As we were leaving one establishment, we were approached by a couple of guys about our own age who asked if we could give them a ride in the direction we were going. Sure, why not? So we did. When we got down to where they said they wanted to be let off, they jumped us, wielding a wrench, and tried to rob us. My roommate---more experienced than I in violence from some incidents in his high-school years---had the good sense to immediately take off; I'd never experienced anything like this, and my immediate reaction was, "Surely we can discuss this." This left me with the two of them, one with the wrench, the other with the aerial from the car which he'd broken off and commenced whipping me with. Fortunately, at this juncture my roommate returned with some assistance and, faced with the prospect of additional force, the assailants took off. The Democrats behave like the assailants when they want something. The Republicans, alas, remain mired in "surely we can discuss this."
11/6/2020 8:45:36 AM
I'm not sure what, if anything, people can do at this point, but I think we do need to get a little more "Let freedom ring" and a little less "Let's hand-wring" in our attitude.
11/6/2020 8:48:44 AM
Reply to vxbush in 16: And Chief Justice Roberts upheld it. I am over that snake in the grass.
lucius septimius
11/6/2020 8:49:58 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 19: There's nothing we can do but hope that President Harris's first year is so bloody awful that the Communists get trounced in the midterms. Which won't happen because with Trump gone the GOP will go back to being the Palooka Party.
11/6/2020 8:56:45 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 21: I think the wisdom of Puddleglum the Marsh-Wiggle, in CS Lewis's The Silver Chair, is on point here. You'll recall that Puddleglum, Eustace and Jill are being held captive and brainwashed by magic by the witch who has enslaved Prince Rilian. She is convincing them that there is no sun, no "overworld," no Narnia, no Aslan, and that her dismal underground domain is the only one. Puddleglum, in a heroic effort, stamps out her enchanted fire with his bare foot, and says, "What you say may all be true, but if this is your world I'd say it's a pretty poor one. Therefore, I'm going to live as much like a Narnian as I can, even if there isn't any Narnia, and I'm on the side of Aslan even if there isn't any Aslan."
11/6/2020 9:02:18 AM
In #16 vxbush said: Then this spring, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, I firmly believe that had it not been for the “pandemic” we’d be looking at an undisputed Trump victory right now. It changed everything, and the Democrats capitalized on it.
Occasional Reader
11/6/2020 9:04:28 AM
In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: my immediate reaction was, "Surely we can discuss this." This left me with the two of them, one with the wrench, the other with the aerial from the car which he'd broken off and commenced whipping me with. You shouldn’t have called them “Shirley”.
11/6/2020 9:06:57 AM
In #24 Occasional Reader said: You shouldn’t have called them “Shirley”.
Too late to correct it now...
11/6/2020 9:07:03 AM
In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: I'm not sure what, if anything, people can do at this point, but I think we do need to get a little more "Let freedom ring" and a little less "Let's hand-wring" in our attitude. I’m trying to remain positive buzz but I’m still in shock, it’s going to take me awhile for this to sink in.
11/6/2020 9:07:55 AM
In #23 turn said: I firmly believe that had it not been for the “pandemic” we’d be looking at an undisputed Trump victory right now. It changed everything, and the Democrats capitalized on it. Let me put on my conspiracy hat here for a minute.... [hat on] wasn't it a bit too convenient? I mean, could they possibly plan something so perfect to help them out as that? [takes hat off]
11/6/2020 9:18:35 AM
Here, in the deep blue Left coast, there is only one statewide elected office holder. She is okay. Not great, not even good, but we at least got an okay R politician. The government schools and the network media have destroyed the minds of the people here. The hard slog back will take some time. i am glad that Trump has the personality required to fight his battle. That is why I voted FOR him this time around. He won’t preemptively surrender like we have come to expect of Republicans. on the local level here, if the battle is to be fought at all, it will have to be to do something about the schools and the city governments. Our mail in voting is a serious problem. We have seen these last minute vote dumps here before in WA. We need to audit the vote and the registrations some how.
pick a winnable battle. that is where we can make some progress.
11/6/2020 9:20:43 AM
In #27 vxbush said: Let me put on my conspiracy hat here for a minute.... IMO you can keep the conspiracy hat on. It’s not a stretch to believe the virus was “engineered” by China for just such a purpose and that the science “experts” at WHO that advised the “lockdown” were in on it as well.
11/6/2020 9:30:51 AM
I think that we also have to think about the “nice people” problem. one of the principal victories of the left is that have shaped people’s minds to think that Democrats are nice people and Republicans are mean people. so naturally, people wanting to be perceived as nice, identify as Democrats. This further breaks down to accepting Democrat policies as being good because nice people only do good things. that bubble needs to be popped.
Occasional Reader
11/6/2020 9:38:33 AM
Reply to Syrah in 30:
You'd think that months of videos of Democrat/pro-Democrat thugs assaulting people for perceived Ungoodthink would've popped that bubble already. But, apparently not.
Hey, speaking of which; so if it's confirmed that Joe von Hindenburg "won", when, where and how do we kick off the right-wing rioting? What's that? Waddya mean, "there will be no right-wing rioting"?
11/6/2020 9:47:59 AM
Reply to Syrah in 30: A big part of the problem is that we as nice, polite Republicans, have been too willing to avoid pointing out to our neighbors, friends and family that they are being mean and selfish when they advocate socialist solutions to problems. we need to be more willing to call people out, at the street level, when they mindlessly repeat what the Democrat machine tells them to repeat. when they advocate raising taxes, we need to challenge them. Not by telling them that they are wrong, but making them defend themselves on why they think they are right. Too often they don’t know shit about the topics they pontificate on and that gives us openings to get them to challenge their preconceptions about Democrats being nice and Democrat polices being good. an easy one for us now is the “defund the police” lunacy that the left Democrats are pushing. That stuff should be an easy one to challenge our meatworld associates with. “What do you think that will mean for you?” - “What will our town look like in ten years if the laws against violence are no longer enforced?” Etc. never “tell them what you think will happen”. Make them defend what they think will happen. never tell. Always ask. Put them on the defensive, not maliciously, but to break the hold that the left has on their minds.
11/6/2020 9:57:02 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 31: What does “right wing” rioting even look like?
11/6/2020 10:04:30 AM
Votes that were mail-in all "transitioned" to Democrat. "Transgenderism" has really come into its own, hasn't it?
Occasional Reader
11/6/2020 10:10:07 AM
In #34 buzzsawmonkey said: "Transgenderism" has really come into its own, hasn't it? As far as I am aware, they have not yet achieve the achieve the level of sex reassignment surgery that would allow transgenders to “come into their own”; But I could be wrong...
11/6/2020 10:13:28 AM
In #35 Occasional Reader said: As far as I am aware, they have not yet achieve the achieve the level of sex reassignment surgery that would allow transgenders to “come into their own”; But I could be wrong...
I was speaking politically, referring to how all the mail-ins managed to "transition" to Democrat.
11/6/2020 10:23:56 AM
Declassify Everything and publish it. Put it all up on the Whitehouse Website. Make it impossible for the deep-state and the media to hide. Scorched earth can be fun.
Occasional Reader
11/6/2020 11:06:39 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 36: yes, I know. I was attempting to make a pun, I guess it did not quite fire.
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 11:28:30 AM
In #33 Syrah said: What does “right wing” rioting even look like? Well, there have been right-wing riots elsewhere, not that many years ago, and we are approaching the anniversary of well-known ones. Kristallnacht
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 11:29:28 AM
In #39 Kosh's Shadow said: Well, there have been right-wing riots elsewhere, not that many years ago, and we are approaching the anniversary of well-known ones.
Kristallnacht Although here, that has started, by BLM.
Occasional Reader
11/6/2020 11:33:09 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 40: as I have mentioned before here: I have seen with my own eyes businesses here in DC that are boarded up, and also tagged with graffiti by their owners, identifying them as “#MinorityOwned“. if I’m not mistaken, German shopkeepers took to posting signs on their shops back in the days that you cite identifying the shops as “not Jewish“. Same thing, basically.
11/6/2020 11:35:58 AM
What's the difference between 9/11 Truthers and Democrats in 2020? 9/11 Truthers think that the WTC is the first time that fire has melted steel. Democrats in 2020 think that their stealing can extinguish fire.
lucius septimius
11/6/2020 12:07:04 PM
In #41 Occasional Reader said: if I’m not mistaken, German shopkeepers took to posting signs on their shops back in the days that you cite identifying the shops as “not Jewish“. Same thing, basically.
Coming to a neighborhood near you: Trumpers nicht erwuenscht.
11/6/2020 12:57:19 PM
Time to start referring to Joe von Hindenburg as the Affirmative-Action Candidate™.
Just as affirmative-action admittees to college cannot get into the schools that accept them without a big fat thumb on the admission "scales," in the form of improperly weighting test scores, Joe von Hindenburg could never have been designated president-select without a big fat thumb on the vote tallies in the form of massive fraud.
Everyone knows it---the Leftist cowards who are tinnily denying it most of all.
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 1:18:24 PM
In #22 buzzsawmonkey said: Puddleglum, in a heroic effort, stamps out her enchanted fire with his bare foot, and says, "What you say may all be true, but if this is your world I'd say it's a pretty poor one. Therefore, I'm going to live as much like a Narnian as I can, even if there isn't any Narnia, and I'm on the side of Aslan even if there isn't any Aslan." That attitude will serve well in the Gulag
11/6/2020 1:19:34 PM
I went down to the polls for to cast my vote I went to vote in person for fear that the vote might be stolen Sto-sto-sto-stolen They gave me a ballot, and I filled it in And they said, "All right, thank you, yes and now we're rollin'--- Ro-ro-ro-rollin" Well, I'm not the world's most suspicious guy But if you ask me, I don't believe they were accurately pollin' Po-po-po-pollin'... ---apologies to the Kinks, and "Lola"
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 1:34:48 PM
Soon, I will be violating one of Governor Baker's COVID rules - I will take the dogs for their long time outside, and get the mail from the roadside mailbox, WITHOUT WEARING A MASK! Yes, we are now supposed to wear masks 100% of the time outside, no matter how far away you are from anyone else. A Hahvahd epidemiologist calls the rule "Pandemic theater". Fortunately, it is up to local police and health officials to enforce the rule. They aren't likely to bother in this case.
lucius septimius
11/6/2020 1:39:31 PM
Smells like the folks downstairs just fired one up.
11/6/2020 2:11:37 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 47:
Glitch? Bite me. This is way no software should touch ballot counting. Paper ballots. Electro-optical-mechanical counting.
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 2:13:22 PM
In #50 JCM said: Paper ballots. Electro-optical-mechanical counting. "Make sure the Democrat counters are properly lubricated, and sprinkle this power in the Republican ones"
11/6/2020 2:19:27 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 51: Heh. At least then it is easier to find tampering.
lucius septimius
11/6/2020 2:22:32 PM
In #51 Kosh's Shadow said: "Make sure the Democrat counters are properly lubricated, and sprinkle this power in the Republican ones" The chalice with the palace has the votes for Biden, but the flagon with the dragon has the votes that are true.
Alice in Dairyland
11/6/2020 2:49:09 PM
In #28 Syrah said: i am glad that Trump has the personality required to fight his battle. I agree with you Syrah. This ain't over by a long shot. Keep believing in him, I do.
Alice in Dairyland
11/6/2020 2:49:52 PM
In #33 Syrah said: What does “right wing” rioting even look like? I think you have to bring a casserole or something.
11/6/2020 3:02:46 PM
Our new Los Angeles County District Attorney is planning on "fast tracking" charging affidavits and all other court motions in order to expeditre and support successful diversion, treatment and reentry. He is also planning to have all of his staff spend at least one day inside an L.A. County detention facility or state prison as it is essential that every prosecutor have an accurate picture of what punishment and incarceration looks, feels, tastes and smells like. I got a few tears in my eyes when the incumbent concedid today. She cried a little bit too.
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 3:23:10 PM
In #56 @PBJ3 said: He is also planning to have all of his staff spend at least one day inside an L.A. County detention facility or state prison as it is essential that every prosecutor have an accurate picture of what punishment and incarceration looks, feels, tastes and smells like. They should also find out what being a victim of crime is like, and with policies like these, they will be more likely to get the chance.
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 3:40:47 PM
Need a new novel, 2024 Still have 5 minutes hate - for Zionists "The electricity ration has been increased from 4 hours per day to 3 hours" Instead of Victory Gin we have Anti-Racist Vodka, and instead of Victory Stew, Surrender vegan stew. Surrender is peace! Systemic Racism is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength!
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 3:53:42 PM
In #58 Kosh's Shadow said: Instead of Victory Gin we have Anti-Racist Vodka, and instead of Victory Stew, Surrender vegan stew. Inner Party members will have Planned Provisionhood Stu
11/6/2020 4:26:43 PM
I am really sick of the words "baseless allegations" coming from the people that brought us, "Russian Collusion","Not My President", and "Stolen Election".
Alice in Dairyland
11/6/2020 4:39:46 PM
Reply to Fish in 60: The media acts like Trump is delusional or just makes stuff up. I get so mad every time another example of the Dem cheating/fraud comes out, but I have to remind myself each incident is more ammunition for his lawyers.
Kosh's Shadow
11/6/2020 4:49:26 PM
Reply to Fish in 60: In 2024, there is no Ministry of Truth. It is the Mainstream Media of Truth.
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