12/2/2020 5:16:32 AM
I allowed myself to be nagged into getting a flu shot, something I've only done intermittently over the years. IF YOU GET ONE, do NOT let them stick you (so to speak) with the "enhanced shot for over-65s," which they did to me. Hardly felt it going in---and then late in the evening yesterday I started getting chills, fever, some nice sore feelings on either side of my neck, all in addition to the actual puncture starting to feel sore. Avoid the "enhanced" shots.
12/2/2020 5:33:07 AM
Morning, campers. First task of the day: Submit a bug report for a piece of software on campus that doesn't always work from home. Fabulous.
12/2/2020 5:34:39 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: I allowed myself to be nagged into getting a flu shot, something I've only done intermittently over the years.
IF YOU GET ONE, do NOT let them stick you (so to speak) with the "enhanced shot for over-65s," which they did to me. Hardly felt it going in---and then late in the evening yesterday I started getting chills, fever, some nice sore feelings on either side of my neck, all in addition to the actual puncture starting to feel sore.
Avoid the "enhanced" shots. Sounds like the "enhanced" shot has actual flu virus in it, as opposed to what most flu shots are today. As an aside: Isn't that an awful lot of green stuff in the breakfast picture, and isn't this a group that touts the great virtues of bacon? There seems to be a disconnect--but maybe JCM is trying to broaden our breakfast horizons.
12/2/2020 5:37:47 AM
In #3 vxbush said: Sounds like the "enhanced" shot has actual flu virus in it, as opposed to what most flu shots are today. I figure I was just shot up with covid, since they're trying to kill off all us oldsters in New York.
lucius septimius
12/2/2020 6:41:59 AM
Oldest boy's ancient cat passed away last night. 2020 strikes again.
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 6:51:59 AM
In #3 vxbush said: Sounds like the "enhanced" shot has actual flu virus in it, as opposed to what most flu shots are today.
No, it just has four times the antigen of the regular shot.
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 6:54:35 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: Avoid the "enhanced" shots.
I'd want to do some research on that. The logic is that older people need a higher exposure to the flu strain antigen in order to generate an effective immune response. The side effects may be worth it.
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 6:56:33 AM
In other medical news, I went to my physical therapy for my knee surgery recovery yesterday, and the therapist was very happy with my progress (as am I). My quad strength is much, much better - I can now do straight leg raises with the affected leg almost normally; I coultdn't do even one, three weeks ago. On the other hand, my ability to bend my knee is coming along more slowly, but she said that's normal.
12/2/2020 7:04:07 AM
There is nothing like a nap! Nothing in the world--- When you're feeling just like crap, There ain't anything beats a nap! ---from the popular musical, "South Brooklyn"
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 7:17:16 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:
My senior year of college, there were two attractive Danish girls who occasionally showed up hanging around a pub that my group frequented. Whenever we spotted them, we burst lustily [ahem] into a rendition of "There's Nothin' Like a Dane".
12/2/2020 7:20:23 AM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: I'd want to do some research on that. The logic is that older people need a higher exposure to the flu strain antigen in order to generate an effective immune response. The side effects may be worth it. 4 times the dose? I'm now curious what research went into determining this. Like I have time to actually read it.....
12/2/2020 7:21:20 AM
In #8 Occasional Reader said: My quad strength is much, much better - I can now do straight leg raises with the affected leg almost normally; I coultdn't do even one, three weeks ago. On the other hand, my ability to bend my knee is coming along more slowly, but she said that's normal. Good news, all around. Are they giving you more difficult exercises to work on that knee mobility yet?
12/2/2020 7:42:25 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 8: Glad to hear it. The BF's surgeon did not insist on him going to PT so of course he didn't. I think he would be recovering more quickly if he had, but he's very pig-headed.
lucius septimius
12/2/2020 8:07:58 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 10: So did you get to go a-Viking?
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 8:22:03 AM
In #12 vxbush said: Are they giving you more difficult exercises to work on that knee mobility yet?
Yes, and I'll be interested to see what the Doc says this afternoon. I'd love to do without the full leg brace, as soon as/as often as practicable. (But one big advance is that I'm doing my exercises without the thing.)
lucius septimius
12/2/2020 8:24:45 AM
R.I.P. Walter Williams.
Kosh's Shadow
12/2/2020 8:27:28 AM
While I wait for my wife to finish at the dentist, repost from last night: On a more serious note, The Democrats have agreed to redefine Judaism as progressivism and anti-Semitism as everything that isn’t progressive The New York Times‘ Jonathan Weisman made the claim in a comprehensive way in his 2018 book (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump. Weisman’s essential argument in his book was that being Jewish means being progressive and everything that isn’t progressive is anti-Semitic. By this definition, Ilhan Omar and Tlaib are Jews, and Trump, the Republicans, Netanyahu and Israel as a whole are anti-Semites. Jewish progressives have internalized Weisman’s message.
lucius septimius
12/2/2020 8:29:41 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: In the words of the arch-anti-Semite Karl Lueger, "I decide who is a Jew."
12/2/2020 8:29:57 AM
In #15 Occasional Reader said: (But one big advance is that I'm doing my exercises without the thing.) Ah, yes, that's when the work *really* begins.
Kosh's Shadow
12/2/2020 8:30:15 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9: Jukebox
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 8:35:36 AM
In #19 vxbush said: Ah, yes, that's when the work *really* begins. I faced my first set of straight leg raises without using the brace with some trepidation; but actually, they were pretty easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 8:39:02 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: “ Like his former boss, Blinken is faithful to the view that the Palestinians are the strategic nerve center of the Middle East. That without their agreement, it is impossible—or if possible, wrong—for Arab states to make peace with Israel.”
that statement is both astonishing, and sadly true. There is that video clip of John Kerry angrily denying that there could, or *should*, be Middle East peace unless the Palestinians are happy. Unbelievable. So Middle East peace is held hostage by Hamas, etc.
Kosh's Shadow
12/2/2020 8:50:38 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 22: Winking at the Palestinians' Jew hatred, Blinken nods at their terrorism
12/2/2020 8:53:02 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: ++++++
12/2/2020 8:53:18 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23: ++++++++
12/2/2020 8:54:17 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: I still would like to see someone design a rockin' fish dish called "Salmon Dave."
12/2/2020 8:57:27 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 16: Sorry to hear that. I enjoyed his work.
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 9:10:43 AM
In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: Winking at the Palestinians' Jew hatred, Blinken nods at their terrorism
I can't wait until Blitzer interview Blinken; it'll really put me in a Christmas mood.
"But do you recall... the most famous Jew-hater of all...."
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 9:15:49 AM
So, in lesser news, but that is indicative of our insane times; apparently the actress Ellen Page has now declared that she is a man named Elliot Page. And, of course, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc. all immediately fell in line, referring to her as a him.
So, "he" is now a... gay man... married to a lesbian woman. Or something.
12/2/2020 9:33:06 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 29: Turning a Page in the story of life...
Kosh's Shadow
12/2/2020 9:34:48 AM
In #29 Occasional Reader said: So, "he" is now a... gay man... married to a lesbian woman. Or something. So what does his/her/its partner do now that as a lesbian she finds herself married to a "guy"?
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 9:53:47 AM
I just had a Eureka moment.
We could combine the Progs' love of plastic bag bans, with their love of mask mandates; and arrange for the issuance of a mandate that everyone wear plastic bags on their faces.
The Progs would rush to virtue-signal their obedient compliance.
And the problem then solves itself.
12/2/2020 9:55:28 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 31: TMI
12/2/2020 9:56:15 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 32:
Kosh's Shadow
12/2/2020 10:11:28 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 32: See yesterday's thread. I suggested the same thing
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 10:51:25 AM
Reply to JCM in 34:
Whoever she is, I'd be willing to sit down with her over a drink, or perhaps dinner, and explain why that mask is a bad idea.
Occasional Reader
12/2/2020 10:52:15 AM
In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: See yesterday's thread. I suggested the same thing
You stole the idea from me. I mean, ex ante. Or something.
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